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2004, PubMed
3 pages
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A 35-year-old Asian woman was referred to the dermatology clinic with a 2-week history of enlarging, fluid-filled, pruritic lesions on the right foot. The affected area had a recent history of minor trauma for which the patient applied an over-the-counter propolis ointment. At presentation, the patient was also noted to have been using the following, as prescribed by her primary care physician: valacyclovir, ciprofloxacin, terbinafine cream, mupirocin ointment, and 2% hydrocortisone cream. No clinical improvement was observed with these agents. Examination revealed grouped erythematous papules progressing into vesicles and bulla on the lateral side of the right foot. A KOH scraping was negative. We diagnosed the patient with allergic contact dermatitis to propolis.
Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas, 2003
Actas dermo-sifiliográficas, 2005
Numerous plant species and their derivatives can cause skin reactions through a variety of mechanisms: irritative contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, contact urticaria and photodermatitis. We present a case of irritative contact dermatitis after exposure to the sap of Agave americana. The skin symptoms in this case have only been described on rare occasions; although this condition usually presents with a papulovesicular rash, in this patient it appeared as purpuric lesions in the contact area.
La dermatitis de contacto es una reacción inflamatoria de la piel producida por el contacto directo con agentes externos 1 .
Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas, 2005
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2020
La pandemia causada por SARS-CoV-2 y la enfermedad que produce denominada COVID-19, hace necesaria la precoz búsqueda de opciones terapéuticas. El propóleo se considera un potencial tratamiento debido principalmente a un efecto inhibidor de PAK1, generando así un efecto inmunomodulador y antiinflamatorio. Existe un potencial efecto antiviral de algunos principios activos abundantes del propóleo, ya evidenciado en otros coronavirus. Datos recientes indican una potencial interacción inhibitoria de la principal proteasa de SARS-CoV-2 con el fenetil éster del ácido cafeico (CAPE) presente en el propóleo, sustentado un potencial efecto antiviral para tratamiento del COVID-19. La quercetina también se ha postulado, por varios mecanismos posibles de acción y un efecto inhibidor comprobado sobre SARS-CoV-1. Varios compuestos del propóleo tienen potencial efecto de bloqueo de la enzima convertidora de antigiotensina II, principal receptor de SARS-CoV-2. El propóleo se ha administrado en ensayos clínicos aleatorizados en otras patologías sin reportarse efectos adversos. No se reportaron interacciones negativas con el tratamiento convencional de la diabetes tipo 2 y la enfermedad renal crónica en ensayos clínicos aleatorizados. Por tales motivos, en el presente artículo se hará una revisión de las consideraciones fisiopatológicas para la utilización del propóleo en el tratamiento de las distintas fases COVID-19, su potencial beneficio en asociación con la vitamina D y C, y además se planteara una forma de su administración.
Eccema o dermatitis es una enfermedad inflamatoria aguda de la piel que puede evolucionar hacia la cronificación. Presenta diversas lesiones que se suceden o coexisten en el tiempo: eritema, pápulas, vesículas, exudación, edema, descamación, costra, liquenificación (engrosamiento cutáneo con aumento de los pliegues) y fisuras. Etimológicamente, proviene de griego y significa "hervir". El aspecto puede modificarse por el rascado o por las sobreinfecciones. El síntoma principal es el prurito.
Gaceta medica de Mexico
Allergic respiratory diseases such asthma and allergic rhinitis are a health problem throughout the world. In Mexico City, pollens are an important cause of allergic respiratory disease. Both, the geographic location- and the vegetation surrounding this City favor the distribution of pollens leading to respiratory disease in susceptible patients. Aerobiological studies have shown that during the mild dry winter there is a large amount of pollens in the environment with tree pollens being the most abundant of all. The most frequent tree pollens found in Mexico City include Fraxinus, Cupressaseae, Alnus, Liquidambar, Callistemon, Pinus, and Casuarina. In contrast, grass- and weed pollens predominate during the summer (rainy season) including Compositae, Cheno-Am, Ambrosia and Gramineae. An additional health problem in Mexico City is the air pollution that exerts a direct effect on individuals. This in turn increases pollen allergenicity by disrupting them leading to the release of the...
Fragrance contact allergy constitutes a significant clinical problem. Frequency of contact allergy to perfumes is estimated to be 1%-2% in general population, and roughly 8% in contact eccema patients. This makes contact sensitization to fra-grances among the most common cause of allergic contact dermatitis, next to nic-kel and preservative agents. New screening substances have emerged from multi-center studies in order to increase the ability to diagnose fragrance allergy. As a result of this, since 2005, a mixture of 6 additional fragrance materials has been commercialized for introduction into the baseline series, named fragrance mix II. Hydroxyl-isohexylcyclohexene carboxaldehyde (Lyral®) is the most common allergen in the mix. Four patients with Lyral® positive reactions were reported in this study which was relevant for the clinical features observed on them. This study illustrates that fragrance contact allergy is common in patients suffering from contact dermatitis.
Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas, 2005
El Agave americana (pita) es una planta subtropical que posee hojas en forma de sable, con bordes espinosos y distribuidas en roseta. Se utiliza con fines comerciales, medicinales y ornamentales. La savia de la planta posee conocidos agentes irritantes como los cristales de oxalato cálcico, saponinas y otros componentes.
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Archivos argentinos de pediatría, 2010
Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Farmaceuticas, 2013
Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas, 2003
Zootecnia Tropical, 2010
Tecnología en Marcha, 2017
Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas, 2004
Dermatologia Argentina, 2013
Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas, 2018
La homeopatía de México, 2017