Etnozooloji, inanç ve sağlık turizmi bağlamında balık



Abstract: Like many other creatures, fish have been used as an art, belief, and ethnozoological element in different cultures. In Turkish culture, fish lags behind both other cultures and some other creatures. There are beliefs that some lakes and fish are sacred in Anatolia. In traditional treatment, it has been observed that fish oil are used in the treatment of muscle and rheumatic pain, waist-neck hernia, calcification and asthma, and for kidney stones and gallbladder problems fish otolith is used. In some parts of Turkey, it has been determined that fish are also used in the treatment of some health problems such as infertility, hemorrhoids, jaundice, entanglement, urinary incontinence, and burn treatment. It is believed that the consumption of fish as a nutrient is important for a healthy life as well as it is beneficial for the healing of fractures. It is also known that swallowing live juvenile trout is used in the treatment of stomach pains. It is believed that the therapy ...