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2012, Discrete Mathematics
This paper concerns the study of the correlation measures of finite binary sequences, more particularily the dependence of correlation measures of even order and correlation measures of odd order. These results generalize previous results due to Gyarmati [7] and to Anantharam [3] and provide a partial answer to a conjecture due to Mauduit [12]. The last part of the paper concerns the generalization of this study to the case of finite binary n-dimensional lattices.
Designs Codes and Cryptography, 1999
We obtain the upper bound O(2 14n/15 n −1/5) on the number of distinct values of all possible correlation functions between M-sequences of order n.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018
The cross-combined measure (which is a natural extension of cross-correlation measure) is introduced and important constructions of large families of binary lattices with optimal or nearly optimal cross-combined measures are presented. These results are also strongly related to the onedimensional case: An easy method is showed obtaining strong constructions of families of binary sequences with nearly optimal cross-correlation measures based on the previous constructions of families of lattices. The important feature of this result is that so far there exists only one type of constructions of very large families of binary sequences with small cross-correlation measure, and this only type of constructions was based on one-variable irreducible polynomials. Since it is very complicated to construct one-variable irreducible polynomials over Fp, it became necessary to show other types of constructions where the generation of sequences is much faster. Using binary lattices based on two-variable irreducible polynomials this problem can be avoided. (Since, contrary to one-variable polynomials, using Schöneman-Eisenstein criteria it is possible to generate two-variable irreducible polynomials over Fp fast.)
Springer International Publishing eBooks, 2023
In this paper, we analyze the occurrence of peaks in the correlation measure of several families of binary sequences used in communications. This concept corresponds to the Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) properties, terminology used in the area of communications. For each family, we provide a low order for which the correlation measure exhibits a full peak.
Finite fields and their applications, 2022
The correlation measure of order k is an important measure of pseudorandomness for binary sequences. This measure tries to look for dependence between several shifted versions of a sequence. We study the relation between the correlation measure of order k and two other pseudorandom measures: the N th linear complexity and the N th maximum order complexity. We simplify and improve several state-of-the-art lower bounds for these two measures using the Hamming bound as well as weaker bounds derived from it.
Applied Algebra and Number Theory
Large families of binary sequences of the same length are considered and a new measure, the cross-correlation measure of order k is introduced to study the connection between the sequences belonging to the family. It is shown that this new measure is related to certain other important properties of families of binary sequences. Then the size of the cross-correlation measure is studied. Finally, the cross-correlation measures of two important families of pseudorandom binary sequences are estimated.
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 2008
A new family of binary sequences of period 4(2 n −1) with low correlation is constructed for integer n = em. Especially, we obtain a new family with family size 2 n and maximum nontrivial correlation magnitude 2 n+3 2 +4 for odd m and e = 1. Each sequence in the family is constructed by the interleaving of four GKW-like sequences and a perfect sequence. The correlation distribution and linear spans of the sequences are also determined for odd m.
Acta Arithmetica, 2010
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2008
Considered is the distribution of the cross correlation between m-sequences of length 2 m − 1, where m is even, and msequences of shorter length 2 m/2 − 1. The infinite family of pairs of m-sequences with four-valued cross correlation is constructed and the complete correlation distribution of this family is determined.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, 2006
Mauduit and Sárközy introduced and studied certain numerical parameters associated to finite binary sequences EN ∈ {−1, 1} N in order to measure their 'level of randomness'. Two of these parameters are the normality measure N (EN ) and the correlation measure C k (EN ) of order k, which focus on different combinatorial aspects of EN . In their work, amongst others, Mauduit and Sárközy investigated the minimal possible value of these parameters.
Discrete Mathematics, 2009
We extend the results of Goubin, Mauduit and Sárközy on the well-distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of the sequence of Legendre sequences with polynomial argument in several ways. We analyze sequences of quadratic characters of finite fields of prime power order and consider in each case two, in general, different definitions of well-distribution measure and correlation measure of order k, respectively.
