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The paper discusses Islamic perspectives on the environment, emphasizing that Islam encompasses more than ritualistic practices by advocating a holistic approach to life that includes environmental stewardship. It highlights the erosion of traditional Islamic environmental teachings due to modernity and consumerism, while also noting a growing movement among Muslims to re-evaluate these teachings in light of current ecological challenges. The paper calls for integrating Islamic environmental law into modern governance, addressing conflicts between Islamic and secular frameworks, and the need for renewed institutional arrangements to effectively implement these principles.
İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, 2020
Bu tez çalışması, iki farklı döneme ait uzmanların Kur'an'daki bir kısım ayetleri yorumlamasını karşılaştırıyor. Birinci dönem yorumları için 4./10. yüzyılları ile 9./15. yüzyılları arasında yaşamış yedi müfessirin tefsir çalışmaları dikkate alınırken, ikinci dönem için modern "eko-İslam" hareketinin akademik savunucularının Kur'an-ı Kerim ayetleri hakkındaki yorumları dikkate alınıyor. Bu tezde incelenen ikinci dönem yazarlarına göre, İslam geleneği, özellikle Kur'an-ı Kerim, modern bir konsept olan "çevrecilik" ile uyumlu bir şekilde; gezegeninin korunması, hayvan ve bitki hayatlarının himaye edilmesi, ve doğal kaynakların ölçülü kullanımı hakkında öğretiler içeriyor. Bu tez günümüz eko-İslam savunucuları tarafından en çok referans yapılan Kur'an ayetlerini belirleyerek, onların Kur'an ayetlerine getirdikleri yorumlar ile, tarihten çeşitli klasik Sünni müfessirlerin yorumlarını karşılaştırıyor. Böylece eko-İslam'ın köklerinin klasik gelenekten mi geldiğini yoksa İslam düşüncesine yakın zamanda mı eklendiğini inceliyor. İki dönemin yorumlarını karşılaştırdıktan sonra, vardığım sonuç şu ki, bazı düşüncelerin devamlılığının sekteye uğramasına rağmen, İslami Çevreciliğin köklerini klasik İslam düşüncesi geleneğinde görebiliyoruz. Nihayetinde, bu tez yalnızca İslami Çevreciliğin tarihini, kökenini ve gelişimini incelemekle kalmıyor aynı zamanda modern İslam ve onun geleneksel kökleri arasındaki derin ilişkiye ve İslam'ın ana kaynağı olan Kur'an-ı Kerim'in tefsirinin, modern söylem ve güncel meseleler ışığında nasıl şekillendiğine de ışık tutuyor.
Journal of Culture Society and Development, 2013
Islam is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Quran, the word of God, and by the teaching of Muhammad (PBUH). Islamic ethics is its moral principles, which defines what is good for the society. It enlightens the sacred views that man must strive to maintain the harmony of their inner and outer environments, in conformity with the world of nature. In the Quranic theology of creation God created this cosmos out-of-nothing. He created man, as a vice-gerent on this earth. He created lands seas, mountains, plants and animals, and than entrusted all this to humans to take advantage of it. So humans are now guardian of this cosmos for a limited period of time. After this life He will audit and judge the individual for using or misusing the world. The earth thus is a testing ground of the human species. In other words, the Quranic environmental ethics tells us that God has trusted humans His world. They have to prove them selves capable of this trust, by maintaining a balance, in a way to get benefits from the nature, and protect it from discards. Thus the relation of humans to its environment is a relation of "the trustee" and "the trust". The Qur'an says, "Cheat not in maintaining the balance. Establish just measure and do not fall short in maintaining the balance." 1 The article focuses to investigate the ethics in the Quran and teachings of the Prophet regarding the relationship of man towards the natural world.
KnE Social Sciences
Environment is one of global issues humans are facing today. The worsening condition of global environmental cannot be apart from various problems from garbage, logging, and air pollution due to industrial or transportation activities as the main factors of the environmental crisis. The basic principles of ecology are to protect, maintain, utilize and preserve the environment for the life of future generations. In the context of power, the idea of ecology and environmental sovereignty is related between God, humans and nature. The results of this study showed that Islam is very concerned with these environmental issues as proven through many discussions contained in classical fiqh literature, such as discussion of thaharah (cleanliness), ihya al-mawat (opening the unused land), al-musaqat and al-muzara’ah (utilization of land belonging to others), laws related to the sale and purchase and ownership of water, fire and salt, the rights of pets and other issues related to the environme...
