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2019, viXra
4 pages
1 file
The balance of the quantum density in dynamics is describing the state of a dynamic particle (body) in the entire range of speeds including the speed of light. The equations of dynamics are including the normalized relativistic factor. In the region of relativistic speeds, we observe a decrease in the quantum density of the medium around the particle (body) and the formation of a deeper gravitational well. Inside a particle (body) we observe an increase in the quantum density of the medium. Upon reaching the speed of light, the particle has the state of a black micro-hole. In this case, we will see that inside of the particle the quantum density doubles, and outside it there is a drop in the quantum density to zero [1-8].
Citation: Stefanescu E. Matter dynamics in a unitary relativistic quantum theory (2019) Edelweiss Chem Sci J 2: 27-39. Citation: Stefanescu E. Matter dynamics in a unitary relativistic quantum theory (2019) Edelweiss Chem Sci J 2: 27-39. Abstract We describe the matter dynamics as a positively defined density 2 , , i i x t M x t and show that, according to the general theory of relativity, such a distribution can be conceive only as of a fragment of matter with a finite mass M equal to a mass 0 M , as a characteristic of the matter dynamics, 0 M M -the matter quantization. The group velocities of the Fourier conjugate representations in the coordinate and momentum spaces describe the dynamics of a quantum particle in agreement with the Hamiltonian equations. Under the action of an external (non-gravitational) field, the acceleration of the quantum matter has two components: 1) A component perpendicular to the velocity, given by the relativistic mechanical component of the time dependent phase, and 2) A component given by the additional field terms of this phase. A free quantum particle is described by a non-dispersing wave function , i x t , contrary to the solution of the Schrödinger equation. A coherent electromagnetic field, in resonance with a system of active quantum particles in a Fabry-Perot cavity, has a wave vector approximately proportional to the metric elements, as the resonance frequency is approximately constant-a gravitational wave can be detected by the transmission characteristics of an active Fabry-Perot cavity. In a constant gravitational field, a quantum particle undertakes a velocity and an acceleration, which, at the boundary of a black hole are null-absorption and evaporation processes at the boundary of a black hole arise only by gravitational perturbations. Generally, a quantum particle is described by a time-space volume, called graviton, with a spin 2, and a distribution of a specific matter in this volume, with a half-integer spin for Fermions and an integer spin for Bosons. A graviton Lagrangian is obtained as a curvature integral on a graviton volume, and a Hamiltonian tensor is obtained for the gravitational coordinates and velocities.
Physical review, 2005
We present a complete quantum mechanical description of a flat FRW universe with equation of state p = ρ. We find a detailed correspondence with our heuristic picture of such a universe as a dense black hole fluid. Features of the geometry are derived from purely quantum input.
Journal of Statistical Physics, 2014
Mathematical models for the stochastic evolution of wave functions that combine the unitary evolution according to the Schrödinger equation and the collapse postulate of quantum theory are well understood for non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Recently, there has been progress in making these models relativistic. But even with a fully relativistic law for the wave function evolution, a problem with relativity remains: Different Lorentz frames may yield conflicting values for the matter density at a space-time point. One solution to this problem is provided by Tumulka's [22] "flash" model. Another solution is presented here. We propose a relativistic version of the law for the matter density function. According to our proposal, the matter density function at a space-time point x is obtained from the wave function ψ on the past light cone of x by setting the i-th particle position in |ψ| 2 equal to x, integrating over the other particle positions, and averaging over i. We show that the predictions that follow from this proposal agree with all known experimental facts.
In this work the quantum gravitational equations are derived by using the quantum hydrodynamic description. The outputs of the work show that the quantum dynamics of the mass distribution inside a black hole can hinder its formation if the mass is smaller than the Planck's one. The quantum-gravitational equations of motion show that the quantum potential generates a repulsive force that opposes itself to the gravitational collapse. The eigenstates in a central symmetric black hole realize themselves when the repulsive force of the quantum potential becomes equal to the gravitational one. The work shows that, in the case of maximum collapse, the mass of the black hole is concentrated inside a sphere whose radius is two times the Compton length of the black hole. The mass minimum is determined requiring that the gravitational radius is bigger than or at least equal to the radius of the state of maximum collapse.
