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The study aims to fi.nd out the factors of demotivation, which hinder the learning of the students in English language courses in Bangladesh. Even after learning English as a compulsory subject for twelve years in ,schools, students enter into university with a poor knowledge of English. Eventually, most of the students are found to be demotivated in the fuiilamental English language courses at the tertiaty level and usually teachers are blamed for the demotiyation of the learners. However, teachers might not be the sole reason for making the students unwilling to learn. This study assumes that often students are demotivated to learn because of their own barriers, which is sometimes psychological. They do not learn because of their unwilling nature towards studies. For the purpose of the research, data were obtained through structured long -interviews both with the students studying at the tertiary level and the English language teachers teaching them. Afterwards, findings and necessaty solutions are offered.
The English teacher, 2017
In the area of second/foreign language learning, learner demotivation is a relatively recent issue, and less investigated individual difference compared to learner motivation. This paper reports a study attempted to identify the sources of demotivation experienced at higher secondary (HS) level in the context of Bangladeshi education, and the impacts of those demotivators on their subsequent academic performance at university level. To collect qualitative data an interview guide was developed based on the L2 demotivation factors listed by Dоrnyei (2001). The original set of items, however, was modified in order to adjust with Bangladeshi context of education. A total of 36 students from three different universities were interviewed to understand the underlying sources of demotivation. From the analysis seven factors were indicated, in descending order: Teachers, Students’ past experiences, Private tutors, Attitude of group members, School facilities, Textbooks, and Students’ and the...
Jurnal Pendidikan Humaniora, 2018
: Students’ demotivation is an area which is not widely reached from studies. It is essential to revover the students’ demotivation factors in learning English. 240 ninth grade of junior high schools students were taken part. There were four factors of demotivation, they were seen from teacher, classmates, text books and activities, and students’ characteristics aspects. Key Word s: students’ demotivation, learning English, perceptions Abstrak : Demotivasi siswa merupakan topik yang belum begitu tersentuh oleh penelitian. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menguak penyebab demotivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Ada 240 siswa yang bersedia menjadi sampel penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menemukan empat faktor demotivasi siswa, yaitu aspek giri, teman sekelas, buku pelajaran dan kegiatan, dan karakteristik siswa. Kata kunci : demotivasi siswa, belajar bahasa Inggris, persepsi
Indonesian Research Journal in Education |IRJE|, 2020
This research investigated students' demotivating factors in English language learning at MTsN 1 Palembang. The research was in the form of case study research design. The participants were the second-grade students at MTsN 1 Palembang. Based on their English achievement, there were 11 students being demotivated in learning English. The data were gained by using document review and face-to-face interviews. The data from document review and interview were analyzed by using thematic analysis. The findings showed that there were five demotivating factors in English language learning: (a) inadequate school facilities, (b) lack of teachers' competence and teaching styles, (c) learning content and materials, (d) classroom condition and classmates' attitudes, and (e) lack of self-confidence. Keywords: demotivation, demotivating factors, English language learning
Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology, 2021
Motivation is a crucial part of language learning and many learners of English begin learning with a strong intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, but in most cases, it lessens in the process of time and these learners eventually lose their motivation. Especially in preparatory schools of universities in Turkey, this is a common problem. To address this problem, this paper focuses on the negative aspect of motivation, which is called demotivation, and tries to explore demotivational factors of preparatory school students in Turkey, and to investigate the reasons causing demotivation in students while learning English. Thus, it aims to help teachers analyse their students' motivational factors easily, and detect possible problems resulting from demotivation, and come up with solutions. These demotivational factors are investigated in terms of level of English, gender, and high school type. In order to explore factors causing preparatory school students to become demotivated, a questionnaire was conducted on a sample group of 67 students from three different private universities in İstanbul, Turkey. The obtained quantitative data were analysed through regression analysis, t-test and One-Way ANOVA test. The results demonstrated that gender of learners, the type of high school they graduated, and their level of English do not affect their demotivational levels.
IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 2016
Demotivation is a great impediment to language learning, especially in Pakistan where English language learners face a lot of demotivating factors due to the dichotomy in the educational structure of the country. Current study is an attempt to explore the factors that are perceived as demotivating factors in learning of English as L2 by Sardar Bahadur Khan Women"s University students due to their different mediums of education. The collected data was analyzed to find out the statistically significant difference of opinion which may exist in the response of English medium and non-English medium students. The sample of the study responded to the adapted version of Ali Al-Khairy (2013) questionnaire. This study is supported by Deci & Ryan (1985) "Self-determination theory (SDT)". The factors investigated include, English teacher"s behavior; teaching methodology; classroom environment, student"s lack of self-confidence; student"s negative perception of English; less exposure to English; tough English vocabulary and grammar. The findings revealed that there is a statistically significant difference in opinion between English medium and non-English medium students regarding demotivating factors. English medium students do not consider teachers" decreased use of English, negative response of their friends, spellings and grammar as demotivating factors. On the contrary, non-English medium consider these factors as demotivating and discouraging.
Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 2013
The aim of this research is to investigate the factors of demotivation in L2 learning of Pakistani undergraduates at the University of Balochistan, Quetta. A mixed-methods research design was employed in this study to explore the factors of demotivation. Quantitative data was obtained from the responses of a population of 116 first semester undergraduates in a questionnaire adopted from Sakai and Kikuchi (2009). The questionnaire comprised 35 close-ended items on a 5-point Likert scale on six factors of demotivation: grammar-based teaching, teacher's behaviour, course contents and teaching materials, effects of low test scores, classroom environment, and lack of self-confidence and interest. Qualitative data was obtained from an open-ended question on students' demotivating experiences in learning English in the same questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the quantitative data while the qualitative data was analyzed by using content analysis to extract the themes or factors of demotivation and their categories based on Sakai and Kikuchi's framework. The findings reveal that all six factors were cited by students as demotivational factors with teaching method, lack of facilities and course content being the most cited factors, hence supporting Sakai and Kikuchi's (2009) framework. In addition, the qualitative data suggests that a new factor emerged-negative attitude of society towards English language-hence a contribution to the body of literature. The findings of the study have implications on the teaching and learning of English in Pakistan.
This research work investigates the reasons why the tertiary level students of Bangladesh learn English language to find out what motivates or inspires them to learn English. It explores the kind of motivational orientation the Bangladeshi students have in learning English from three kinds of motivation: instrumental, integrative and global. This paper determines that Bangladeshi students specially the tertiary level students of Bangladesh do not learn English to integrate or, assimilate themselves with the culture of the native speakers of English, rather they learn English for some practical purposes like getting high ranking jobs or undertaking higher studies, achieving success in career etc. This paper also discusses the current condition of English in Bangladesh by mentioning the areas where English is used extensively. Finally, it suggests some ways that may be useful in removing the obstacles that hinder the effective teaching and learning of English in the country.
Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice, 2013
Demotivation is a relatively new topic in the field of second or foreign language acquisition which is in need of more rigorous research. In this regard, the present study was an attempt to investigate demotivating factors in learning English as a foreign language in an Iranian context. To this end, 382 Persian learners of English were selected through stratified clustering sampling procedure to participate in this mixed method study. The Data was collected through a 40-item Likert type questionnaire. The Factor analysis of the data extracted seven factors including a) inadequate facilities, b) reduced self-confidence, c) class characteristics, d) lack of purpose to study English, e) teaching methods, f) teachers and teaching styles, and g) negative attitudes toward English and the culture of English-speaking countries as demotivators. The Students" perceptions of these seven factors were compared based on their general English proficiency levels. The Results revealed that low proficient learners perceived reduced self-confidence and negative attitudes more demotivating than their counterparts at other levels of proficiency.
The primary objective of this study is to find out the nature of motivation among the students of class XI-XII in Bangladesh. The research has been conducted in twenty colleges—ten are from urban area, and the other ten are from rural area of Bangladesh. The data was collected by using a questionnaire from a total of 402 students from the institutions under this study. The students were of similar age, and they were studying the same syllabus under Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka. This study found that the instrumental factors of motivation in language learning have serious impact on the aforementioned students. It further revealed that the lack of integrative motivation among the students is a prime reason of students' inability to become an efficient communicator in English despite studying English for twelve years as part of formal education.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research
Demotivation is a topic that has lately received a lot of attention in the field of language acquisition. There is a shortage of research in Jordan that investigates demotivating variables impacting learning English among Jordanian undergraduate students. As a result, the purpose of this research is to look at the elements that influence Jordanian undergraduate students' acquisition of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The data was collected using a questionnaire adapted from Sakai and Kikuchi (2009). The survey comprised 35 questions on a five Point likert scale about six demotivation factors: class characteristics, teacher attitude, course contents and teaching materials, effects of poor grades, classroom atmosphere, and lack of self-confidence and interest. This study's sample included 110 undergraduate students from the faculty of arts at Zarqa University in Jordan. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The data showed that classroom environment is the ...
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Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2021
ijetrm journal, 2021
The Journal of Asia TEFL, 2023
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
Research paper, 2021
Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 2020