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This work focuses on the role that transportation system plays in the development of a place. There are different roles and different activities of development that can be attributed to development of transportation system in a region but only the most important ones are written here
This article focuses on explaining the relationship that is noticed between transportation and development in various sectors
This paper discusses the roles and the importance of transportation, particularly, intermodal transportation, in an economy
Acta Universitatis Danubius. OEconomica, 2013
The scope of this work is to analyze the influence of transport infrastructure, on regional development. Moreover, it aims to illustrate the major influences of the economic, social and ecological factors on transport infrastructure development. In that respect, starting by analyzing the current views on national and international levels regarding these items, the work propose to go further, by supplement these theories with some new elements, requested by the current and future society's evolution. Thus, for the analysis of the relationships between transport infrastructure and the regional development, we propose a new scenario, based on the sustainable development principles. This approach, again, is given in the paper, through research investigations carried out, both, in terms of theory and practice, using actual Development Regions of Romania data. Finally, the work findings highlight several solutions that could be included in the further socioeconomic ecological development strategies of The Romanian Development Regions, according with the sustainable transportation concept. The work is useful for the academic specialists and decision-makers, offering an extended support for regional and infrastructural policies.
Two new indications emerging from both theory and practice are challenging the traditional ideas about the links between transport and development: the first is that demand for mobility has a component due to a native human need, the second is the conception of development as capabilities enhancing.
Transport infrastructural development will make Africa to be able to compete effectively in the globalization process. Without developing it Africa's GDP will remain at 2 % which is equivalent to either of Brazil's or Russia. Transport infrastructure will make Africa to be able to trade better among themselves, transport goods and services and increase economic development.
Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (39), 2015
Resumo: Na sequência da adesão de Portugal à UE, o desenvolvimento de infraestruturas de transporte foi entendido não apenas como um símbolo de modernidade e uma condição para a competitividade, mas também como um meio para (i) promover a coesão territorial e social; (ii) assegurar melhores acessibilidades às atividades económicas; e (iii) aumentar a atratividade territorial. Tendo os vários períodos de programação comunitária prosseguido estes objetivos, o artigo analisa os contributos dos investimentos em infraestruturas de transporte (efeitos diretos e indiretos) para o desenvolvimento de duas regiões portuguesas: Algarve e Norte. Procede-se ainda a um breve enquadramento teórico da relação entre transportes e desenvolvimento regional.
Transportation is a non separable part of any society. It exhibits a very close relation to the style of life, the range and location of activities and the goods and services which will be available for consumption. Advances in transportation has made possible changes in the way of living and the way in which societies are organized and therefore have a great influence in the development of civilizations. This chapter conveys an understanding of the importance of transportation in the modern society by presenting selected characteristics of existing transportation systems, their use and relationships to other human activities.
One of the main objectives of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) is to create jobs in order to address poverty alleviation. It is a well-known fact that road works provide good opportunities for labour-intensive activities. However, rather large and ambitious road projects are often selected, with resulting technical and specification barriers. In an effort to accommodate unskilled labour from rural communities, projects are often unbundled to the point where the project management costs start to increase exponentially, and the result is that less money reaches the poor and affected communities. In this essay a philosophical approach is sketched where community facilities, schools, community centres, clinics, etc, are used as focal points for the provision of labour-intensive work like cycle ways and footpaths. In this way road safety, accessibility and the need for job creation can be 'triangulated' to provide low-cost facilities for cyclists and pedestrians alike. ...
The need to transportation has been created from the first day of human creation because they need to move to meet their needs. But today transportation planning is not just an ordinary need because the limitations have grown too while the population has increased. Admittedly because of complication of today world problems it is necessary to pay attention enough to all the aspects of problems when we want to plan to fix them.
Given the importance of transportation in the commercial life, industry and the overall economic development of a nation, this paper attempts to evaluate the impact of developments in transportation on Nigeria’s national development. It addresses five key areas in its discussion of transportation and national development. First, it tries to conceptualize transportation and national development. Second, it tries to provide a historical brief of the role of transportation in the evolution of the Nigerian nation. Third, it discusses the developments in the different modes of transportation from the colonial period to date. Fourth, it tries to examine the impact of transportation on Nigeria’s national development from three perspectives viz: economic, social and political. It observes that apart from lumping transportation and communication together in the budgetary allocation of resources, what is allocated to the sector is inadequate, given the crucial role of transportation in the mo...
