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2001, RePEc: Research Papers in Economics
The U.S. Congress established the East-West Center in 1960 to foster mutual understanding and cooperation among the governments and peoples of the Asia Pacific region including the United States. Funding for the Center comes from the U.S. government with additional support provided by private agencies, individuals, corporations, and Asian and Pacific governments. East-West Center Working Papers are circulated for comment and to inform interested colleagues about work in progress at the Center.
Prepared for the OECD Emerging Market Economy Forum on Electronic Commerce, Dubai, UAE, 2001
The objectives of the Emerging Market Economy Forum on electronic commerce are to broaden the dialogue on electronic commerce between stakeholders and to share a long-term vision for electronic commerce growth. 1 This international conference, jointly organised by the OECD and Dubai, is aimed at enhancing the prospects for effective world-wide co-ordination in this important new area of economic activity.
International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 2001
'This distinction between applicability and enforceability is fundamental to the future development of Internet law. It is a comparatively easy task for a legislator to draft a law which applies to a particular activity undertaken via the Internet, but much more difficult to frame the law so that it is enforceable in practice. Laws which are unenforceable have two major defects; not only do they fail to deal with the mischief which the law seeks to remedy, but the knowledge that they are unenforceable weakens the normative force of other laws.' 2
Electronic Markets, 1999
info, 2003
During the months of May and June of 2002, interviews and surveys were conducted with over 30 high-level private, public, academic and non-profit sector leaders from around the world to discuss the development and impact of regional e-commerce initiatives. Three pioneers in this arena were analyzed: the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the European Union (EU). The motivation, objectives, design, structure and implementation of their respective e-commerce programs were explored, with an eye toward uncovering the visible and invisible challenges and opportunities. This paper presents a set of high-level principles which guided and influenced these initiatives and that can serve as a reference for other organizations considering regional e-commerce needs.
Journal of Organizational …, 2000
Electronic commerce and its related activities over the internet can be the engines that improve domestic economic well-being through liberalization of domestic services, more rapid integration into globalization of production, and leap-frogging of available technology. Electronic commerce integrates the domestic and global markets from its very inception. Negotiating on trade issues related to electronic commerce will demand self-inspection of key domestic policies, particularly in telecommunications, financial services, and distribution and delivery. Technical aspects of electronic commerce, its complexity and the characteristic of network externalities should change the way that developing countries approach the external negotiating process to depend more on cooperative effort through their regional forums (APEC, FTAA). Second, since electronic commerce is characterized by " network externalities, " developing countries should take advantage of the technical leadership coming out of the private sector in the most advanced countries (and their own private sector, even if nascent) and " draft " in behind. E-commerce is not a service, nor a good, but something that is comprised of both. In the context of WTO commitments, embracing this idea could lead to a liberalizing bias in favor of electronic delivery of goods and services as compared to delivery by a scheduled mode. Rather than view this outcome with alarm, developing countries should encourage it as a positive force that furthers the development both of electronic commerce, as well as engenders deeper liberalization and deregulation throughout the economy.
ASR: Chiang Mai University Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2022
There has been a slow response by the World Trade Organization, especially those pertaining to integrating the digital economy among countries. Because of the complex, multidimensional electronic commerce environment, diverse interests, and conflicts among states on internet regulation and electronic development. However, the agreement, specifically at the World Trade Organization forum, acts as intermediary responsibility in forming a safe, sure, and reliable guiding structure for electronic commerce. Thus, it requires restructured early enough and significant way to facilitate the advancement of the electronic economy. This paper focuses on the overhaul of the World Trade Organization to be in line and able to handle challenging contemporary trade treaties. Currently, there is no all-inclusive change program for the World Trade Organization.
SHS Web of Conferences, 2021
Research background: Globalization encourages increased involvement of retailers, and the market currently provides these entities with a new range of purchasing functions. The new economy is based primarily on information and knowledge, so the key to success is the ability to constantly improve and respond to changing market conditions and increasing customer requirements. The Internet thus becomes an integral part of our lives. It is a tool that makes our lives better. The expansion of the global information network Internet has created space for a new kind of business. It brings benefits to all e-commerce entities. For this reason, its popularity is growing exponentially. The negative experience caused by financial fraud, misuse of sensitive data, the unreliability of business partners, and the like is also growing. Purpose of the article: The basic purpose of the article is the fact that the development of e-commerce is one of the important conditions for maintaining and increas...
