Exercise training after primary angioplasty

1999, Journal of Nuclear Cardiology


Peri-operative myocardial infarction (MI) is a major cause of mortality and morbidity following peripheral vascular surgery. Recently the efficacy of stress perfusion imaging to assess these patients has been questioned. This study aimed to prospectively determine the value of clinical assessment, electrocardiographic assessment, blood pool ventriculography and dipyridamole thallium scintigraphy in predicting peri-operative MI in sequential unselected patients(n=298). Stress-redistribution gated planar perfusion scans were performed followed by gated blood pool ventriculography. Patients were screened for a peri-operative MI by daily CK-MB isoenzymes and ECGs. Thallium scans were reported semiqnantitatively, independently on two occasions to yield global stress defect and a reversibility indices. Left and right ventricular ejection fractions (LVEF,RVEF) were obtained from the blood pool ventriculograms. There were 21 patients vcho sustained a perioperative MI. The occurrence of a peri-operative MI was associated with reversibility score (12 versus 6, p<.000I,Mann,Whitney). Additionally, LVEF was significantly lower in patients in those with events (3 I+10.5 versus 38+_11.7,p<.02), but there was no difference in RVEF. There were 25 patients with a moderate or large reversible defect of whom 3 had events, giving a sensitivity of 14% and a specificity of 95%. Multivariate analysis showed reversibility index to be the most powerful predictor ofperi-operative ML In conclusion stress T120t scintigraphy is the investigation of choice in pre-operative risk stratification.