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2004, SSRN Electronic Journal
Targeting and Self-Targeting in a New Social Assistance Scheme * The analysis of targeting of cash benefits is typically silent on whether any success is due to encouraging claims from the poor or to the decisions of administrators on the claims they receive. By contrast, the paper models the probabilities of households' knowledge of a new social assistance scheme, of a claim conditional on knowledge, and of an award conditional on knowledge and claim. It uses household survey data from Uzbekistan where a new social assistance benefit is administered by community organisations. The paper therefore also illustrates problems of design of decentralised social assistance schemes in developing countries.
The analysis of targeting of cash benefits is typically silent on whether any success is due to encouraging claims from the poor or to the decisions of administrators on the claims they receive. By contrast, the paper models the probabilities of households' knowledge of a new social assistance scheme, of a claim conditional on knowledge, and of an award conditional on knowledge and claim. It uses household survey data from Uzbekistan where a new social assistance benefit is administered by community organisations. The paper therefore also illustrates problems of design of decentralised social assistance schemes in developing countries.
Policy Research Working Papers, 1999
Social Policy and Administration, 2005
International Journal of Social Welfare, 2008
It is now common for central governments to delegate authority over the targeting of antipoverty programs to better informedbut potentially less accountablecommunity organizations, while the center retains control over how much goes to each locality. We model the inter-connected behavior of the various actors in such a setting. The model's information structure provides scope for econometric identification. Results for Bangladeshs Food-for-Education Program indicate that withinvillage targeting improved with program size, and with lower land inequality, less remoteness, fewer shocks, and less private redistribution. Power in community decision making clearly mattered to the outcomes. However, there is little sign that the centers program placement took account of village attributes conducive to reaching the poor. Key words: Targeting, decentralization, poverty, inequality, Bangladesh JEL codes: I38, H73 E-mail for correspondence: [email protected], [email protected] ...
In developing countries, identifying the poor for redistribution or social insurance is challenging because the government lacks information about people's incomes. This paper reports the results of a field experiment conducted in 640 Indonesian villages that investigated two main approaches to solving this problem: proxy-means tests, where a census of hard-to-hide assets is used to predict consumption, and community-based targeting, where villagers rank everyone on a scale from richest to poorest. When poverty is defined using per-capita expenditure and the common PPP$2 per day threshold, we find that community-based targeting performs worse in identifying the poor than proxy-means tests, particularly near the threshold. This worse performance does not appear to be due to elite capture. Instead, communities appear to be using a different concept of poverty: the results of community-based methods are more correlated with how individual community members rank each other and with villagers' self-assessments of their own status than per-capita expenditure. Consistent with this, the community-based methods result in higher satisfaction with beneficiary lists and the targeting process.
Asean Economic Bulletin, 2001
The social safety net programs, which were created by the government of Indonesia in early 1998, were intended to help protect the newly poor due to the crisis as well as the traditionally poor. The programs include ensuring the availability of food at affordable prices, supplementing purchasing power through employment creation, and preserving access to critical social services, particularly health and education. The findings of this study, unfortunately, point out that in many cases the target groups have been largely missed by the programs due to low coverage and being only loosely targeted in practice. It should be emphasized, however, that effectiveness of the programs varies across programs and regions. This raises an interesting avenue for future studies on what accounts for these targeting outcomes. The general conclusion from this study points to the need for a large improvement in the program implementations, in particular in targeting the beneficiaries of a particular program and raising coverage within the target groups.
Regional Research of Russia, 2017
⎯The article presents an analysis of certain amendments to regional systems of social assistance for the population since 2013. It has been found that regions more frequently introduce income and nonincome limitations on benefits provided for children and families with children than on benefits for elderly citizens. The income testing mechanism is more frequently used in child welfare measures and much less frequently in social support for elderly citizens. Positive legislative amendments aimed at reducing the inclusion-and exclusion-related errors are more often observed in the sphere of social protection of children. The social support of elderly citizens more frequently encounters with contradictory legislative amendments leading to a reduction in some errors and simultaneously to a growth in other errors. Regions use asymmetric strategies when introducing the mechanism of targeting into the social assistance schemes for children and elderlysome regions give a higher priority to the introduction of target measures supporting families, while other regions choose measures supporting the elderly. In 50% of cases, the inclusion of recipients' incomes in the social benefit entitlement criteria becomes a tool to cut budgetary expenditures in regions, with the size of assigned benefits shrinking, which decreases the effectiveness of a supporting measure in terms of poverty relief for recipients. In one-third of cases, we can observe a contradictory policy, when the introduction of income testing does not achieve the effect of resource concentration on the poorest groups. In some cases, regions demonstrate examples of more efficient introduction of targeting policy, combining the income requirements with an increase in the sizes of payments. This experience can be used as a model of regional strategies when introducing targeted social assistance.
OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, 2006
Marginality, 2013
Social protection programs, especially cash transfer programs, have spread across low-and middle-income countries since the beginning of the millennium, and are increasingly part of national development strategies to assist the poor and particularly the poorest. This chapter lays out a wide range of debates about the specifi c goals, targets, and conditions of social protection and cash transfers. While there is no single best program option, the authors identifi ed fi ve overriding principles for effective efforts. Thus social protection programs and cash transfers work best when they are: fair, assured, practical, large enough to impact household income, and popular. These principles need interpretation at the national level, because no model can be automatically transferred from one country to another.
