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2004, arXiv (Cornell University)
We study the limiting behavior of the zeros of the Euler polynomials. When linearly scaled, they approach a definite curve in the complex plane related to the Szegö curve which governs the behavior of the roots of the Taylor polynomials associated to the exponential function. Further, under a conformal transformation, the scaled zeros are uniformly distributed.
The main perpose of this paper is to sudy the roots of a familly of polynomials that arise from a linear recurrences associated to Pascal's triangle and their zero attractor, using an analytical methods based on conformal mappings.
Contemporary Mathematics Contemporary Mathematics Volume 517, 2010 Appell polynomials and their zero attractors Robert P. Boyer and William MY Goh Abstract. A polynomial family {pn (x)} is Appell if it is given by e xt g (t) = ∑ ∞ n= 0 pn (x) tn or, equivalently, pn (x)= pn− 1(x). If g (t) is an entire function, g (0)= 0, with at least one zero, the asymptotics of linearly scaled polynomials {pn (nx)} are described by means of finitely zeros of g, including those of minimal modulus.
Supposing that A(z) is an exponential polynomial of the form where H j 's are entire and of order < n, it is demonstrated that the function H 0 (z) and the geometric location of the leading coefficients ζ 1 , . . . , ζ m play a key role in the oscillation of solutions of the differential equation f ′′ + A(z)f = 0. The key tools consist of value distribution properties of exponential polynomials, and elementary properties of the Phragmén-Lindelöf indicator function. In addition to results in the whole complex plane, results on sectorial oscillation are proved.
An exponential polynomial is a finite linear sum of terms $P(z)e^{Q(z)}$, where $P(z)$ and $Q(z)$ are polynomials. The early results on the value distribution of exponential polynomials can be traced back to Georg Pólya's paper published in 1920, while the latest results have come out in 2021. Despite of over a century of research work, many intriguing problems on value distribution of exponential polynomials still remain unsolved. The role of exponential polynomials and their quotients in the theories of linear/non-linear differential equations, oscillation theory and differential-difference equations will also be discussed. Thirteen open problems are given to motivate the readers for further research in these topics.
A partition polynomial is a refinement of the partition number p(n) whose coefficients count some special partition statistic. Just as partition numbers have useful asymptotics so do partition polynomials. In fact, their asymptotics determine the limiting behavior of their zeros which form a network of curves inside the unit disk. An important new feature in their study requires a detailed analysis of. the “root dilogarithm” given as the real part of the square root of the usual dilogarithm.
Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 2015
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1998
The polynomials P n and Q m having degrees n and m respectively, with P n monic, that solve the approximation problem P n (z)e z + Q m (z) = O z n + m +1 will be investigated for their asymptotic behavior, in particular in connection with the distribution of their zeros. The symbol O means that the left-hand side should vanish at the origin at least to the order n+m+ 1. This problem is discussed in great detail in a series of papers by Sa and Varga. In the present paper we show h o w their results can be obtained by using uniform expansions of integrals in which Airy functions are the main approximants. We give approximations of the zeros of P n and Q m in terms of zeros of certain Airy functions, as well of those of the remainder dened by E n;m (z) = P n (z) e z + Q m (z) .
In this paper, we investigate the relationship between small functions and differential polynomials $g_{f}(z)=d_{2}f^{\prime \prime }+d_{1}f^{\prime }+d_{0}f$, where $d_{0}(z)$, $d_{1}(z)$, $d_{2}(z)$ are entire functions that are not all equal to zero with $\rho (d_j)<1$ $(j=0,1,2) $ generated by solutions of the differential equation $f^{\prime \prime }+A_{1}(z) e^{az}f^{\prime }+A_{0}(z) e^{bz}f=F$, where $a,b$ are complex numbers that satisfy $ab( a-b) \ne 0$ and $A_{j}( z) \lnot \equiv 0$ ($j=0,1$), $F(z) \lnot \equiv 0$ are entire functions such that $\max \left\lbrace \rho (A_j),\, j=0,1,\, \rho (F)\right\rbrace <1.$
Mathematische Annalen, 2005
We construct the Green current for a random iteration of horizontal-like mappings in C 2 . This is applied to the study of a polynomial map f : C 2 → C 2 with the following properties:
Demonstratio Mathematica, 2013
Let ρ p (f) and σ p (f) denote respectively the iterated p-order and the iterated p-type of an entire function f. In this paper, we study the iterated order and the fixed points of some differential polynomials generated by solutions of the differential equation f ′′ + A 1 (z)f ′ + A 0 (z)f = 0, where A 1 (z), A 0 (z) are entire functions of finite iterated p-order such that ρ p (A 1) = ρ p (A 0) = ρ (0 < ρ < +∞) and σ p (A 1) < σ p (A 0) = σ (0 < σ < +∞).
