Information Security and Privacy - Challenges and Outlook



The ongoing demand for new and faster technologies continues to leave consumers and business users to face the constant challenge of updating systems and software. This unrelenting pace of technological evolution has not always been matched with a commensurate focus on security and privacy matters. In particular, the obligatory move to embrace cloud and IoT that frequently result in the collection and analysis of large data lakes has raised challenges for sovereign data protection and privacy legislationwhere data at rest can change overnightwith © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2021 Published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 M. Goedicke et al. (Eds.): Advancing Research in Information and Communication Technology, IFIP AICT 600, pp. 383–401, 2021. 384 S. Furnell et al. mergers and acquisitions of service providers. This chapter examines the role of IFIP Technical Committee 11 (and its 14 underlyingWorkingG...