Journal of Urban Economics, 2004
Policymakers frequently design self-targeting programs or target poor areas to assist poor families when income is not observed. Self-targeting schemes take advantage of differences in participation costs in assistance programs across households. Geographic targeting assumes that transfers are solely determined by the region of residence: to receive the benefits, households not initially present in the targeted areas must relocate away from their original place of residence and live with the poor, which entails a cost that can also be interpreted as a participation cost in the assistance program. The paper shows that a combination of in-kind and in-cash transfers tied to the consumption of a publicly provided private good targeted to the poor becomes very useful when non-poor households have different participation costs. By distinguishing users and non-users of public facilities additional in-cash transfers can be directed to the poor more effectively. The paper demonstrates that the publicly provided good ends up being undersupplied, and the distortion becomes less important as participation costs rise. More importantly, it shows that this kind of redistributive program dominates a pure in-cash scheme. 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. JEL classification: H21; H42; H71
Research Papers in Economics, 2018
The extent to which welfare states target resources to the poor and the effect this may have on redistribution and public support remains an important question in contemporary social policy and welfare state research. Usually in this line of research, targeting is measured as the extent of transfers accruing to the lowest income groups. Such an outcome measure depends on both policy design and contextual factors, such as the composition of the population. For some research questions however, researchers may want to separate the effect of the design of benefit schemes, i.e. targeting intentions, from the context in which targeting takes place. For instance to assess the effect of policy design on redistributive outcomes, or to track whether policymakers resorted to more or less targeting in their benefit schemes over time. Therefore, in this article we develop an institutional targeting indicator that captures the policy intention to target towards the poor. Our indicator summarizes policy design into one parameter, and captures the complexity of benefit design in contemporary welfare states in a meaningful way. Drawing on the OECD Benefits and Wages data that capture the rules and legislation of tax benefit systems, we demonstrate different empirical applications for this indicator.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Social assistance distribution is a form of government empathy to help the underprivileged lead a more dignified life and aims to improve economic performance and community well-being in accordance with the mandated ones. This study aims to examine the obstacles and efforts to distribute social welfare (bansos) to the poor in the urban village of Sekeloa, Coblong Subdistrict, Bandung City. The political mechanism for distributing social assistance becomes more effective when it considers the aspects of communication, more transparent budgetary management, disposal by authority and bureaucratic structure. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate a model for the distribution of social welfare (bansos) to the poor in the urban village of Sekeloa, Coblong Subdistrict, Bandung City. The research used a descriptive, qualitative method. The data includes primary data and secondary data. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document reviews. The interviews were conducted with five main informants. The collected data was analyzed and interpreted in the form of a narrative. The researcher used triangulation and member testing to validate the data. The results showed that the implementation of social welfare (bansos) distribution in Sekeloa Urban Village, Coblong Subdistrict, Bandung City was influenced by the factors of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The policy of distributing welfare to the poor had served social protection, helped the community to strengthen their lives, and provided both cash and in-kind assistance. Meanwhile, obstacles to the distribution of social assistance (bansos) were rooted in discrepancies in local data. To overcome this, a model of effective distribution of social assistance in terms of data integrity, budget, authority, and oversight was created.
Salus Cultura: Jurnal Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan
The Government of Indonesia has implemented social protection programs (SPPs) to reduce the impact of the economic crisis and continued to implement the programs in the recent pandemic situation. To increase the effectiveness of the program implementation, the state involves local governments and communities both in the targeting process and program delivery. The central government involves a village meeting called musyawarah desa (musdes) to update beneficiary’ data of social protection programs and Basis Data Terpadu (BDT-Unified Database). However, issues of mistargeting in the form of inclusion and exclusion error persist. Using the deliberative democracy framework and ethnographic case study approach, this study seeks to understand why mistargeting continues to occur by assessing the process of the musdes. This study found the problems of a centralized design of targeting in the existing social, power and accountability relations in the village, and suggest the need to consider...
Social Indicators Research, 2018
Social Protection Discussion Papers, 2007
KAZEPOV Y.. Rescaling Social Policies: towards Multilevel Governance in Europe, 2010
The social programs represent the redistribution of revenues collected from taxpayers toward persons considered to be in need according to the public policies. Therefore, the government-financed welfare program is often looked as a type of a safety net of the state itself by groups of persons having certain features which are detected according to a selection process. The state should grant the ultimate successive safety net to persons in whose cases the previous safety nets would have failed. The beneficiaries are persons selected by different decision-makers who are aware of the actual status of that person. The individual who actually grants the access to the social program does not have all the necessary data. In this context, is the redistribution system effective? The study aims to determine an equilibrium in social assistance and effective methods for providing social benefits. The study has proposed to build a model using the concept of labelling. The quantitative model hereby proposed represents a possibility to design social programs in circumstances of asymmetric information. Therefore, it reveals the sensitivity of the social programs toward social controls or penalties, and it has a stabilizing effect on the economic crisis. The study proposes the use of an expert system (SE) in redistributing incomes in social assistance and concrete ways of state intervention.
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