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SweetDeal is a rule-based approach to representation of business contracts that enables software agents to create, evaluate, negotiate, and execute contracts with substantial automation and modularity. It builds upon the situated courteous logic programs knowledge representation in RuleML, the emerging standard for Semantic Web XML rules. Here, we newly extend the SweetDeal approach by also incorporating process knowledge descriptions whose ontologies are represented in DAML+OIL (emerging standard for Semantic Web ontologies) thereby enabling more complex contracts with behavioral provisions, especially for handling exception conditions (e.g., late delivery or non-payment) that might arise during the execution of the contract. This provides a foundation for representing and automating deals about servicesin particular, about Web Services, so as to help search, select, and compose them. Our system is also the first to combine emerging Semantic Web standards for knowledge representation of rules (RuleML) with ontologies (DAML+OIL) for a practical ebusiness application domain, and further to do so with process knowledge. This also newly fleshes out the evolving concept of Semantic Web Services. A prototype (soon public) is running.
Traditional business transactions are established under well-defined contracts, agreed, explicitly or implicitly, by all the parties involved. To support such transactions in the Internet (and in the Web) it is necessary to characterize all of its aspects, such as agents, contracts, roles, relationships, interactions between partners, policies, etc. This paper presents the Contract Oriented Web Services Model (COWS) -a model for an appropriate environment for E-business dialogues, implemented using Web Services. COWS is based on well-defined contracts agreed upon by all concerned parties and incorporates various levels of applicable policies. Contracts may refer to other contracts and are valid within forae, which have default global policies. A prototype web environment supporting COWS has been implemented to test the concepts that extend the discovery process. All COWS models have been specified as ontologies, using Flora-2. Fifth Latin American Web Congress 0-7695-3008-7/07 $25.00
A requirements analysis in the emerging field of Semantic Web Services (SWS) (see has identified four major areas of research: intelligent service discovery, automated contracting of services, process modeling, and service enactment. This paper deals with the intersection of two of these areas: process modeling as it pertains to automated contracting. Specifically, we propose a logic, called CT R-S, which captures the dynamic aspects of contracting for services. Since CT R-S is an extension of the classical first-order logic, it is well-suited to model the static aspects of contracting as well. A distinctive feature of contracting is that it involves two or more parties in a potentially adversarial situation. CT R-S is designed to model this adversarial situation through its novel model theory, which incorporates certain game-theoretic concepts. In addition to the model theory, we develop a proof theory for CT R-S and demonstrate the use of the logic for modeling and reasoning about Web service contracts.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008
The emerging paradigm of service-oriented computing requires novel techniques for various service-related tasks. Along with automated support for service discovery, selection, negotiation, and composition, support for automated service contracting and enactment is crucial for any large scale service environment, where large numbers of clients and service providers interact. Many problems in this area involve reasoning, and a number of logic-based methods to handle these problems have emerged in the field of Semantic Web Services. In this paper, we build upon our previous work where we used Concurrent Transaction Logic (CTR) to model and reason about service contracts. We significantly extend the modeling power of the previous work by allowing iterative processes in the specification of service contracts, and we extend the proof theory of CTR to enable reasoning about such contracts. With this extension, our logic-based approach is capable of modeling general services represented using languages such as WS-BPEL. 3
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication, 2007
Multimedia service providers on the web need their services to be well protected and easily accessible worldwide. This has initiated several lines of research to provide semantically rich policy-aware web services. However, the existence of various technologies to define and protect services has made the communication of services questionable. Currently, it is ambiguous how a broker agent looking for a special object would communicate to an online service provider, with different policy and service definition languages, to obtain the appropriate object. Here, we propose a solution to such problems by introducing an interchange framework to transform business rules and policies between different enterprises using REWERSE Rule Markup Language.
Implementing semantics-aware services, which includes semantic Web services, requires novel techniques for mod-eling and analysis. The problems include automated support for service discovery, selection, negotiation, and composition. In addition, support for automated service contracting and contract execution is crucial for any large scale service environment where multiple clients and service providers interact. Many problems in this area involve reasoning, and a number of logic-based methods to handle these problems have emerged in the field of Semantic Web Services. In this paper, we lay down theoretical foundations for service modeling, contracting, and reasoning, which we call ServLog, by developing novel techniques for model-ing and reasoning about service contracts with the help of Concurrent Transaction Logic. With this framework, we significantly extend the modeling power of the previous work by allowing expressive data constraints and iterative processes in the specification of services. This approach not only captures typical procedural constructs found in established business process languages, but also greatly extends their functionality, enables declarative specification and reasoning about services, and opens a way for automatic generation of executable business processes from service contracts.
