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2018, Epidemiology International…
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Background: The WHO theme for World Blood Donor Day 2011 was "More blood More life". This theme reinforced the urgent need for more people all over the world to become life-savers by volunteering to donate blood regularly. Blood can save millions of lives. The requirement of blood and blood products in a country depends on the population, health care structure, prevalence of conditions requiring regular transfusions, such as hemophilia and thalassemia etc. Aim: To assess and improve the knowledge attitude and practice of blood donation among undergraduate college students of GMC & TIT Engineering College Bhopal. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted for a period of 6 months from July 2017 to December 2017 among 500 college students of GMC & TIT Engineering College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India using convenience sampling, where blood donation camps were to be held. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires and analyzed by Epi info-7 software. Results: The overall knowledge on blood donation among total respondents was increased from 28.9% to 52.6%. In our sample size of 500 after making them aware regarding blood donation and its benefits 193 respondents gave consent and showed positive attitude towards donation. Most common reason for donating blood was a sense of social responsibility and most common reason of non-donation was fear of the procedure. An 85% of the students were of the view that they would donate blood if asked. Students suggested that small incentives like certificates and arranging transport for blood donation would make it easier to donate. Conclusion: After assessment of all 500 individuals we came to the conclusion that awareness and knowledge among students and individuals was increased from 28.9% to 52.7%. And after encouraging all individuals for donation and keeping a target of 100 unit's collection, we were able to collect 193 units in the course of our project.
The Pharma Innovation Journal , 2019
Introduction: Blood Donation is an important part of our healthcare system.Blood donation means that collecting blood from a donor and it is used for treatment purposes. By blood donation we can save many lives. A person can save three lives by donating his blood. Most of the studies surveyed that blood donation is a selfless concern for the wellbeing of others and it is the duty of every individual. To build awareness between people about the need and importance of blood in the life of an individual, National Voluntary Blood Donation Day is celebrated in India on October 1 st every year. Every individual should aim at inspiring themselves and others to donate blood, those who have not donated blood but are in good health to start donating blood. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to find out the knowledge regarding blood donation among undergraduate students in selected colleges of Pune city. Objectives To assess the knowledge regarding blood donation among students To associate findings with demographic variables. Methods: This was a non-experimental descriptive research design and quantitative research approach. 300 undergraduate students were selected from the institute by non-probability convenient sampling technique. Self-structured questionnaire was used and which was divided into two sections consisting of demographic variables and questions related to knowledge regarding blood donation. Results: Mean score of knowledge regarding blood donation among undergraduate students was 7.41 with 2.17 standard deviation that shows average knowledge. Conclusion: Knowledge regarding blood donation among undergraduate students was average.
There is always a scarcity of human blood at We found most of the students possess a blood transfusion service centers due to lag positive attitude towards blood donation but between demand and supply. Increase in majority (83%) of them had never donated voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation blood. Almost all (97%) including male and is the only solution to the problem. University female students were willing to donate in students can be valuable resource of safe blood future. We concluded students have more asthey can be motivated and encouraged to potential to become regular voluntary donors. become voluntary donors. With this back-Therefore, college and university students ground, Delhi based central universities should be important part of information, students were surveyed with a predesigned, education, communication and other pretested questionnaireto assess knowledge, promotional activities related to voluntary attitude, practices and the contributing blood donation. fac...
International Journal of Physiology, 2020
There is a crucial need for awaring people regarding blood donation all over the world. According to Census 2011 Rajnandgaon city, Chhattisgarh has 1,63114 population and only around 1000 Voluntary Blood Donation done per year 3. This depicts the lack of knowledge and social awareness regarding the blood donation among the population of Rajnandgaon (C.G). Material and Method: The present study is a cross sectional study and conducted among the students of the various graduate and post graduate colleges of Rajnandgaon, to assess their knowledge and attitudinal variables towards voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation. Sample Size: It is calculated by using Kish and Lisle formula for cross-sectional studies 8. Four hundred students were selected to participate in this study Result: After analyzing the data, we observe that the overall knowledge regarding blood donation in study population was found to be 46.11%. Most amazing thing is that 370 student out of 400 never did blood donation (92.5%). Overall 30.60% of students have negative attitude towards blood donation which includes generalized tiredness after blood donation (10.12%), hypovolemic anemia(15.12%) and decrease in Immunity is (5.36%). Around 69.40% of students have positive attitude and are willing to donate blood if they are demanded for blood donation (39.40%), 3% of non-donors not know much importance of blood donation and 27% don't know the procedure and place where to do blood donation. Conclusion: Through this study we suggest that appropriate motivational campaign should be launched immediately among this young section of the population to convert this favourable "attitude" towards blood donation into a regular "practice" in order to increase the voluntary blood donation in Rajnandgaon.