The SAGE Handbook of Transport Studies, 2013
At the moment the study of the relations between transport development and social and economic development focuses on two problems: Is it possible to know the laws which regulate the reciprocal influence between these two aspects of development, particularly to improve the use of the resources according to local social and economic development? Is it possible to separate transport development from social and economic development (fig. 1), particularly to promote harmonious balanced local and global development? The urgent need for answers to these two questions, intrinsically linked to one another has led the author to investigate the matter. Consideration of the state of art of the situation immediately identified widespread difficulty in determining valid correlations and high dispersion of results. This led to the belief that, beyond the objective complexity of the problem, it is worth broadening the horizons of the methodological approach, by both evaluating the most specifically human aspects and by making sure that the relevant multidisciplinary instruments involved in the process are used properly.
Wise transport infrastructure planning requires that it is possible to forecast consequences of varying infrastructure supply, given starting conditions. This is often neglected in practice, also because it needs complex considerations. Progress in understanding and predicting mobility phenomena and, as a consequence, in transport planning can be made if we change the traditional paradigm according to which moving is just a derived need. It seems simpler and corresponds more closely to reality to consider moving a native human need. In this paper we start from this new paradigm and propose a conceptual framework to study the relationship between transport infrastructure and development. In doing so, we define the significant indicators which are analyzed by correlation analysis and graphical presentation. Interesting conclusions are drawn about dynamics involving the development of social-economic and transport systems. Finally, we highlight that, in the modeling field, it is promising to look at infrastructures as capabilities essential not only to economic development but also to promoting human liberties and solidarity.
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 89
The junction, station and halting points of transportation connections are established with the development of settlements. This interaction between transportation and settlements has been a determining factor in social and economic development along with physical growth in the urban scale. In particular, regional transportation networks and transportation technologies, differentiated in parallel with transportation policies, direct urban development. This fact is relatively indicative of the trading activities within the city and its region. For this reason, the interaction between transportation and a city can basically be explained by "urban growth". This hypothesis will be examined in Sivrihisar in order to draw attention to some factors to be evaluated in the scope of provincial planning process.
The combination of rapid urbanization and motorization has been a key cause of numerous transport problems in developing cities in Asia. It has resulted in a deterioration in accessibility, service levels, safety, comfort, operational efficiency, and the urban environment. While the development models pursued by cities in the past have not necessarily been effective in resolving many of their problems, experience gained within the region-especially in the development and management of urban transport in Japan-is considered to be highly relevant to urban transport issues in Asian cities. The World Bank and the Ministries of Transport and Construction of Japan have therefore formulated the present study in order to consolidate information and lessons learned from the experience both in Japan and in developing countries. The main objectives of the study are to: (1) identify and analyze possible alternative systems/models for urban transport provision in developing countries; (2) review...
Mpra Paper, 2010
One of the key elements in achieving sustainable economic development of the country is transport, including roads and other infrastructure. The strength and role of the services has grown in developed countries, but has brought a new investment cycle in countries of Balkan, including Kosovo. The transport sector is introduced to us as an economic branch, with a capacity to generate new jobs and possibilities for employment. The level of the destruction of environment is in direct link with the transport sector. Changes needed to be done in order that the transport sector would be able to respond on the demand of the domestic economy and society, but also be able to meet the standards that are implemented in Europe. The adjustment will have to be based on the resources country has, and possibilities to find the loans with accepted interest, that will finance the development of the sector. Introduction of the new approach to management will result with identification of all qualitative and quantitative dates' about the actual situation and the objectives for future.
Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014
The working paper aims to highlighting the major evolutionary milestones, for each transport mode, and also the imposed obstacles and the advantages offered by the national economy, in the development transportation in Romania, starting with 1990 year until now. Each mode of transportation cyclic evolution presents expansions and recessions phases. However, each new evolution cycle, of a transport mode, does not start from "zero", but from the accumulated information (inherited) from previous cycle that will developed, refined and diversify in the future expansion phases. Given the interdependence with the other branches of the national economy and, by its very character, in the public interest, in the last two decades, the transports supported and, also, influenced the evolutions and improvements of the Romanian economy and also, of the entire Romanian society. In addition, the development of different modes of transport has been uneven in recent decades, without taking into consideration the consequences of these evolutions on collateral fields. Some important connections between transportation and economic branches or between transport infrastructures and the regional development represent, also, important aspects presented in this working paper.
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