Demotivation in English Language Courses



The study aims to fi.nd out the factors of demotivation, which hinder the learning of the students in English language courses in Bangladesh. Even after learning English as a compulsory subject for twelve years in ,schools, students enter into university with a poor knowledge of English. Eventually, most of the students are found to be demotivated in the fuiilamental English language courses at the tertiaty level and usually teachers are blamed for the demotiyation of the learners. However, teachers might not be the sole reason for making the students unwilling to learn. This study assumes that often students are demotivated to learn because of their own barriers, which is sometimes psychological. They do not learn because of their unwilling nature towards studies. For the purpose of the research, data were obtained through structured long -interviews both with the students studying at the tertiary level and the English language teachers teaching them. Afterwards, findings and necessaty solutions are offered.