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Decipherment of Indus Valley Seals Vol. I ISBN 978-81-938049-5-7 Vo;.I
Indus Valley Vedic Civilization Introduction The Decipherment of Indus Valley seals explores Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography as an intellectual language. As also it explores the antiquity of India’s Vedic culture as part of the life of Indians. After natural catastrophes, global warming, and ice age, the people moved towards villages to maintain harmony with nature. India’s village culture and the Europeans could not decode the Vedic language code and the height of the Vedic development. To worship the plants was superstition for them, although to worship plants is the most scientific as the plants are a source of life with photosynthesis on the earth. It was the main reason behind their ‘Aryan’ invasion hypothesis without basis. Aryan’ means well-civilized person. It has nothing to do with religion, caste, color, race, or creed. North India is near to the mountains cold and south is near to the seashore warm, it is the cause of the color difference between the north and south Indians. Hence Aryan invasion was a conspiracy to deny the antiquity of India. It is the Vedic Scientific Heritage of Mankind on the earth, which emphasizes the whole earth is one family like a global nest, a village. Biotechnology was the main business of Indus Valley as reflected on the copper tablets. The rich biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent is proof of the original inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent. The key to deciphering the Indus valley seals is in the Vedic metaphors and Vedic Science. The Vedic metaphoric knowledge of creation and Biology has been engraved on the seals. It is a known fact that India and Africa have the largest biodiversity zones in the world, it reflects their knowledge of biotechnology and the development of new species. Ŗgveda the oldest literary record of human civilization on the earth has no description of the temple or iconic worship. The Indus Valley has no trace of the temple or idol worship and their religious beliefs. It suggests that Vedas in original are not only religious scriptures. The excavation of the fire altar at some places is an indication of their knowledge of sacrifice-yajna. It is common to sign of Indus-Vedic culture testimony. A well-developed, city organization, the existence of a dockyard and dam, indicates their foreign connections for trade. Indus Vedic culture was having trade contacts with summer, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Babylon. In excavation at Indus Valley, the Archaeologists have discovered a large number of crop varieties and the croplands with irrigation facilities and water supply through the canal system. A large number of water reservoirs and wells with a big dam reveal the fact that the civilization was a scientifically developed society having no place for God and Soul, as we believe today. With the scientific developments, they reach the peak of the development, and the ecological disaster, global warming, and flooding with time was the main cause of the destruction of the Indus Valley- Vedic culture. The excess irrigation and deforestation may be the cause of the ecological disaster and the formation of the desert. They were having the knowledge of global warming and its impact hence before the catastrophe they have evacuated the areas nearby the seashore and rescued themselves. Due to this after flooding and release of the dam water, the whole area was under the sea mud, which has its emergence afterward on the earth with the geological disturbances with which we are in contact at present. Due to this in the highly populated areas the human skeletons have not been excavated in large quantities and those, who have not escaped, might have been the victims of the sea currents. Accordingly the traces of laboratories, machines have could not be found. They have reached the peak of development scientifically. They may have exploited nature through cross-breeding, Hybridization, and the development of new species for domestic purposes. Their achievement in this field and consequent development of Biotechnology has been reflected on the seals through the pictographs. They have compiled their knowledge in the Vedic hymns after going far away from the affected regions. They have emphasized harmony with nature and the natural components. The Puru–a sÊkta is the latest with a supreme knowledge of the creation in sixteen verses. The compilation of the Vedic hymns is after reaching at the peak of the development and after the ecological disaster, it can be confirmed from the Asya vamiya Sukta- The hymn of the supreme. The scientific knowledge compiled in the Vedic hymns reflects that the Vedic Science is vis-à-vis modern science, along with it; the Atharvaveda has a hymn on global warming. It is the testimony that they were acquainted with global warming and its impact. Accordingly, they have developed harmony with nature and traced the origin of life and its scientific reason behind it on the earth. This knowledge has been acquired in the post-Indus valley Vedic culture era. The Indus Valley- Vedic culture was scientifically developed in various fields along with gene Technology. We can trace the facts from the pictographic seals. A look at the seals with deep insight reveals the fact that the engraved small pictographs associated with the animal or human figure are complimentary with each other. They are the symbolic expressions for which the seals were prepared. The pictograph, which has been engraved on the seals is basically the same for all people. It is also a fact that such a development is not possible without the scientific and ecological knowledge and the principles working in the creation. The Vedic scientific principles synonym to our modern knowledge can justify the development and the compilation of the Vedic hymns was for the future generation to come on the earth. Let us with tuneful skill proclaim these generations of the Gods, that one may see them when these hymns are chanted in a future age.ÿg.10-72 1. Lexigraphy; where each word, sentence or hymn signifies a symbol. In this sense, the symbols on the seals are complementary with Vedic symbolism for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedic hymn. To interpret the Vedic hymns has been a great puzzle for scholars. It is because the scholars were not acquainted with the Vedic scientific terminology and height of Vedic science. . UNESCO has included the Rigveda in the list of world heritage. It is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of human civilization on the earth. Veda is the first word of the civilized person on the earth. "What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?" These are words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world. The ‘Aryan’ means civilized person. DNA from Sun The discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 has brought revolution in Biotechnology The scientists are involved in preparing Bio-weapons for chemical warfare. They are working in retrogressive manner to destroy human civilization without. The DNA has much more to save humanity. The decipherment of the Indus Valley seals explore much more with its text in Vedas. DNA is a vessel of Life, the purine and pyrimidine base pair have come from the sun with the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with three immortal and three stages of life. The immortal phonon voice follows from generation to generation with new life. Life is a trinity of three immortal Three immortal Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14) Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar. Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1) The Sarasvati thought words ensign of existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well. The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action. 1. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all. 2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings 3. The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all. 'Sarasvati' is not a terrestrial river, the immortal phonon is flowing in countless channels with life-like streams in the ocean of life. The discovery of the fundamental energy works with its dualistic force photon and phonon has been engraved on Gold plate excavated at Indus Valley. It was the highest discovery confirmed at Grand Canyon. The immortal phonon is the smallest unit of sound Voice vibrations, and photon is the smallest unit of light It follows the immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life and brought forward the infinite nature 'Aditi' in action. Gold plate Indus Valley India Einstein’s Unification theory Shows that phonon and photon are connected at the molecular lever with the complementary wavelength. DNA is vessel of Life The phonon and phonon are like two parallel streams of a river, their flow has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the phonon with underlying skys pace imparted mass to three subatomic particles, where fundamental energy appears in the center and binds them in series ensign of the existence of all. The vital fundamental energy is in the center like a pillar. The immortal phonon stimulates the DNA with the origin of life and beholds all ...
Forth from the ocean sprang the wave of sweetness: together with, the stalk it turned to Am‚ta.The De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid DNA is light of life. It carries the information from generation to generation with hereditary characters. The DNA is universally present in the living-beings, and it regulates the life of an individual with its coded information. Hence he is the watchman of life, which stores the deeds of an individual in its coded language and decodes the same with time. The discovery of Indus Valley civilization has opened a new chapter in the world history. It has pushed the antiquity of Indian civilization far back in to the past, but rural culture of India and undeciphered Indus Valley script has pushed the Indus Valley in to a mystery, so far as the antiquity of Indian civilization was concern. The European scholars have done a great service of India with extensive work on the Indian culture and ancient Vedic texts. It has established India as the centre of world heritage, but they were unable to interpret the language of the Vedic hymns and the pictographic script of Indus Valley seals. It has generated a quest to decipher the Vedic language. The seeds of quest were sown in my early child hood, when I have decided at my own to take science as a subject at school, but simultaneously visiting the temple of lord Mahakal at Ujjain with my mother regularly. It was a contradictory in respect of science and a matter of joke for my fellow students. It has generated a quest first time to search the scientific facts behind India’s cultural heritage. With time, with lord Mahakal’s blessings I have entered in to the field of science as an Environmental scientist, and gone in to the depth of various religious scriptures and Vedic texts. The insight in to these scriptures was to trace the mystery of origin of life on the earth. I have got the success in the scientific interpretation of Vedic language and I was very much surprise to trace all the modern principles and theories of creation in the Vedic texts,
Pratibha books
The decipherment of Indus Valley seals is a monumental work on Indus Valley. The discovery of Indus Valley Civilization has opened a new chapter in the world. It has pushed antiquity of India far back in the past. The Indus Valley was scientifically developed in all respect, it is proof in self. The Scholars have no consensus over the Indus script and seals. Hence the Indus Valley became a mystery. Prof. C.P.Trivedi an Environmental Scientist, a Vedic scholar has tried to decipher the Indus Valley Seals and pictographs with great devotion. He has done his search in the light of modern Science and Vedic Science. He has traced the Vedic Science symbols on the Seals. The pictographic symbols explore the scientific achievements of the Indus Valley with their literary evidences in the Vedic Science. I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding contribution as a professor and Scientist. I hope that the scholars will have inspiration from the Book Indus Vedic Life Science. The creation has developed at its own, from fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics with energy transformation. The life has evolved from single DNA on earth under space, time and environmental conditions. The building block of the creation is atom and building block of the life is four bases of DNA It has been explored in Indus Vedic Life Science. The discovery of scientifically developed Indus Valley Civilization by Sir John Marshal 1920 brought revolution in History of India. They recognized that Indus Valley is glory of India’s glorious past, but struggling for survival with inherent deep rooted faith in Vedas and age old traditions only. Because scholars were unable to trace the height of scientifically developed Indus Valley civilization and contemporary scientific development is still far away. Otherwise each seal is complete in itself with its text in Vedas and modern Science. The decipherment of Indus Valley can restore India’s glorious past. They have used lexicography, to preserve their knowledge, where each word or sentence have symbol. Decipherment of Indus Valley Vedic Culture seals is a new approach on Indus Valley. It explores Indus Vedic Education System and Indus Valley Vedic Life Science. Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi with his deep insight and interdisciplinary approach deciphered the seals and copper tablets. The seals and copper tablets prepared for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedas. They belong to the contemporary higher Institutes of learning to keep permnant record of the Institutes. It has been searched with deep study with above reference that the copper tablets have been used for demonstration and teaching with symbolism. In this sense the longest inscription with man in yogic posture is like a text book. The other tablets with one or few symbol with different figure are like different chapter/ lectures, to teach the students about the origin and evolution of the creation and life on the earth, with its text in Vedas. The script and languages change with time, but symbols remain the same. The Indus Valley was most advance and scientific Civilization, now we have touched their height and can interpret the symbols. The inscription with 34 character symbols explores origin and evolution of the creation and life from a fundamental energy with energy transformation Einstein’s equation E=Mc². The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The Photosynthesis by the plants is source of life on the earth. Building block of creation is Atom and building block of the living-beings is four bases of DNA, food metabolism is the source of life consciousness, which appears with birth and disappear with death. It has been expressed on the copper plates with Vedic symbolism and may be distributed in large number with printing devise. The same can be used for examination. It is first International work from Madhya Pradesh. I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding contribution as Professor and Scientist. The problems taken up by Prof.Trivedi are highly interesting and scientific. I am sure the readers would enjoy the confluence of the latest and oldest sets of awareness in solving the agegoing puzzle of creation and life. Evidences from NASA Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi Aseem Trivedi Vedic Research Institute, Ratlam The creation has developed at its own, from fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics with energy transformation. The life has evolved from single DNA on earth under space, time and environmental conditions. The building block of the creation is atom and building block of the life is four bases of DNA It has been explored in Indus Vedic Life Science. The discovery of scientifically developed Indus Valley Civilization by Sir John Marshal 1920 brought revolution in History of India. They recognized that Indus Valley is glory of India’s glorious past, but struggling for survival with inherent deep rooted faith in Vedas and age old traditions only. Because scholars were unable to trace the height of scientifically developed Indus Valley civilization and contemporary scientific development is still far away. Otherwise each seal is complete in itself with its text in Vedas and modern Science. The decipherment of Indus Valley can restore India’s glorious past. They have used lexicography, to preserve their knowledge, where each word or sentence have symbol. Kindly consider it and send ackowledgement. With regards. Prof Chandra P. Trivedi 09425456518
CS Pustkalya Varanasi , 2020
Forth from the ocean sprang the wave of sweetness: together with, the stalk it turned to Am‚ta.II. Foreword Indus Vedic Biotechnology is a monumental work on the Indus Valley. The Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of the world. As such they represent common heritage of the mankind on the earth. Prof. C.P. Trivedi has entered in this field as an environmental scientist and gone into the depth of various traditions of Indian theology. With his background of the Indian culture and modern science, he has interpreted the Vedic hymns in chronological order with depth of Vedic knowledge. He has decoded the Vedic Language code and deciphered the Indus Valley seals and Copper tablets. Indus Valley Vedic Life Science is the effort of his great devotion to the subject with firm scientific background. He has traced all the scientific theories of the modern Science in the Vedic hymns. Previously we have heard from the mouth of Maharshi Sri Aurobindo and Maharshi Dayanand that the Vedas are book of true Science. Prof Trivedi with his great devotion has proved the same with his scientific approach. The Inscribed Copper Plates from Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilisation (c. 2600–2000 BC), one of the plates bears 34 characters, which is the longest known single Indus script inscription. Prof. Shinde & Willis 2014 hypothesized that the copper plates have consistent with use in copper plate printing as earliest known printing devices. It has inspire to search the use of copper tablet with one, two or longest 34 character. It suggests that the text may be descriptive or instructive, and has a special purpose. It has been searched with deep study with above reference that the copper tablets may have been used for demonstration and teaching with symbolism. In this sense the longest inscription with man in yogic posture is like a text book. The other tablets with one or few symbol with different figure are like different chapter/ lectures, to teach the students about the origin and evolution of the creation and life on the earth, with its text in Vedas. The script and languages change with time, but symbols remain the same. The Indus Valley was most advance and scientific Civilization, now we have touched their height and can interpret the symbols. The inscription with 34 character symbols explores origin and evolution of the creation and life from a fundamental energy with energy transformation Einstein’s equation E =mc2. The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The Photosynthesis by the plants is source of life on the earth. It has been expressed on the copper plates with Vedic symbolism and may be distributed in large number with printing devise. The decipherment of Indus Valley seals is a monumental work on Indus Valley. The creation has developed at its own, from fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics with energy transformation. The life has evolved from single DNA on earth under space, time and environmental conditions. The building block of the creation is atom and building block of the life is four bases of DNA It has been explored in Indus Vedic Life Science. They have used Lexicography, where each word or sentence hava a symbol. Its answer is in complimentary symbol in concern Vedic hymn. Decipherment of Indus Valley Vedic Culture seals is a new approach on Indus Valley. It explores Indus Vedic Education System and Indus Valley Vedic Life Science. Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi with his deep insight and interdisciplinary approach deciphered the seals and copper tablets. The seals and copper tablets prepared for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedas. They belong to the contemporary higher Institutes of learning to keep permnant record of the Institutes. I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding contribution as a Professor and Scientist. I hope that the scholars will have inspiration from the Book Indus Vedic Life Science. Prof. Prasad Joshi Vice-Chancellor (A) Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute (Deemed to be University) Pune - 411 006 Ph.: 020-2651 3232 M: +91 7498397113 II. Preface "What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?" These are words of F. Max Mñller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world. Now it is unanimously accepted that Vedas are oldest literary monuments of the world, as such they represent common heritage of the mankind on the earth. No ancient or modern lexicon has interpreted the Vedic hymns in terms of science, because it was unimaginable. The modern scientific theories and the principles have been discovered only during the last two century; surprisingly they have been incorporated in the Vedic hymns. It suggests that now we are more near to the Vedic knowledge. The tragedy before modern scholars is that oriental scholars are not acquainted or unaware with the principles and theories of modern science, similarly the modern scientists are not acquainted or unaware with the Vedic literature and Sanskrit, so far as there knowledge of the Vedic