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2021, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
24 pages
1 file
In previous work, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation has been associated with the metrics of general relativity and shown to be a generalized Dirac equation for quantum mechanics. This lends itself to a natural definition of wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics. This theory is now further developed to show that a free spinless quantum particle moving with velocity v obeys the standard wave equation of electro-magnetism. We also discuss the implications for the zitterbewegung problem and its relationship to isotropy. Moreover, it is also shown that for the theory to be consistent, the momentum defined by the Hamilton-.!acobi function presupposes the existence of a universal parameter internal to the system. In the case of particles with mass this invariant can be defined by dX = dt/m(t) where t has the units of time and m = m(t) has the units of mass.
The proposed paper presents the unobserved inadequacies in de Broglie's given concepts of wave-particle duality and matter waves in the year 1923. The commonly admitted quantum energy or frequency expression hν=γmc 2 is shown to be inappropriate for matter waves and is acceptable only for photons, where the symbols have their usual meanings. The superluminal phase velocity expression c 2 /υ, for matter waves, is investigated in detail and is also reported to be inadequate in the proposed paper. The rectifications in the inadequate concepts of de Broglie's theory and refinements in the analogy implementation between light waves and matter waves are presented, which provides the modified frequency and phase velocity expression for matter waves. Mathematical proofs for the proposed modified frequency and phase velocity expression are also presented. In accordance with the proposed concepts, a wave-particle duality picture is presented which elucidates the questions coupled with the wave-particle duality concepts, existing in the literature. Consequently, particle type nature is shown to be a characteristic of waves only, independent from the presence of matter. The modifications introduced in the frequency expression for matter waves leads to variation in the wave function expression for a freely moving particle and its energy operators, with appropriate justifications provided in the paper. A new relation between the Kinetic energy and Momentum of the moving body is also proposed and is subsequently applied to introduce novel General and Relativistic Quantum Mechanical Wave Equations. Applications of these equations in bound state quantum mechanical systems, presented in the paper, provide the information regarding particle's general and relativistic behavior in such systems. Moreover, the proposed wave equations can also be transformed into Schrödinger's and Dirac's equations. The interrelation of Schrödinger's, Dirac's and proposed equations with the universal wave equation is also presented.
In this article, the axioms presented in the first one are reformulated according to the special theory of relativity. Using these axioms, quantum mechanic’s relativistic equations are obtained in the presence of electromagnetic fields for both the density function and the probability amplitude. It is shown that, within the present theory’s scope, Dirac’s second order equation should be considered the fundamental one in spite of the first order equation. A relativistic expression is obtained for the statistical potential. Axioms are again altered and made compatible with the general theory of relativity. These postulates, together with the idea of the statistical potential, allow us to obtain a general relativistic quantum theory for ensembles composed of single particle systems. 1
In the last article, an approach was developed to form an analogy of the wave function and derive analogies for both the mathematical forms of the Dirac and Klein-Gordon equations. The analogies obtained were the transformations from the classical real model forms to the forms in complex space. The analogous of the Klein-Gordon equation was derived from the analogous Dirac equation as in the case of quantum mechanics. In the present work, the forms of Dirac and Klein-Gordon equations were derived as a direct transformation from the classical model. It was found that the Dirac equation form may be related to a complex velocity equation. The Dirac's Hamiltonian and coefficients correspond to each other in these analogies. The Klein-Gordon equation form may be related to the complex acceleration equation. The complex acceleration equation can explain the generation of the flat spacetime. Although this approach is classical, it may show a possibility of unifying relativistic quantum mechanics and special relativity in a single model and throw light on the undetectable aether.
A derivation of pilot waves from electrodynamic self-interactions is presented. For this purpose, we abandon the current paradigm that describes electrodynamic bodies as point masses. Beginning with the Liénard-Wiechert potentials, and assuming that inertia has an electromagnetic origin, the equation of motion of a nonlinear time-delayed oscillator is obtained. We analyze the response of the uniform motion of the electromagnetic charged extended particle to small perturbations, showing that very violent oscillations are unleashed as a result. The frequency of these oscillations is intimately related to the zitterbewegung frequency appearing in Dirac's relativistic wave equation. Finally, we compute the self-energy of the particle. Apart from the rest and the kinetic energy, we uncover a new contribution presenting the same fundamental physical constants that appear in the quantum potential.
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2017
Using Clifford and Spin-Clifford formalisms we prove that the classical relativistic Hamilton Jacobi equation for a charged massive (and spinning) particle interacting with an external electromagnetic field is equivalent to Dirac-Hestenes equation satisfied by a class of spinor fields that we call classical spinor fields. These spinor fields are characterized by having the Takabayashi angle function constant (equal to 0 or π). We also investigate a nonlinear Dirac-Hestenes like equation that comes from a class of generalized classical spinor fields. Finally, we show that a general Dirac-Hestenes equation (which is a representative in the Clifford bundle of the usual Dirac equation) gives a generalized Hamilton-Jacobi equation where the quantum potential satisfies a severe constraint and the "mass of the particle" becomes a variable. Our results can then eventually explain experimental discrepancies found between prediction for the de Broglie-Bohm theory and recent experiments. We briefly discuss de Broglie's double solution theory in view of our results showing that it can be realized, at least in the case of spinning free particles.The paper contains several Appendices where notation and proofs of some results of the text are presented.