The field of the environmental issues has gained less concern amongs Muslim scholar. This article is an attempt to shed lights on this matter through selected Muslim scholars and philosophers. Sayyid Hussein Nasr is chosen here as the main thinker on the issue of the environment studies amongst our contemporary Muslim thinkers. By adopting an analytical method; this article found that the environmental concern is deep-rooted in Islam: Its creeds, practices and world-view. The concept of Tawhid (Unity of Allah), the relation of humanto the Creator, the Sufi concept of Wahadat al Wujud, etc… all these support the argument that natural environment and its conservation is a core concern of Islam. However, the contemporary Muslim scholars have attempted to address this issues from various perspestives. Some have even achieved significant contribution in this matter surpassing that of the Western environmental scholarly activities. Further researches are needed in order to bring up these various Muslim contributions in a systematic view in the environmental studies.
Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and …, 2005
Al Dalili
Living in an eon of environmental crises and being followers of Islam; the religion of more than one billion individuals being practiced in essentially every country on earth, the explanation of an Islamic ecological ethic in contemporary terms becomes even more pressing. Beginning in the last part of the 1960s, few Muslim researchers directed their concentration toward how the Islamic sacred writing and scholarly practice may assist Muslims with comprehension and react to environmental change and ecological emergencies. In building this Islamic way to deal with environment, these researchers embraced a nearby investigation of the Qur'an, the Sunnah (the gathered practices of the Prophet Muhammad), hundreds of years of Islamic law, and the works of Sufi spiritualists and researchers to develop Islamic natural philosophies and law. The paper is an exploratory study of the contemporary Islamic discourse on environmental ethics. An attempt is made to highlight the key Muslim scholarship on the subject as well as to highlight the purpose and connotation of environmental themes in light of Quran and Sunnah and the objectives of Shaiah. Further the researchers have tried to underscore the key themes like preservation of the natural resources and Islamic ethical principles involved in any such attempt. Keywords: environmental ethics, explanation, Islamic ecological ethic
International journal of applied research, 2016
There is a growing concern about the threats posed by environmental issues throughout the World. Global warming, freshwater depletion, biodiversity reduction, hole in the ozone layer are all examples of such threats. How serious is it really? And what is to be done to change the direction? Many researchers have begun to look into underlying philosophical causes for man's rapacious attitude towards his environment. Part of this search involves a look at root philosophies affecting the human outlook and interaction with the world and the responsibility religion shares in creating the attitudes and philosophies that have led to the desecration of nature. Environment protection is an important aspect of Islam. Protection of the environment is essential to Islamic beliefs and mankind has the responsibility to ensure safe custody of the environment. This paper is an attempt to briefly present some aspects of the Islamic perspective on environment protection in the light of Quranic ver...
For the last two hundred years, unprecedented environmental challenges and irreversible mass extinctions have been caused on the Earth including a rising trend in the global temperature during the 20 th century. The loading capacity of the world has already been reached, and severe tensions between unending demands of the human beings and the finite natural resources of the world have become more apparent. The seemingly innocent and dulcet " laissez-faire " rhetoric in capitalist system promoted the removal of all meaningful checks and balances pertaining to production and consumption activities, and have resulted in the terrific destruction of our natural assets. Excessive consumption (and so production) and squandering are in the heart of the global environmental problems, and there is a strong need for the revival of the critical human values of moderation and thriftiness. Cumulative burden of individual irresponsibility can no longer be tolerated. Recent experiences demonstrate that any development model devoid of an ethical view on the environment, will be dominated by the uncontrolled exploitation of the natural assets with irreversible damages. Islam, as a religion of moderation, presents a viable alternative towards addressing the current challenges. Moderation refers not only to the personal lives of the believers but also to their interaction with fellow human beings and the nature they live in. Nature has been created in order, balance and with extraordinary esthetic beauty, and all these aspects of nature while enhancing man's life here, should be honored, utilized and protected accordingly. All patterns of man's production and consumption should be based on an overall order and balance of nature, which is a fundamental component of any meaningful approach towards a more environmentally friendly socioeconomic development.
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 2016
The paper studies the Islamic viewpoint about the environment. Environment holds a central position in most of the discussions of development strategies in the contemporary globalizes world. This is why that deteriorating environment is adversely affecting human lives and is a potential danger for future generations. Today, the environmental crisis endangers human being, other living organism and the natural world alike. How should human behave towards the natural environment is remained most important. Technological solution has not been resulting in satisfying outcome. Discussing the role of the Islamic principles of unity, trustee and responsibility, the Quranic teachings may enhance the environmental consciousness among the people which enable them to establish friendly relationship between God, humankind and nature. In this respect, this paper is a humble attempt to understand the Islamic approach to the environment to explore various conceptual dimensions of environmental secu...
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ISLAMIC Ecological THEOLOGY The Basics of The Ecological Approach IN THE MUSLIM SOCIAL THEOLOGY, 2023
Religion and The Arts, 2021
The American Journal of Islam and Society, 2020
Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University Islamabad (Pakistan), 2021
Academic Journal of Islamic Principles and Philosophy
International Journal of Environmental Studies, 2008
International Journal of Social Science and Religion, 2021
Islamic Economic Studies, 1996
Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam