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2015, Technology audit and production reserves
моделирование организационно-технологиЧеских и техниЧеских структур сборки машиностроительных изделий Сборка сложных машиностроительных изделий в условиях мелкосерийного производства характеризуется низким уровнем достоверности технологических решений. Это связано с невозможностью поиска оптимальных вариантов технологических процессов для заданных организационно-технических условий производства из-за сложности как объекта сборки, так и средств, которые при этом применяются. Одним из путей преодоления этих проблем является имитационное трехмерное моделирование производственной среды. ключевые слова: сборка, моделирование, технологическая операция, сборщик, семантическая сеть.
Fizmatkniga, 2010
The theory of contact interaction with account of wear of contacting bodies (wear contact problem) is an effective means to calculate wear of friction units and hence to estimate their operating life. At present a number of analytical and numerical approaches to solution of the wear contact problem are developed, which often involve complicated mathematical apparatus or use considerable computational resources. Considered in this book statements and methods to solve the wear contact problem are characterized by simplicity of mathematical apparatus and allow of a simple numerical implementation and even, in some cases, an analytical description of the wear process. Author was aiming not to overload the book by strict mathematical calculations, replacing them sometimes physically understandable explanations. In spite of all this the described methods seem as quite universal ones and can be used for solution of the wear contact problem in more complicated statements. A significant attention in the book is devoted to the effects caused by peculiarities of the wear law. In this connection author had considered it appropriate to provide the book by a review of the main results on theoretical and experimental studies of the wear law for different materials and conditions.
Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 2020
The article considers the problem of designing a tool for friction hardening to increase the fatigue strength for conical threaded joints of elements of oilfield and drilling equipment. To increase the fatigue strength, a tool was developed for frictional strengthening of the working surface of the thread. The proposed design of the tool solves the current problem of simultaneous strengthening of depressions and side surfaces of the conical notch, which provides an increase in both fatigue strength and wear resistance. The design dimensions of the developed tool are determined using geometric modeling. The scientific novelty of the developed tool design is to solve the problem of simultaneous strengthening of depressions and surfaces of the conical groove profile, namely different lengths of the side surfaces of the conical groove, by modifying its lateral deforming elements. This simplifies the manufacture of the tool, increases the stability of the tool, the stability of the param...
Collection of scientific works of the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies series "Transport Systems and Technologies", 2019
Зуб Євген Петрович, аспірант (аспірант кафедри «Вагони та вагонне господарство», Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій) Сапронова Світлана Юріївна, д.т.н., проф. (професор кафедри «Вагони та вагонне господарство», Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій) Ткаченко Віктор Петрович, д.т.н., проф. (завідувач кафедри «Тяговий рухомий склад залізниць», Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій) АНАЛІЗ СИСТЕМ МОНІТОРИНГУ ПАРАМЕТРІВ ЗНОСУ КОЛІСНИХ ПАР РУХОМОГО СКЛАДУ ЗАЛІЗНИЦЬ В статті проведений аналіз систем контролю технічного стану колісних пар як на залізницях України, так і в світі. Розкрито переваги та недоліки цих систем. Розглянуто принцип дії та складові систем, завдяки яким здійснюється фіксація та контроль параметрів зносу колісних пар. Стаціонарний пристрій для контролю технічного стану колісних пар рухомого складу залізниць, запропонований авторами, особливо актуальний при оперативному виявленні дефектів колісних пар, які є загрозою безпеки руху поїздів. Зроблено висновок про те, що на залізницях України не повною мірою впроваджено повноцінний автоматизований контроль технічного стану колісних пар. Ключові слова: рухомий склад залізниць, колісна пара, поверхня кочення, система моніторингу, контроль параметрів зносу.
