The Nasca Culture : An Introduction


During the 19th Century, examples of a new style of pottery from the New World began to appear in European museums. These ceramics were painted in a multitude of colors, sometimes displaying over 12 different tints on a single piece. A wide variety of both naturalistic as well as fantastic motifs were found on them, some clearly recognizable as birds, fish, plants and animals (Fig. 1), but others portraying strange creatures exhibiting both human and animal characteristics. These motifs were painted on a variety of different shapes: bowls, jars, cups, and bottles with double spouts connected by a flat handle. There were also modeled or effigy vessels in the form of humans, plants, animals, and the same mysterious creatures seen on the painted versions. The source of this pottery was the South American country of Peru. There were no professional archaeologists working in that region at this early date, and collections were made by local land owners or foreign professionals working in...