On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories (In 3 Volumes), 2002
Journal of High Energy Physics
We study the backreaction of quantum fields induced through the vacuum polarization and the conformal anomaly on the collapse of a thin shell of dust. It is shown that the final fate of the collapse process depends on the physical properties of the shell, including its rest and gravitational masses. Investigating the conditions for the formation of black holes, we notice that quantum effects modify the geometry and structure of Schwarzschild space-time in such a way that black holes have two horizons, an inner and an outer horizon. If the gravitational mass of the shell is about that of an ordinary star, then in most cases, the semi-classical collapse will terminate in a singularity, and in general, quantum fluctuations are not strong enough to prevent the creation of the singularity. Although under certain conditions, it is possible to form a non-singular black hole, i.e., a regular black hole. In this way, the collapse stops at a radius much larger than the Planck length below the...
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2002
We describe some specific quantum black hole model. It is pointed out that the origin of a black hole entropy is the very process of quantum gravitational collapse. The quantum black hole mass spectrum is extracted from the mass spectrum of the gravitating source. The classical analog of quantum black hole is constructed.
Maxwell's equations predict the impossibility of any but trivial elastic photon–photon scattering. In QED, however, non-elastic photon–photon scattering becomes possible when the combined energy is large enough to create virtual electron–positron pairs spontaneously, illustrated by the Feynman diagram in the adjacent figure. This creates nonlinear effects that are approximately described by Euler and Heisenberg's nonlinear variant of Maxwell's equations. A dispersive vacuum mode can generate entanglement . This can simulate quantum gravity. Experiments in fluids have enabled the simulation of several aspects of black holes and quantum field theory in curved spacetime, with research articles discussing possible hydrodynamic simulators of quantum gravitational effects, ranging from the resolution of curvature singularities to the emergence of spacetime geometry from quantum degrees of freedom. Quantum vacuum as a dispersive medium can induce entanglement entropy which can translate as emergent spacetime structure. Quantum condensate superfluid simulations of dispersive vacuum can approximately correspond to quantum gravity hypermedium with discrete spacetime and entangled entropy conforming to vacuum condensate fluid analogues of black hole and whitehole horizons, and decoherent structures. Superfluid vacuum condensate hydrodynamics involving vortex structures has fundamental length scale imaginary entities and tachyonic modes to account for elementary mass generation mechanisms. For superluminal dispersion, however, the outgoing black hole modes emanate from the singularity in a state determined by unknown quantum gravity processes.
Perseverance as a property of energy and low probable density of energy are discussed within a theoretical context as a principle of quantum gravity. The theory is based on the thesis that the Big Bang was the result of a disturbance within the initial singularitya state of energy of immeasurable density which led to the appearance of energies of different probable densities. Perseverance is a fundamental property of energy that strives for immeasurable density. Quantification was an apodictic trace of perseverance events that triggered the appearance of "condensed" dark energy, quanta of matter in aether (dark matter) and finally quantum particles with a quantum gravity field (matter). Quantum gravity is the element that assigns the characteristics of the gravitational field to low probable density of energy (among quantum particles), is an attribute of field-space energy that shows how energy maintains continuity (indivisibility) and exhibits perseverance as a kinetic effect. Differences in probable density between quantum particle energies and field energies allow for the quantum-mechanical properties of particles (internal rotational quantities, motions, contractions) and vortices of energy in the field-space, quantum fluctuations, interactions. Quantum particles (gravitons) are the elementality of sub-atomic particles, and at the same time they are synonymous with their mass. The quantum entanglement of gravitons in the spheres of sub-atomic particles are formed by gauge fields and the phenomenon of gravito-electromagnetism. The quantum of the gravitoelectromagnetic field in the quantum entanglement of (two) gravitons is a photon.
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