Journal of Differential Equations, 2021
Supposing that A(z) is an exponential polynomial of the form where H j 's are entire and of order < n, it is demonstrated that the function H 0 (z) and the geometric location of the leading coefficients ζ 1 , . . . , ζ m play a key role in the oscillation of solutions of the differential equation f ′′ + A(z)f = 0. The key tools consist of value distribution properties of exponential polynomials, and elementary properties of the Phragmén-Lindelöf indicator function. In addition to results in the whole complex plane, results on sectorial oscillation are proved.
Rm+ r (z)= zr− 1Rm+ r− 1 (z)+ zr− 2Rm+ r− 2 (z)+···+ Rm (z) where the initial polynomials are polynomials over C with no common complex root. In this paper, we show that the zero attractor of the sequence of r-bonacci-related polynomials is a portion of a real algebraic curve in the complex plane together with a finite subset Σ⊂ C. In the special case of the r-bonacci polynomials Σ is empty.
The main purpose of this article is to study the controllability of solutions to the linear differential equation
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2013
In this paper we state and prove some properties of the zeros of exceptional Jacobi and Laguerre polynomials. Generically, the zeros of exceptional polynomials fall into two classes: the regular zeros, which lie in the interval of orthogonality and the exceptional zeros, which lie outside that interval. We show that the regular zeros have two interlacing properties: one is the natural interlacing between zeros of consecutive polynomials as a consequence of their Sturm-Liouville character, while the other one shows interlacing between the zeros of exceptional and classical polynomials. A generalization of the classical Heine-Mehler formula is provided for the exceptional polynomials, which allows to derive the asymptotic behaviour of their regular zeros for large degree n and fixed codimension m. We also describe the location and the asymptotic behaviour of the m exceptional zeros, which converge for large n to fixed values.
Abstract. In this paper, we investigate the complex oscillation of the differential polynomial gf = d2f ′′ + d1f ′ + d0f, where dj (j = 0,1,2) are meromorphic functions with finite iterated p−order not all equal to zero generated by solutions of the differential equation f ′′ + A (z) f = 0, where A (z) is a transcendental meromorphic function with finite iterated p−order ρp (A) = ρ> 0. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34M10, 30D35. 1. Introduction and
Abstract Let Hm (z) be a sequence of polynomials whose generating function∑ m Hm (z) tm= N (t, z)/D (t, z) is rational with the denominator D (t, z)= A (z) tn+ B (z) t+ 1, where A (z) and B (z) are polynomials in z with complex coefficients and N (t, z) and D (t, z) do not have a trivial common factor. We show that the zero attractor of Hm (z) is a portion of an real algebraic curve together with a finite subset of the set of roots of the polynomial A (z) Rest (N (t, z), D (t, z)).
By an exponential polynomial, we shall mean a function (1) a0eao* + • • • + ame"mZ with constant a's and with constant a's distinct from one another. The distribution of the zeros of such functions, and of more general functions in which the a's are polynomials in z, rather than constants, has been investigated by Tamarkin, Pólya and Schwenglert. The very elegant results secured by them will be described, to some extent, below. The present writer has treated the question of factorizing an exponential polynomial into a product of exponential polynomials!. We present here two results. In §1, we prove that if every zero of one exponential polynomial is also a zero of a second exponential polynomial, the quotient of the second function by the first is an exponential polynomial. In §2, we study the function
In this paper we investigate the complex oscillation and the growth of some differential polynomials generated by the solutions of the differential equation f ′′ + A1 (z) f ′ + A0 (z) f = F, where A1 (z) , A0 (z) ( 6≡ 0) , F are meromorphic functions of finite order. AMS Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 34M10, 30D35
Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2004
In this paper, we study the possible orders of transcendental solutions of the differential equation f (n) + a n−1 (z) f (n−1) + • • • + a 1 (z) f + a 0 (z) f = 0, where a 0 (z) ,. .. , a n−1 (z) are nonconstant polynomials. We also investigate the possible orders and exponents of convergence of distinct zeros of solutions of non-homogeneous differential equation f (n) + a n−1 (z) f (n−1) + • • • + a 1 (z) f + a 0 (z) f = b (z) , where a 0 (z) ,. .. , a n−1 (z) and b (z) are nonconstant polynomials. Several examples are given.
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