Introduction: Blood is the vital and life saving fluid which can neither be manufactured in factories, nor substituted with blood of any other creature. For those who require for saving their lives, blood donation is only means. Objectives: The study was conducted to assess the knowledge of students regarding blood donation before and after giving planned teaching programme and also to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme by comparing pre and post-test scores on knowledge regarding blood donation. Materials and Methods: In order to achieve the desired objectives of the present study Quantitative research approach with Quasi-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was adopted. The study consists of 100 samples which were selected by non probability convenient sampling method. Data collection was accomplished by using structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The demographic result shows that all participants were in the age group of 16-18 years. All samples were from 11 th standard. Majority (56%) of participants were male. 67% of participants had previous knowledge regarding blood donation and major source of information was from newspaper and books. None of them had donated blood. The pre-test analysis result shows that majority of the participants (58%) had very poor knowledge regarding blood donation, 36% of them had average knowledge and very few students (6%) had good knowledge regarding blood donation. The post-test analysis result shows that majority of the students (63%) had average knowledge regarding blood donation and 37% of them had good knowledge regarding blood donation. None of them had poor knowledge regarding blood donation. It shows improvement in knowledge score. The mean of pre-test score was 7.08 with standard deviation 3.58 and post-test score was 12.51 with standard deviation 2.89.The post-test score was higher than the pre-test score. Z-Test was calculated. Z-value was found 11.83 and Z-table value was 1.96, since calculated Z-value was greater than tabulated Z-value, null hypothesis was rejected. It shows that there was a significant difference in level of knowledge regarding blood donation before and after planned teaching programme. This reveals that planned teaching programme was effective. Conclusion: The study shows that college students had inadequate knowledge regarding blood donation and they did not donate the blood. After planned teaching programme there was an improvement in knowledge level regarding blood donation. It shows that there is a need to provide information regarding blood donation to college students. So that they will donate the blood voluntarily and save the life., 2020
Background: Young, healthy and physically fit students can play a vital role in blood donation. Youth constitute a good proportion of the Kashmiri population so it is very important that we encourage, inspire and motivate them to donate blood on regular basis voluntarily rather than on need basis. The present study was conducted in Kashmir valley to assess the University student’s awareness and attitude towards blood donation. Material and Methods: In this cross sectional study, 800 University students selected at random from various Universities of Kashmir valley using stratified random sampling technique were evaluated using a well-designed validated questionnaire. The information collected on socio-demographic variables, knowledge and attitude of students towards blood donation was assessed using appropriate statistical tools. Results: A total of 800 students, 50% boys and 50% girls were evaluated in present study. The results of our study showed that only (5.5%) of total respondents had a history of blood donation and out of these respondents 90% respondents donate only once. The study reveals that the most mentioned reasons behind not donating blood were; not being asked to donate blood (43.5%); inconsideration of donation (29.5%) and fear of drawing blood (27.0%). The study also revealed that 53.5% students had adequate knowledge regarding blood donation and 93.5% students understudy showed positive attitude towards blood donation. The male students were more knowledgeable and showed more interest in donating blood than female respondents. Conclusion: The current study showed that inadequate knowledge was prevalent among substantial proportion of University students in Kashmir valley, and there was a significant disparity in Knowledge between male and female students. The study further, showed despite the positive attitude of students towards blood donation, only 5.5% students had history of blood donation. It was concluded that blood donation camps and education programs are necessary to motivate youth and increase awareness towards voluntary blood donation rather than donating blood on need basis.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2021
A quasi experimental non randomized pretest posttest design was used to "Assess the Knowledge regarding blood donation among undergraduate students of engineering students" 100 sample of engineering students selected by nonprobability convenient sampling technique. The structure knowledge questionnaire were used to assess the level of knowledge on blood donation. Validity was assessed by 4 experts. Leaflet is given on the day of pretest. Posttest was conducted on after 7 days of pretest by using same tool. The data will analyzed by descriptive statistics such as Mean, SD, frequency and percentage. The mean posttest level of knowledge regarding blood donation was significant higher than the mean pretest of knowledge regarding blood donation. The calculated T test value was (14.25) higher than the tabulated value so H1 is accepted. It was suggested that there was significant association between pretest knowledge score and posttest knowledge score on blood donation.
