A genealogy of poetry

2024, Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies


Poetry does not have a history; it has many histories. By tracing the history of poetry in the West, in conjunction with genre studies and research on concept formation, it is evident that the genre "poetry" is contingent on the various rhetorical situations of its production. Such an approach reveals that the concept "poetry," like all concepts, is always in flux. Yet, despite the fact that "poetry" means different things to different people in different times and places, studies of oral poetry have yielded insights into traits that might be considered universal to poetry, such as its performativity and categorization as ritual language. Other common aspects include the use of parallelism, analogy and metaphor, musicality, and how poems function as metapragmatic symbols that reflect the values of their cultural production. This functionalist approach to poetry reveals that the evolution of poetry is at once historically contingent and culturally universal, and recognizes that poetry's multiplicity and continual becoming operate with the primary goals of generating and sharing culturally relative meaning.