AAAI Spring Symposium …, 2004
This paper summarizes our efforts to develop capabilities for policy and contract management for Semantic Web Services applications. KAoS services and tools allow for the specification, management, analyzes, disclosure and enforcement of policies represented in OWL. We ...
Humanity started trading using simple barter systems, goods in exchange for goods. Business trade relationships are now complex processes of building trust, understanding and mutual agreement. At the center of these processes are the business legal contracts. It is essential that all parties concerned have a clear understanding of the contents and implications of the agreed contractual terms and conditions.
Computer Networks, 2003
If an e-services approach to electronic commerce is to become widespread, standardisation of ontologies, message content and message protocols will be necessary. In this paper, we present a lifecycle of a business-to-business e-commerce interaction, and show how the Semantic Web can support a service description language that can be used throughout this lifecycle. DAML+OIL is a sufficiently expressive and flexible service description language to be used not only in advertisements, but also in matchmaking queries, negotiation proposals and agreements. We also identify which operations must be carried out on this description language if the B2B lifecycle is to be fully supported. We do not propose specific standard protocols, but instead argue that our operators are able to support a wide variety of interaction protocols, and so will be fundamental irrespective of which protocols are finally adopted.
E-Government Strategies and Advancements
Nowadays, the relationships among people, governments and organizations are subject to fast changes. The increasing demand for new services conducts to the need to create services from scratch and by integrating disparate and heterogeneous legacy systems. The problem is that the monolithic form as most of the systems were implemented turns the change excessively slow and expensive. Considering that some business logic portions are quite volatile and susceptible to changes and other portions are quite stable and less susceptible to changes, this paper proposes ontology based integrated development environment (IDE) that can capture business changes and quickly implement them into computational systems. The volatile portions are externalized as business rules and the stable portions as SOA based services. Business rules' facts and conditions are linked to services, which are discovered in the business rules development or maintenance time. The IDE aggregates a set of tools to automate the modeling of business rules in the business people's terminology and to automate the integration of services. It is based on a set of ontologies to deal with metadata related to services, vocabularies and business rules. Business rules are modeled according to OMG's Semantics of Business Vocabularies and Business Rules Metamodel.
Rule-based policy and contract systems have rarely been stud- ied in terms of their software engineering properties. This is a serious omis- sion, because in rule-based policy or contract representation languages rules are being used as a declarative programming language to formalize real- world decision logic and create IS production systems upon. This paper adopts a successful SE methodology, namely test driven development, and discusses how it can be adapted to verification, validation and integrity test- ing (V&V&I) of policy and contract specifications. Since, the test-driven ap- proach focuses on the behavioral aspects and the drawn conclusions instead of the structure of the rule base and the causes of faults, it is independent of the complexity of the rules and the system under test and thus much easier to use and understand for the rule engineer and the user.
Abstract We propose an RDF-based language called SWCL to represent contracts, with a focus on service level agreements. The language came about due to a requirement in our research concerning reliable service delivery in domains containing virtual organizations, and we describe one such domain. Our language is built around a production rule system using RDF bindings and containing some contract-specific resources.
The Internet creates a strong demand for standardized exchange not only of data itself but especially of data semantics, as this same internet increasingly becomes the carrier of e-business activity (eg using web services). One way to achieve this is in the form of communicating “rich” conceptual schemas. In this paper we adopt the well-known CM technique of ORM, which has a rich complement of business rule specification, and develop ORM-ML, an XML-based markup language for ORM.
Simplifying the discovery of web services on one hand and protecting them from misuse on the other hand has initiated several lines of research in the area of policyaware semantic web services. However, the diversity of approaches, ontologies and languages chosen for defining Semantic Web services and policies has made the research area cluttered. It is now ambiguous how different registries and agents with different policy languages and Semantic Web service ontologies would share their information. In this paper we try to solve the problem of exchanging information between the registries by defining an interchange framework to transform business rules and concepts from one language to another using a third intermediary language called R2ML. The expressivity of the new framework exempts any service provider or service requester from the difficulties it may encounter during the process of transformation from one business rule language to the other. It also guarantees that information...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
The Semantic Web aims at automating Web content understanding and user request satisfaction. Intelligent agents assist towards this by performing complex actions on behalf of their users into real-life applications, such as e-Contracts, which make transactions simple by modeling the processes involved. This paper, presents a policy-based workflow methodology for efficient contract agreement among agents interacting in the Semantic Web. In addition, we present the integration of this methodology into a multi-agent knowledgebased framework, providing flexibility, reusability and interoperability of behavior between agents. The main advantage of our approach is that it provides a safe, generic, and reusable framework for modeling and monitoring e-Contract agreements, which could be used for different types of on-line transactions among agents. Furthermore, our framework is based on Semantic Web and FI-PA standards, to maximize interoperability and reusability. Finally, an e-Commerce contract negotiation scenario is presented that illustrates the usability of the approach.
