2016, Nana Kwaku Duodu


Electoral reforms are public desires and expectations to bring about changes and improvement in the electoral system. Electoral system is therefore the institutions and structures that operate within the parameters of the political system that lead to the conduct of national elections where votes translate into seats and representation. Key variables centre on the electoral formulae such as plurality, majoritarian, proportional representation and mixed proportional representation (International IDEA:5). Electoral reforms in Ghana are not a recent phenomenon but progressive over the years to address challenging areas in the electoral system. They occur alongside political reforms as a result of the friendly partnership between the electoral system and the political system. The symbiotic theory of electoral reforms attests to this assertion with much investigative work to be done and emphasize the connection between the two giants of democracy or refute on the basis of no significance connection in established and emerging democracies. The methodology used is analysis of quantitative and qualitative data and information to attain project objectives, conclusions and recommendations. It reveals that the electoral system is not static but flexible, adaptive and innovative to ensure consistent improvements in the work of the Election Management Body and Stakeholders. Its rich literature review provides a broad spectrum of ideas and information to reflect the various research variables that have been carefully selected to provide great insight into the reform areas. Consequently, the research study provide a wide variety of recommendations that has near and future electoral reforms in Ghana when prevailing conditions necessitates their implementation.