Waste disposal and geology - Scientific perspectives -

The IGC Workshop "Waste Disposal and Geology: Scientific Perspectives" - a post congress workshop (WC - 1) of the 29th Internationa-l Geological Congress was held on 4 and 5 September, 1992, in Tokyo, Japan. The 29th International Geological Congress concluded successfully from 24 August to 3 September,1992, in Kyoto, Japan. The main theme of the 29th IGC was "From origin of the earth to human survival. " The purpose of the IGC Workshop WC - 1 is to bring together geologists who are experts of waste disposal problems and participated in the 29th IGC from the worid and to have discussion with Japanese experts, mainly non-geologists who have not participated in the main congress. The workshop high-lighted the increasing role of geoiogists in the geological disposal of waste but also the importance of collaboration among many different groups of scientists and technologists. This volume is the proceedings of the IGC Workshop WC - 1 and contains fuIl text of presentend papers and records of discussion sessions. The papers and discussions cover a diversity of topics and should provide the reader with a fairly broad perspective on the waste disposal problems that should be solved for human survival.