Abakpa Dvoulet 2024 DigitalTransformationinSMEs


This research plans to investigate how digital tools influence the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Benue State, Nigeria. This is a snapshot of the study's methodological considerations. The research will employ the Structural Equation Model (SEM) as the analysis technique to test the relationship between digital tool adoption and SMEs' performance, utilizing the SPSS statistical software. The study will ensure internal consistency within the constructs of the study through Cronbach's alpha reliability assessment. Through the path coefficients, the SEM examination will be aided in this research, and this will eventually lead to the establishment of direct and indirect relationships among the constructs. The study will theoretically contribute by confirming the measurement scale's reliability, employing the Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratio of correlations for discriminant validity, and dynamic challenges in model fit assessment. The practical insights to be derived will serve as a roadmap for owners/managers and SMEs' performance.