Prevalence of Bulimia Nervosa: A Cross-Sectional Study

2020, International Journal of Advanced Research


Purpose: The study examines the prevalence of Bulimia nervosa in students at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia.Bulimia nervosaisan eating disorder characterized by consumption of large amounts of food by an individual followed by an attempt such as self-induced vomiting, long periods of exercising, and diuretics to avoid gaining weight. Patients and Method: The study adopted a cross-sectional survey among King Abdulaziz University students in Saudi Arabia. A sample of 499 comprising 357 females and 142 males was randomly selectedparticipants—the age of the sample population aged between 20 to over 55 years. The participants filled questionnaires about eating behavior, smoking, body image, and psychiatrist disorders. The height and weight of the sample population were taken, and their BMI was established. Results: Based on our statistics, the prevalence of bulimia nervosa among the male was 0.3%, and that of the female was 1.4%. ...