Clearing the Heart: Rāzī & Reasoning

2024, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale

Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 1210) developed at least three distinct accounts of ‘reasoning’ (fikr/naẓar) over the course of his career. The latest of these is both historically unprecedented as well as perhaps the most philosophically interesting. Further adding to its interest is that it is contained in a recently re-discovered Rāzian manuscript (Fatih 3145). Each account is here explained and evaluated for its philosophical virtues and vices. The final account is couched in highly ‘mystical’ language, but there is good reason to believe that it is mystical in appearance only. Rāzī uses high-flying mystical terms only then to deflate them of any genuinely mystical sense, thereby ‘rationalizing mysticism’ instead of ‘mystifying rationality’. Scholarly debate continues, however, on the related but broader question of Rāzī’s stance on mystical knowledge in general. Although the question is difficult to answer comprehensively due to the extensive evidence in need of sifting, we marshal some passages by Rāzī heretofore undiscussed in the secondary literature to argue that the existing scholarship provides no basis for the conclusion that Rāzī recognized mystical knowledge as a species of knowledge distinct from every-day, ‘rational’ knowledge.