Bulletin of the National Technical University «KhPI». Series: Automobile and Tractor Construction
The article provides a search and analysis of the design parameters of disc brake mechanisms that provide regulated braking efficiency and wear resistance of friction pairs in order to increase their durability. To assess the relative wear of the friction surfaces of the disc brake mechanisms of passenger cars, an assessment was made of the parameters that can characterize the wear of the interface. On the example of Lanos passenger cars, the possibilities of prospects for further calculation of the coefficients of wear resistance of materials of friction bodies using generalized mathematical models, such as a model of wear of friction pairs of disc brakes, including the design parameters of friction surfaces, the magnitude of the drive pressure, the initial braking speed of the car and the braking time, are considered. wear occurs
Bulletin of the National Technical University «KhPI». Series: Automobile and Tractor Construction
A mathematical model of wear of friction surfaces of disc brake mechanisms of a passenger car during braking is proposed. For passenger cars, the work of the created algorithm is considered, the results of the program and the analysis of the results of the computational experiment are given. The prospects for further research to determine the wear resistance coefficient of materials for mating parts of disc brake mechanisms are also considered.
Letters on Materials, 2021
Tribological properties of a composite material with intermetallic reinforcing based on an antifriction alloy of Al-Sn-Cu system are studied. The samples were obtained by the method of reaction casting mixing micron-sized titanium particles into the melt of the matrix alloy. The formation of intermetallic phases led to an increase in the hardness and a decrease in the wear rate of the sample of composite material. Dry sliding wear tests were carried out using a fixed sleeve (counterbody made of steel 45) against a rotating disk (composite material) at sliding velocities of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 m / s and loads 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 MPa. Wear rate of the samples and friction coefficient for the entire set of tribo-loading parameters were determined. A general increase in the wear intensity with increasing test load was shown. There was no general tendency of the change in the wear rate with the increasing test velocity. The change in the friction coefficient during the test made it possible to determine the wear modes. The temperature change in the friction process was an additional parameter for describing the wear modes. An increase in load and velocity led to an increase in the friction temperature, in addition, the rate of temperature change was significantly influenced by the test time for equal friction paths. Maps of the wear rate which determine the wear modes during testing are constructed. The bounds and conditions of changes between the four modes of wear, soft, mild, severe and critical, are shown. Optimal loading parameters of the friction process corresponding to the sliding velocity 0.5 m / s and load 1.5 MPa are determined. The constructed wear maps made it possible to determine the friction regimes under which the exploitation of the composite material studied will be carried out in the region between soft and mild wear regimes.
Работа посвящена математическому моделированию сложного динамического нагружения пары трения скольжения при вращательном движении исполнительного органа с использованием программного обеспечения ANSYS, а также определению основных отличий ее поведения в сравнении со статическим нагружением.The work is devoted to the mathematical modeling of a complex dynamic loading of a sliding friction pair during rotational motion of the executive body using the ANSYS software, as well as to the determination of the main differences in its behavior in comparison with static loading
Science intensive technologies in mechanical engineering, 2018
The paper reports the consideration of the ball rolling-off mechanism of ball bearing rings. The regularities of the distribution of external combined load between balls are defined. There is offered a simulator of a rolling-ff process allowing the ratio definition between a load upon balls and acting factor including the angle of balls contact with a race and a correlation of a radial and axial external loads.
A significant proportion of mechanical losses in internal combustion engines accounted for mechanical losses in the cylinder-piston group. Depending on the operating modes of the internal combustion engine, contact interaction in the piston-cylinder pair is possible, which leads to wear of the working surfaces of the resource-determining elements and a decrease in the operational life of the power unit as a whole, in connection with which the reduction of friction losses in the internal combustion engine elements and the piston - cylinder liner coupling in particular is relevant. Both domestic and foreign researchers are engaged in the solution of the above described problems, various profiles of pistons, methods of calculating the parameters of the oil layer are proposed, but the practical state of the issue determines the relevance of research in this direction. The paper considers the possibility of reducing the wear of piston skirts by reducing the contact surface in conjugation...
