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1996, Verbum Et Ecclesia
21 pages
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Parables in conte:d: some comments on Matthew 24:45-25:30 The three parables in Matthew 24:45-25:30 are usually read as advice to the church on how to behave while waiting for the return of the Lord. An alternative reading is proposed in this article: Matthew discusses the relationship between various Jewish groups, explaining who the disciples of the Kingdom are and why fonnative Judaism, competing for the allegiance of Jews of the late first century, is not a viable option for the future of Israel's inheritance.
Masters Dissertation, 1997
John Wesley de Gruchy comes from the background of the Congregational Union of South Africa during the heated discussions leading up to the formulation of A message to the people of South Africa in the 1960's. In this era, he continued the congregational ecumenical view and the tendency of criticism against the "boers", in favor of the black people in South Africa. As director of communications and study in the South African Council of Churches, he set out to define the church, in dialogue with Barth, Bonhoeffer, Hoekendijk, Moltman and Metz. His starting point was that theology can only be relevant if it is contextual. "Contextual" in this sense means in relation to the contemporary socio-political situation. The German Bekennende Kirche provided De Gruchy with an excellent example of the dynamic church, especially in the context of the confessing church movement under auspices of Beyers Naude. As the anti-apartheid church struggle became more articulate, De Gruchy moved into a new theological phase. During this era, his writing was marked by two issues- a) strong criticism against Afrikaner Calvinism, Afrikaner Nationalism and Christian Nationalism, and b) the need for a South African Biblical theology. During 1986, a year after the Kairos-document was published, De Gruchy's theology developed into a third phase: a paradigm shift in favor of liberation theology. This was necessary for his theology in order to be relevant (=contextual) in the South African situation. De Gruchy did not want to break with his reformed background and saw a useful link between reformed and liberation theology in the Belhar Confession. To him, this meant a reinterpretation of reformed theology from the perspective of the poor and oppressed. A new project started in service of the struggle for justice and reconciliation. In this process, De Gruchy stripped the reformed tradition until only one thing remained essential for reformed theology: reinterpretation in relation to the contemporary (socio-political) context. The only problem with this definition of reformed theology, is that it raised the question "can Afrikaner Calvinism not also be viewed as a reinterpretation and therefore reformed?" De Gruchy tries to prevent this by defining two impulses that has to be present in theology: the prophetic and the evangelical. These will prevent theology from being ideological or pietistic.
Scriptura: Journal for Biblical, Theological and Contextual Hermeneutics, 1980
Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 2020
Tale en Literatuur in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks aan die Noordwes-Universiteit en afgetrede professor in Afrikaanse en Nederlandse letterkunde. Sy navorsing het gefokus op Suid-Afrikaanse letterkunde ná 1980 en op Afrikaanse poësie. Saam met Chris van der Merwe het hy Alkant olifant (1988) geskryf, 'n inleiding tot die literêre teorie. Hulle het ook as mederedakteurs opgetree van twee versamelings essays oor identiteit, die mag van stories en liminaliteit, naamlik Storyscapes (2004) en Beyond the threshold (2007). 'n Derde bundel essays, Crossing borders, dissolving boundaries, het in 2013 verskyn. Viljoen se navorsing fokus tans veral op landskap, kreolisering en hibriditeit in die Afrikaanse letterkunde. Hy het ook twee digbundels, Waterkristal (1982) en Holtrom en groot kabaal (2007), en 'n postmoderne epiese gedig, Brisant (2019), gepubliseer.
Scriptura : international journal of bible, religion and theology in southern Africa, 2018
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2014
A practical-theological reflection on coaching and equipping children for service as a way to emulating the attitude of Christ. The hypothesis for this research is that the youth is an inherent part of the church. The church, which includes the children, received spiritual gifts from God. The edification of the church is the main purpose in the utilisation of all the gifts. The church received a significant responsibility in equipping and convoying children to be obedient in their calling to be followers of Jesus Christ. Parents and children must use their gifts for their own diakonia. The word diakonia gives expression to the fact that diakonia must take place in accordance to the calling by God. In recent research the expression diakonia also received a more comprehensive meaning. The research field will be explored in four phases and, in doing so, try to come to grips with the current practical-theological situation. In phase one the authors tried to offer a descriptive reflectio...
