The first inventions made by the first humans on earth to survive started the beginning of first scientific activities. The first instruments made of bone and stone are a product of this philosophy. The fact that human beings begin to lead a life based on settled life means the world science develops rapidly. Because the settled life enabled the establishment of villages and cities for world civilization and the commencement of trade. Along with all these things, concepts such as writing, books, literature, library, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry and physics began to enter into human life. The discovery of mining revealed the facts like armed soldiers, armies and states. Along with the concept of the state, scientific activities have become more systematic and more widespread. Because it is known that states supported scientific activities within their borders. For example, the creation of the writing by the Sumerian civilization, the preparation of textbooks, the development of the calendar, the development of medical science in Egypt, the invention of the compass by the Chinese civilization, the opening of the museum in Alexandria in the Hellenistic Age and the starting of the studies about anatomy in this museum, the opening of a three different educational institutions in Rome, were all happening as a result of the encouragement and support of the respective states. In this study, we tried to put forth that all the scientific activities in the Old Era the basis of the modern science as well.