Sworld-Us Conference proceedings
В работе предложено учитывать и определять параметры деформационных микронеровностей, которые образуются впереди движущейся детали (штампа) и имеют вид синусоидальных кривых. Величина этих микронеровностей соизмерима с величинами геометрических микронеро
Science intensive technologies in mechanical engineering, 2019
The paper reports the calculation-experimental method for the definition of abrasion layer wear parameters and presents the results of these parameters changes depending on machining conditions at globoidal gear honing. As a parameter for the definition working surface wear in a globoidal gear hone with organic rubber-based binding there is chosen a parameter widely used for the assessment of diamond tool wear – specific consumption of abrasion. The use of this parameter allows defining dimension wear of tool abrasion layer in a computation way, including operation surfaces of the globoidal hone.
Bulletin of the National Technical University «KhPI». Series: Automobile and Tractor Construction
The paper presents the results of a research on the creation of a methodology for predicting the durability of friction linings of tractor brake mechanisms at the design stage. Not only an increase in engine power and tractor weight is taken into account, but also the installation of more advanced brake mechanisms. Thanks to the developed method for predicting the durability of the friction linings of tractor brake mechanisms, the use of unified disc brakes is justified. To solve the problem, the similarity theory was used, in which the most intense loading mode of the tractor brake mechanisms was modeled. As an indicator, the maximum work performed by the brakes until the friction linings are completely worn out was used. The results of estimating the resource of the friction linings of the tractor brake mechanisms under the most intense loading conditions were compared with the results of the calculation under the actual loading conditions.
Science intensive technologies in mechanical engineering, 2018
Within the limits of the paper there is formed a generalized idea of the problem of flange damages in railway wheel pairs, and also a comparative analysis of different methods application to increase wear-resistance and contact fatigue strength of surfaces mentined.
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2015
Доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, членкорресподент НАН Украины, директор* Доктор технических наук, старший научный сотрудник, заместитель директора* Кандидат физико-математических наук, старший научный сотрудник** Инженер-исследователь** Кандидат технических наук, доцент Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины ул. Чернышевского, 56, г. Харьков, Украина *Институт электрофизики и радиационных технологий НАН Украины ул. Гуданова,
Bulletin of Kalashnikov ISTU, 2021
Зубчатые передачи с круговой (арочной) формой зуба обладают повышенной нагрузочной способностью, а также способностью к самоустановке в условиях нежестких корпусов. По этой причине они являются более предпочтительными в тяжелонагруженных трансмиссиях тяговых машин. Выполненные ранее исследования позволяют определять оптимальную геометрию поверхностей арочных зубьев, обеспечивающую максимальную контактную выносливость передач в заданных условиях эксплуатации. Но для передач, зубья которых подвергнуты термоупрочнению, наиболее важным критерием становится изгибная прочность зубьев, оцениваемая по напряжениям растяжения в корне зуба.Проведен конечно-элементный анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния арочного зуба передачи локомотива в программном комплексе ANSYS при его нагружении в вершине с распределенной нагрузкой, полученной из решения контактной задачи аналитическим методом. Проведены расчеты суммарных перемещений и главных напряжений, характеризующих растяжения в металле и от...
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Series: Physics and Mathematics, 2019
The plane contact problem on wear of elastic half-plane by a rigid punch has been considered. The punch moves with constant velocity. Arising thermal effects are neglected because the problem is investigated in stationary statement. In this case the crumpling of the nonhomogeneities of the surfaces and abrasion of half-plane take place. Out of the punch the surface of half-plane is free of load. The solution for problem of theory of elasticity is constructed by means of Fourier integral transformation. Contact stresses are found in Fourier series which coefficients satisfy the dual integral equations. It leads to the system of nonlinear algebraical equations for unknown coefficients by a method of collocations. This system is reduced to linear system in the partial most interesting cases for computing of maximum and minimum wear. The iterative scheme is considered for investigation of other nonlinear cases, for initial approximation the mean value of boundary cases is used. The evol...
Bulletin of Bryansk state technical university
Visnyk of Zaporizhzhya National University. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2020
Научни трудове – Висше военноморско училище „Н. Й. Вапцаров“, 2018
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