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 1994
The filioque The current debate within the ecumenical movement about the filioque has its origin in the Greek Orthodox church’s demand that the Nicenco- Constantinopolitanum be accepted in its original form. Only if a universally acceptable symbol is found, can there be any hope of progress in the movement to unity. The choice put by the ecumenical movement is between unity and filioque. It is the contention in this article that this choice is a false one. From an overview of the most important historical aspects of the problem, the reader is confronted by the problem. This is followed by a discussion of the points of view of the orthodox church, the ecumenical movement and Protestant theology. This discussion shows the impasse which the choice between fdioque and unity creates. A discussion of the concept of models, as instrument within theological language, has as goal to show that this impasse can be solved. I f theological language uses models in its discussions, any talk about ...
In die skriflig, 1996
See, hear and know: Basic-theoretical perspectives on instruction in faith by celebrating Passover. A survey o f Old Testam ent data In this article it is contended that God him self instructs his covenant people in a concrete and visible manner by revealing Him self to this people. Attention is paid to God as subject o f instruction, the parents as subjects o f instruction and the people o f the covenant as subject o f instruction. Furthermore, extensive attention is paid to the aim o f instructing the children o f the covenant by celebrating the Passover. In this respect the dimensions o f seeing, hearing and knowing as perspectives o f cardinal importance in instructing children are analysed. Finally, guidelines are given fo r the praxis o f instructing children o f the covenant in faith. * God het die kiag van die volk gehoor. _______* God het gedink aan sy verbond met Abraham, Isak en Jakob._
Verbum et Ecclesia, 2011
Met die verskyning van die TV-medium binne die Suid-Afrikaanse milieu in die laat sestigerjare en vroe� sewentigerjare (vgl. Barnard 2009:192), het �n nuwe wyse van kommunikasie die lig gesien. Grotendeels het dit meegebring dat die kommunikasiemedium van die woord deur die kommunikasiemedium van die beeld vervang is (vgl. Sweet 1999:200).Visuele kommunikasie het die mees ingrypende verskuiwing geword wat oor die afgelope vyf dekades plaasgevind het. Uiteraard het dit �n nuwe generasie na vore gebring, wat as die visuele generasie bekend staan, en binne die visuele taalkode kommunikeer.Visuele uitbeelding word in hierdie artikel gestel as �n legitieme vorm van homiletiese aanbieding naas die oratoriese aanbieding van die prediking. In hierdie artikel word drie kategoriee van visuele prediking word geidentifiseer, naamlik, (1) die visuele beeldpreek, (2) die visuele uitbeeldingspreek en die (3) visuele verbeeldingspreek. Praktiese riglyne vir elke vorm van visuele prediking word in h...
Verbum et Ecclesia, 2000
�What will this child become?� Childhood in the world of Jesus (Part 2) This is the second part of an historical investigation into the conditions and experiences of childhood in first century Palestine. Aspects of early childhood, socialisation and education are discussed. The issue, �Jesus and the children� is explored briefly.
Misplaced benefaction and grievances of the "Liquorice Allsorts family": A law and literature investigation of Zelda Bezuidenhout's Die waarde van stil bure The law and literature field of study, which is still being developed in South Africa, is an interdisciplinary field of study that offers readers of fiction an opportunity to reflect critically on the role and function of law in a broader context, including the possibility to evaluate, within a defined scope, complex social and legal issues such as lawlessness, discrimination and injustice. This field of study furthermore creates the ideal lens for a critical review of social, legal and cultural practices influenced by the law.
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Verbum et Ecclesia
Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 2008
In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi
Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 2008
Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 2019
Journal of South African Law / Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, 2006
In die Skriflig, 2013
Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 1984
Hts Teologiese Studies-theological Studies, 2014