Multidimensional integrable systems from contact geometry

2025, Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana


Upon having presented a bird's eye view of history of integrable systems, we give a brief review of certain recent advances in the longstanding problem of search for partial differential systems in four independent variables that are integrable in the sense of soliton theory (such systems are known as integrable (3+1)-dimensional systems, or, in terms used in physics, classical integrable 4D field theories, in general non-relativistic and non-Lagrangian). Namely, we review a recent construction for a large new class of (3+1)-dimensional integrable systems with Lax pairs involving contact vector fields. This class contains two infinite families of such systems, thus establishing that there is significantly more integrable (3+1)-dimensional systems than it was believed for a long time. In fact, the construction under study yields (3+1)-dimensional integrable generalizations of many well-known dispersionless integrable (2+1)-dimensional systems like the dispersionless KP equation, as well as a first example of a (3+1)-dimensional integrable system with an algebraic, rather than rational, nonisospectral Lax pair. To demonstrate the versatility of the construction in question, we employ it here to produce novel integrable (3+1)-dimensional generalizations for the following (2+1)-dimensional integrable systems: dispersionless BKP, dispersionless asymmetric Nizhnik-Veselov-Novikov, dispersionless Gardner, and dispersionless modified KP equations, and the generalized Benney system.