Doubly charged Higgs at LHC

1997, Nuclear Physics B

We have investigated production of doubly charged Higgs particles ∆ ++ L,R via W W fusion process in proton-proton collisions at LHC energies in the framework of the leftright symmetric model. The production cross section of the right-triplet Higgs ∆ ++ R is for representative values of model parameters at femtobarn level. The discovery reach depends on the mass of the right-handed gauge boson W R . At best ∆ ++ R mass up to 2.4 TeV are achievable within one year run. For ∆ ++ L the corresponding limit is 1.75 TeV which depends on the value of the left-triplet vev v L . Comparison with Drell-Yan pair production processes shows that studies of the W W fusion processes extend the discovery reach of LHC roughly by a factor of two. The main experimental signal of a produced ∆ ++ L,R would be a hard same-sign lepton pair. There will be no substantial background due to the Standard Model (SM) interactions, since in the SM a same-sign lepton pair will always be associated with missing energy, i.e. neutrinos, due to lepton number conservation.