The following findings refer only to the LDCs surveyed. The general findings (at the country level) are categorized under the following:
International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 1998
Communications of the AIS, 2003
The ten papers in this special volume of CAIS focus on environmental and policy influences on the diffusion of e-commerce in selected countries in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. They are part of a multi-year, multi-country study entitled,“Impacts of Electronic Commerce in the Global Networked Economy: A Multi-Country Study”.[www. crito. uci. edu/GIT/Project3d. asp] KEYWORDS: Globalization, E-Commerce
The continued rapid expansion of e-commerce globally presents growth opportunities for Asia and the Pacific economies�2 To benefit, they have to navigate policy areas with a clear mindset and a forward-looking perspective� E-commerce transforms trade by making the flow of information more efficient throughout the transaction process, making the flow of funds faster and less costly through the ancillary e-payment services, and increasing the traffic of retail parcels across borders�
This article examines the key issues that electronic commerce poses for global trade, using as a starting point the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement most relevant to electronic commerce. It begins with an overview of electronic commerce, providing a workable definition of electronic commerce and examining its growth and economic impact. It then discusses the important function played by the WTO in electronic commerce, and the central role of GATS in that function. The article goes on to consider the compatibility between electronic commerce and global trade at three levels: first, at the textual level of GATS, providing recommendations to improve the treatment of electronic commerce within that agreement; secondly, at the structural level of the WTO agreements, proposing an integration of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and GATS to deal better with electronic commerce under the WTO regime; and thirdly, at the level of the global trading system, exploring how recognition of electronic commerce as a global public good may help reduce the digital divide between developed and developing countries.
Inevitably, the boom in technology and informational technology have had an impact on the business world since the late '80s, when the Internet began to penetrate the lives of millions of users around the globe. Currently, concepts such as e-business or e-commerce have found their place and applicability inside the global economy with ease, knowing it promoted models exhibiting an accelerated rate of development, well above the usual average growing rate of the traditional economy. Although the industry (especially the American one) saw a critical moment in the early 2000s, the obstacles have been overcome, confirming a continuous rise of electronic commerce in the last twenty years. The purpose of this article is to highlight some of the characteristics of electronic commerce, the global implementation stage, reviewing in the process the main steps taken in this area up to the present and last but not least to identify possible development trends for the future.
Electronic Commerce Research, 2021
2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of Electronic Commerce Research (ECR). The journal has changed substantially over its life, reflecting the wider changes in the tools and commercial focus of electronic commerce. ECR's early focus was telecommunications and electronic commerce. After reorganization and new editorship in 2014, that focus expanded to embrace emerging tools, business models, and applications in electronic commerce, with an emphasis on the innovations and the vibrant growth of electronic commerce in Asia. Over this time, ECR's impact and volume of publications have grown rapidly, and ECR is considered one of the premier journals in its discipline. This invited research summarizes the evolution of ECR's research focus over its history.
The growth and development of advanced communications networks, most outstandingly the Internet, has facilitated the creation of an expanding international electronic marketplace within which electronic commerce takes place with increasing frequency. The relative newness of this electronic forum has ensured that, until recently, e-commerce has been constrained by few rules, disciplinary procedures and operational norms, and has been characterised by considerable uncertainty about how to develop suitable governance arrangements. This paper considers the as-yetonly-weakly-established but nevertheless, nascent, structure of global e-commerce governance. It begins by establishing the character of the main regulation that has so far emerged. Next, it explores the likely shape of a World Trade Organisation (WTO) centred system of e-commerce regulation. We suggest that WTO regulation of e-commerce will result from a series of modifications to existing rules in key legal agreements administ...
International Journal of Law and Information …, 2007
E-commerce offers economy-wide benefits. World Trade Organization (WTO) members recognized the benefits e-commerce offers and have developed a work program to facilitate the development of e-commerce. However, WTO efforts to facilitate e-commerce have stalled, leading to a slower than anticipated progress. As fundamental differences continue to stall progress in the WTO's program on e-commerce, the United States concluded a free trade agreement with Jordan. This agreement was the first ever to incorporate explicit provisions on e-commerce. This article analyzes how existing trade agreements have dealt with e-commerce. The article gives an overview of the situation in WTO. The article then examines the e-commerce provisions in the United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (US-JO FTA) and how the parties have tackled the obstacles that stalled the WTO work on e-commerce. It concludes that the US-JO
Tập san Khoa học và kỹ thuật trường Đại học Bình Dương
The paper analyses E-commerce cooperation between Eurasian EconomicUnion and Vietnam. Economic results or trade between EAEU and Vietnam are analyzed.Main documents and trade aspects between EAEU countries and Vietnam are shown. Thelegal business actions and responsibility that should be developed are shown. Proposals todevelop legislation for further e-commerce extension are given. Special attention should bepaid to rapidly growing Artificial Intelligence systems and their regulation at our jointmarket.
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