Introduction: Literary Forms of Argument in Early China

2015, Literary Forms of Argument in Early China


Defining Boundaries and Relations of Textual Units: Examples from the Literary Tool-Kit of Early Chinese Argumentation 112 Joachim Gentz 5 The Philosophy of the Analytic Aperçu 158 Christoph Harbsmeier 6 Speaking of Poetry: Pattern and Argument in the "Kongzi Shilun" 175 Martin Kern 7 Structure and Anti-Structure, Convention and Counter-Convention: Clues to the Exemplary Figure's (Fayan) Construction of Yang Xiong as Classical Master 201 Michael Nylan 8 A Ragbag of Odds and Ends? Argument Structure and Philosophical Coherence in Zhuangzi 26 243 Wim De Reu 9 Truth Claim with no Claim to Truth: Text and Performance of the "Qiushui" Chapter of the Zhuangzi 297 Dirk Meyer Index 341 7 Roman Jakobson, "Linguistics and Poetics," in Style in Language, ed. Thomas A. Sebeok (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1960), 350-377, 370f. 8 This view can already be found in early Jesuit discussions and in reflections by philosophers such as Leibniz and Hegel. An early more systematic linguistic analysis undertakes Wilhelm von Humboldt in his letter to Abel-Rémusat in 1827 (transl.