Acta Arithmetica, 2008
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2007
We consider a system of "generalised linear forms" defined on a subset x = (x ij) of R d by L 1 (x)(k) = d 1 j=1 g k 1j (x 1j),. .. , L l (x)(k) = d l j=1 g k lj (x lj) ∈ R, for k ≥ 1,
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2001
Binary m-sequences are widely applied in navigation, radar, and communication systems because of their nice autocorrelation and cross-correlation properties. In this paper, we consider the cross-correlation between a binary m-sequence of length 2K!1 and a decimation of that sequence by an integer t. We will be interested in the number of values attained by such cross-correlations. As is well known, this number equals the number of nonzero weights in the dual of the binary cyclic code C R of length 2K!1 with de"ning zeros and R, where is a primitive element in GF(2K). There are many pairs (m, t) for which C, R is known or conjectured to have only few nonzero weights. The three-weight examples include the following cases: (a) t"1#2P, if m/(m, r) odd, (b) t"2P!2P#1, if m/(m, r) odd, (c) m"2r#1 odd, t"2P#3, and (d) m odd, 4r,!1 mod m, t"2P#2P!1. We present a method of proving many of these known or conjectured results, including all of the above cases, in a uni"ed way.
Binary perfect sequences and their variations have applications in various areas such as signal processing, synchronizing and distance measuring radars. This survey discusses their p-ary analogs, other variations and related matters. Many new results are also presented. Introduction: In recent years there have been many publications on time-discrete one and twodimensional sequences and arrays with perfect autocorrelation functions. Such sequences find applications in signal processing and as aperture functions for electromagnetic and acoustic imaging. Applications of two-dimensional perfect binary arrays are found in 2-D synchronization (Hershey & Yarlagadda (1983)) and timefrequency coding (Golomb & Taylor (1982)). In his invited address at the 1991 British Combinatorial Conference, Golomb gave an excellent exposition on why “small correlations” of sequences and arrays are desirable in dealing with radar problems (Golomb (1991)). Some fundamental results on sequences with small cor...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
Correlation measure of order k is an important measure of randomness in binary sequences. This measure tries to look for dependence between several shifted version of a sequence. We study the relation between the correlation measure of order k and another two pseudorandom measures: the N th linear complexity and the N th maximum order complexity. We simplify and improve several state-of-the-art lower bounds for these two measures using the Hamming bound as well as weaker bounds derived from it.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2000
Considered is the distribution of the cross correlation between m-sequences of length 2 m 0 1, where m = 2k, and msequences of shorter length 2 k 01. New pairs of m-sequences with three-valued cross correlation are found and the complete correlation distribution is determined. Finally, we conjecture that there are no more cases with a three-valued cross correlation apart from the ones proven here.
The Ramanujan Journal, 2013
The linear complexity is an important and frequently used measure of unpredictability and pseudorandomness of binary sequences. In this paper our goal is to extend this notion to two dimensions. We will define and study the linear complexity of binary lattices. The linear complexity of a truly random binary lattice will be estimated. Finally, we will analyze the connection between the linear complexity and the correlation measures, and we will utilize the inequalities obtained in this way for estimating the linear complexity of an important special binary lattice. Finally, we will study the connection between the linear complexity of binary lattices and of the associated binary sequences.
The Ramanujan Journal, 2014
We study the relationship between two measures of pseudorandomness for families of binary sequences: family complexity and cross-correlation measure introduced by Ahlswede et al. in 2003 and recently by Gyarmati et al., respectively. More precisely, we estimate the family complexity of a family
New binary and ternary sequences with low correlation and simple implementation are presented. The sequences are unfolded from arrays, whose columns are cyclic shifts of a short sequence or constant columns and whose shift sequence (sequence of column shifts) has the distinct difference property. It is known that a binary m-sequence/GMW sequence of length 2 $^{\rm 2{\it m}}$ – 1 can be folded row-by-row into an array of 2m – 1 rows of length 2m + 1. We use this to construct new arrays which have at most one column matching for any two dimensional cyclic shift and therefore have low off-peak autocorrelation. The columns of the array can be multiplied by binary orthogonal sequences of commensurate length to produce a set of arrays with low cross-correlation. These arrays are unfolded to produce sequence sets with identical low correlation.
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 2011
In the last 15 years a new constructive theory of pseudorandomness of binary sequences has been developed. Later this theory was extended to n dimensions, i.e., to the study of pseudorandomness of binary lattices. In the applications it is not enough to consider single binary sequences, one also needs information on the structure of large families of binary sequences with strong pseudorandom properties. Thus the related notions of family complexity, collision and avalanche effect have been introduced. In this paper our goal is to extend these definitions to binary lattices, and we will present constructions of large families of binary lattices with strong pseudorandom properties such that these families also possess a nice structure.
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