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2015
Blood transfusion services in India have gained special significance in recent years and forms a vital part of national health care system as it saves millions of lives each year, permits complex medical and surgical interventions, improves life expectancy and quality of life in variety of acute and chronic conditions. Because of increasing incidence of HIV/AIDS, blood safety Programme was initiated in India in the year 1989-1990 and subsequently became an integral part of National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO). Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation (VNRBD) is the safest of all types of blood donations. 1 Voluntary blood donors are ABSTRACT Background: A voluntary non-remunerated blood donor forms the firm foundation of blood transfusion services of a country. The healthy, active and receptive student population can be potential blood donor to meet the safe blood requirements. The objective of this study was to find out the prevalence of blood donors and to explore the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of the college students of Jammu, India regarding Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation (VNRBD). Methods: A descriptive study was conducted over a period of one year. It involved students of six colleges. A structured donor questionnaire regarding KAP on VNRBD was distributed among the college students. Results: 1520 college students with 880 females and 640 males were involved in the study. Out of which 210 were blood donors. Prevalence of blood donors was 13.81%. In this study 81.57 % of students were aware of Voluntary Blood Donation (VBD). 62.5% of the students had awareness regarding spread and transmission of HIV/AIDS. 49.34% students were not aware of the fact that paid / professional blood donation has been banned in India. 76.68% of the students had knowledge that blood donation has medical benefits. The commonest reason for blood donation was sense of social responsibility and for not donating blood was fear of illness. 90.13% of the students were willing to donate blood in future. Conclusions: To increase the prevalence of voluntary blood donation, specific campaigns involving interactive awareness sessions on blood donation should be organized, targeting the youth, motivating them to become regular voluntary blood donors should be conducted. Barriers to blood donation especially by women should be studied and evaluated. Efforts must be undertaken to bring the knowledge and positive attitude towards VBD into application in future to achieve the goal of 100% VNRBD.
Journal of Blood Medicine, 2016
The study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude of college-going students toward voluntary blood donation and to bring out and compare the reasons for donating or not donating blood. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 1,000 college-going students after taking their consent for participation using a prevalidated, self-administered, structured questionnaire after its content and construct validation. Results: The difference in the means of the level of knowledge among the donor (mean: 14.71±2.48) and nondonor students (mean: 11.55±2.82) was statistically significant. There was significant impact of previous blood donation on the level of knowledge in donor students. The attitude toward blood donation was more positive among blood donor as compared to nondonor students, and the difference in their means was statistically significant. About one in two (45.8%) college-going students fear that either they are not fit enough to donate blood (26.8%) or that they will become weak (19%) after blood donation. Almost one in four (27.4%) have fear of needle pain; therefore, they do not come forward for blood donation. Interpretation and conclusion: The most significant reason hindering blood donation comes out to be related to health of the individual donor. The findings of this study conclude that the national targets of voluntary blood donation could be better met with specific blood donor information, education, motivation, and recruitment strategies focusing on the myths and misconceptions prevalent in the donor demographic area of that particular region, specifically targeting high-school children in countries developing a volunteer donor base.
journal of medical science and clinical research, 2018
Introduction: Blood is described as a connective tissue. It provides one of the means of communication between the cells of different parts of the body and it is composed of a fluid part called plasma and a cellular mass called Corpuscles. The cell mass is also called as formed elements. Blood can save millions of life and young people are the hope and future of a safe blood supply in the world. India needs about 6-7.5 million units of blood annually and every year there is gradually increase in this demand. National blood donation policy of India highlights on the need of supplying safe and quality blood to the needy through collecting blood from regular voluntary blood donors. Ignorance, Fear and miss concepts about blood donations and lack of voluntary blood donation organizations are major constraints in many developing countries to facilitate voluntary blood donation. Considering the estimated shortfall of 3-4 million units of blood annually in India, more awareness must be created among all strata of population, especially among youngsters on importance of blood donation. The objective of the study were, To assess the knowledge regarding blood donation among adolescents of selected junior colleges in Pune city. Research Methodology Research Approach: Quantitative Study.
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 2015
BACKGROUND: Blood transfusion is a very crucial component to manage patients suffering from various medical conditions. Voluntary blood donors are the need of the hour. There is a need to spread awareness among general population and students about blood donation to maintain a regular blood supply. Young medical students can serve as best example to take a lead in this noble cause. OBJECTIVE: To assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Blood Donation among 1 st and 2 nd year MBBS students of a Medical College. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The cross sectional study was conducted in a medical college in Kollam district of Kerala in September 2013 among all 1 st and 2 nd year medical students. A separate Health awareness session was organized. Data was collected and analyzed with the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) 12. RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS: Not a single participant answered all knowledge questions correctly. Only 35% had adequate knowledge. The gender has no significant association with knowledge about blood donation. 90% of the respondents had a positive attitude about blood donation. Religion only plays a minor role in their decision to donate blood. Only 10% actually donated blood. 57% students gave blood to a needy relative. The most common reason for not donating blood was having no opportunity. There is a significant association between 2 nd year students and blood donation. After awareness session, the overall willingness to donate blood increased from 89.3% to 97.1%. CONCLUSION: Only one third of students have adequate knowledge level regarding blood donation. Only few among them have donated blood. Majority of them intend to donate blood in future. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities should be increased and regular seminars and classes should be conducted to increase awareness among medical students for encouraging them to donate blood voluntarily.
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Online Journal of Health & Allied Sciences, 2019
Khulna University Studies
International Journal of Scientific Research, 2014
Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College, 2019
Journal of Lumbini Medical College, 2020
International journal of applied research, 2016
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 2017
Nepal Medical Journal
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 2017
National Journal of Community Medicine, 2015
International journal of endorsing health science research, 2018
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health
Haematology International Journal