Bhattacharjee2022 Article ReasonDeathAndTheAnimalTheMahā(1)

2022, Journal of Dharma Studies


The article attempts to deal with the proposition that human being’s incapacity to imagine its own death, the state of non-being necessitates the thinking of the animal. A critical and close reading of specifc Brāhmaṇa and Mahābhārata texts would spotlight that it is man’s rationalizing capacity that disavows and denies the question of intelligibility of the actions of the animal. The animal is the undisclosable which man keeps and brings to light as such. The article would further investigate if the question of our forgetfulness toward the fact that we are born in debt to death has any linkage to the sacrifcial logic of killing animals as elaborated in Brāhmaṇical hermeneutics. It examines how the ethical is thor- oughly coextensive with the animal’s act of hospitality/hostility as an afective, purposive and reasoned response toward the other. In the course of the analy- sis of the jantu and pakshî upākhyāns in the Àraṇyak and Śanti Parvas of the Mahābhārata, the article tries to understand and explore if the experience of the animalitas is intrinsic to the structure of human reason, complicating the nature and notion of a priori.