Euthanasia, A Prodduct of Modernity

One of the features of modern times is the growth of popular tendency to question the traditional social mores. Such questioning has manifested in the way people define the quality and meaning of life itself. Besides, societies have seen rapid proliferation of new ways of looking at life, and have made attempts to rationalize these ways either at the individual level or through organized social institutions. Euthanasia is the product of such attempts. As a social movement of the twentieth century, it has constant rootedness in modernity. The advocates of euthanasia have not only challenged the established idea of sanctity of life and natural death, but also created a public urge for a right to quality death as corollary to the right to quality life. As a result, euthanasia has now become one of the most debated legal and social issues in Europe, America and Asia, and bears the potential to be globalized as a greater social movement in the years to come.