RuleML is considered to be a markup language for the semantic web. It allows the enrichment of web ontologies by adding definitions of derived concepts and it enhances interoperability among different systems and tools by publishing rules in an XML format. Moreover the in-creasing demand for interfaces that enhance information sharing has given rise to XML doc-uments that include embedded calls to web services. In this paper we propose a variation of RuleML that is based on modular logic programming. Our approach is based in a two level architecture. In the first level a modular logic language, called M-log, is presented. This lan-guage encompasses several mechanisms for invoking web services. In the second level we ex-ploit the semantics of M-log to present a variation of RuleML with rich modeling capabilities. Formal foundations for this variation are given through direct translation to M-log seman-tics.
Informatica Economica, 2009
RuleML is considered to be a markup language for the semantic web. It allows the enrichment of web ontologies by adding definitions of derived concepts and it enhances interoperability among different systems and tools by publishing rules in an XML format. Moreover the increasing demand for interfaces that enhance information sharing has given rise to XML documents that include embedded calls to web services. In this paper we propose a variation of RuleML that is based on modular logic programming. Our approach is based in a two level architecture. In the first level a modular logic language, called M-log, is presented. This language encompasses several mechanisms for invoking web services. In the second level we exploit the semantics of M-log to present a variation of RuleML with rich modeling capabilities. Formal foundations for this variation are given through direct translation to M-log semantics.
We introduce the DR-CONTRACT architecture to represent and reason on e-Contracts. The architecture extends the DR-device architecture by a deontic defeasible logic of violation. We motivate the choice for the logic and we show how to extend RuleML to capture the notions relevant to describe e-contracts for a monitoring perspective in Defeasible Logic.
Distributed and Parallel …, 2005
This paper describes a knowledge-based Web Service composition system, called SWIM, which is based on the Service Domain model. Service Domains are communities of related Web Services that are mediated by a single Web Service, called the Mediator Service, which functions as a proxy for them. When a requestor sends a message to the Mediator Service one or more of the related Web Services are selected to dispatch the message and the results returned are aggregated to a single answer to the requestor. Mediator Services can be further composed to more complex Mediator Services that combine several selection and aggregation algorithms among many heterogeneous web services. The system utilizes the X-DEVICE deductive XML rule language for defining complex algorithms for selecting registered web services, combining the results, and synchronizing the workflow of information among the combined web services in a declarative way. In the paper, we demonstrate the flexibility and expressibility of our approach for composing Web Services using several e-business examples, covering most of the workflow patterns found in a comprehensive workflow management system [2].
Artificial Intelligence and Law, 2016
Since e-Commerce has become a discipline, e-Contracts are acknowledged as the tools that will assure the safety and robustness of the transactions. A typical e-Contract is a binding agreement between parties that creates relations and obligations. It consists of clauses that address specific tasks of the overall procedure which can be represented as workflows. Similarly to e-Contracts, Intelligent Agents manage a private policy, a set of rules representing requirements, obligations and restrictions, additionally to personal data that meet their user's interests. In this context, this study aims at proposing a policy-based e-Contract workflow management methodology that can be used by semantic web agents, since agents benefit from Semantic Web technologies for data and policy exchanges, such as RDF and RuleML that maximize interoperability among parties. Furthermore, this study presents the integration of the above methodology into a multi-agent knowledgebased framework in order to deal with issues related to rules exchange where no common syntax is used, since this framework provides reasoning services that assist agents in interpreting the exchanged policies. Finally, a B2C e-Commerce scenario is presented that demonstrates the added value of the approach.
Web services promise universal interoperability and integration of services developed by independent providers to execute business processes by discovering and composing services distributed over the Internet. This means that a key factor to build complex and valuable processes among cooperating organizations relies on the efficiency of discovering appropriate Web services and composing them. The increasing availability of Web services that offer similar functionalities requires mechanisms to go beyond the pure functional discovery and composition of Web services. A promising solution towards the automatic enactment of valuable processes consists in enhancing Web service discovery and composition with the evaluation of semantic contracts that define non-functional properties (NFPs) and applicability conditions associated with a Web service. Nevertheless, currently there is a lack of tools and algorithms that fully support this solution due to several open issues. First, existing lan...
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