Essentially, in this paper we propose a new description of the quantum dynamics by two relativistic propagation wave packets, in the two conjugated spaces, of the coordinates and of the momentum. Compared to the Schrödinger-Dirac equation, which describes a free particle by a wave function continuously expanding in time, considered as the amplitude of a probabilistic distribution of this particle, the new equations describe a free particle as an invariant distribution of matter propagating in the two spaces, as it should be. Matter quantization arises from the equality of the integral of the matter density with the mass describing the dynamics of this density in the phases of the wave packets. In this description, the classical Lagrange and Hamilton equations are obtained as the group velocities of the two wave packets in the coordinate and momentum spaces. When to the relativistic Lagrangian we add terms with a vector potential conjugated to coordinates, as in the Aharonov-Bohm effect, and a scalar potential conjugated to time, we obtain the Lorentz force and the Maxwell equations as characteristics of the quantum dynamics. In this framework, the conventional Schrödinger-Dirac equations of a quantum particle in an electromagnetic field obtain additional terms explicitly depending on velocity, as is expected in the framework of relativistic theory. Such a particle wave function takes the form of a rapidly varying wave, with the frequency corresponding to the rest energy, modulated by the electric rotation with the spins ½ for Fermions, and 1 for Bosons. From the new dynamic equations, for a free particle in the coordinate and momentum spaces, we reobtain the two basic equations of the quantum field theory, but with a change of sign, and an additional term depending on momentum, to the rest mass as the eigenvalue of these equations. However, when these eigenvalues are eliminated, the wave function takes the form of a wave packet of spinors of the same form as in the conventional quantum field theory, with a normalization volume as the integral of the ratio of the energy to the rest energy, over the momentum domain which gives finite dimensions to the quantum particle, as a finite distribution of matter in the coordinate space.
It is shown that a wave mechanical quantum theory can be derived from relativistic classical electrodynamics, as a feature of the magnetic interaction of Dirac particles modeled as relativistically circulating point charges. The magnetic force between two classical point charges, each undergoing relativistic circulatory motion of small radius compared to the separation between their centers of circulation, and assuming a time-symmetric electromagnetic interaction, is modulated by a factor that behaves similarly to the Schr\"odinger wavefunction. The magnetic force between relativistically-circulating charges has been shown previously to have a radially-directed inverse-square part of similar strength to the Coulomb force, and sinusoidally modulated by the phase difference of the charges' circulatory motions. The magnetic force modulation in the case of relatively moving centers of charge circulation solves an equation formally identical to the time-dependent free-particle Schr\"odinger equation, apart from a factor of two on the partial time derivative term. Considering motion in a time-independent potential obtains that the modulation also satisfies an equation formally similar to the time-independent Schro\"dinger equation. Using a formula for relativistic rest energy advanced by Osiak, the time-independent Schr\"odinger equation is solved exactly by the resulting modulation function. The significance of the quantum mechanical wavefunction follows straightforwardly from these observations. After considering the modification of Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory required by the adoption of Minkowski-Osiak relativity, the model is extended to obtain the full complex Schr\"odinger wavefunction.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 1948
From the general principles of quantum mechanics it is deduced that the wave equation of a particle can always be written as a linear differential equation of the first order with matrix coefficients. The principle of relativity and the elementary nature of the particle then impose certain restrictions on these coefficient matrices. A general theory for an elementary particle is set up under certain assumptions regarding these matrices. Besides, two physical assumptions concerning the particle are made, namely, (i) that it satisfies the usual second-order wave equation with a fixed value of the rest mass, and (ii) either the total charge or the total energy for the particle-field is positive definite. It is shown that in consequence of (ii) the theory can be quantized in the interaction free case. On introducing electromagnetic interaction it is found that the particle exhibits a pure magnetic moment in the non-relativistic approximation. The well-known equations for the electron an...
In this paper, we obtain the quantum dynamics in the framework of the general theory of relativity, where a quantum particle is described by a distribution of matter, with amplitude functions of the matter density, in the two conjugate spaces of the spatial coordinates and of the momentum, called wave functions. For a free particle, these wave functions are conjugate wave packets in the coordinate and momentum spaces, with time dependent phases proportional to the relativistic lagrangian, as the wave velocities in the coordinate space are equal to the distribution velocity described by the wave packet in this space. From the wave velocities of the particle wave functions, we obtain lorentz's force and the maxwell equations. For a quantum particle in electromagnetic field, we obtain dynamic equations in the coordinate and momentum spaces, and the particle and antiparticle wave functions. We obtain the scattering or tunneling rate in an electromagnetic field, for the two possible cases, with the spin conservation, or inversion.
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