literature and Sanskrit is concern. The Vedic hymns have been compiled by different seers. The Vedic books are supposed to be the family books of the seers. Looking to the depth of knowledge in the Vedic hymns it seems that the seers of the hymns are the subject expert and head of the contemporary institutes of knowledge. The seers in the beginning of Vedic hymns have traced origin and evolution of the creation and life in a symbolic way from the fundamental energy. It is an essential part of the teaching to start the subject from its original source and gradually enter into the depth of the subject. Accordingly, the way of expression and knowledge is the same but with different metaphors, which lead to the depth of subject concern with praise prayers in the background, where words indicates the phenomenon at micro level. All the seers have used the same terminology of the deities with different metaphoric expressions, indicating the origin of solar system and sun as the main source of energy. The metaphors will look like 'headless and footless', without the concern knowledge with reference to the context. The Vedic literature is in the form of metaphors and riddles with symbolism, it indicates towards the phenomena of the nature and the natural reactions going on in the nature. With the knowledge of the modern science the indications can be understood. Hence for the interpretation of the indications one must know the Vedic terminology in its proper way, because Vedic terminology with myths of mythology is a product of long history of climatic conditions. The Vedic deities, they actually represent either the component of nature or natural phenomena. The anthropomorphic nature of the deities and their figurative description with personification is a way of expression of the thoughts about the natural phenomena. Although without reference and the knowledge of the related phenomena the metaphors are hard to understand, where words are only the coded indicators. As such with an aim to decode the Vedic metaphors a scientific terminology of the Vedic deities has been prepared to interpret the Vedic hymns and metaphors in a chronological order with depth of the Vedic knowledge. In the same manner the riddles can also be solved, where words are only coded indicators and the unexplainable metaphors explore their true meaning. They have used Lexigraphy; where each word or sentence signifies a symbol. The same symbols have been engraved on the tablet. Its text has to be searched in concern Vedic hymn with reference to the word symbol.
Decipherment of Indus Valley Vedic Seals in Vedic Genetics Prof. C.P.Trivedi Deciphering the script could not only further cement India's rich ancient heritage but may inspire solutions to other large societal and scientific challenges. Abstract Introduction The quest of creation is quest of human mind from dawn of the Civilization on the earth. The discovery of the double helical structure of the DNA by the Watson and crick 1953 has brought the revolution in the field of Biotechnology. The same echo is coming from the well developed Indus Valley Civilization. The pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching; they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination. Its literary text is in the Vedic hymns. The Vedic metaphoric symbols for DNA have been engraved on the seals. Accordingly the seals and cytological symbolic pictographs deciphered in chronological order. It is not a script of known language but microscopic cytological models. The electron microscopic structure of DNA engraved on the seals confirm their advance technology, it explore evolution of human species in chronological order. 1. The synthesis of chromosome 2. DNA replication and Protein translation 3. Nucleotide pairs 4 Nuclear reaction – the Ribosome translate the DNA code into life. The group of tiny seals expresses the evolution of the creation from the pre-cosmic condition up to the evolution of man symbolically in chronological order. Full article -- Decipherment of Indus Valley seals Cracking the DNA code of Indus Valley Genetics and Cytology Introduction Indus Valley was highly advance civilization. The Indu is Vedic term for oxygen associated with life resource Sindhu, just like a stream of river in the ocean of life. The oxygen is life resource with water and Vivasvan DNA spread in all direction with water in the cell body. The Indo, Indus and India derived from Indu and the invader’s pronounced Sindhu as Hindu and Hindukush mountain range. Accordingly, they have named the region at the bank of Sindhu as Hindu and Indian subcontinent as Hindustan. India is name of Bharat and resident of India are Indian and Hindu as resident of Hindustan. The Law duty towards motherland is Dharma, foreigner’s compared it with their superstitions and religion. It has created problem of religious identification of Indians as Hindu, Muslim or Christian, otherwise all are Indian Hindu as resident of Hindustan. All are free to follow their traditions and ethics with spiritual freedom to serve the motherland. After cracking the DNA code the Vedic culture pronounced ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ the nature feed all, whatever is and whatever will be in future is nature only, to live harmoniously with nature is duty of mankind on the earth. The life has originated from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division from pre-existing cells. The DNA records the deeds of an individual with transcription and translates it with circumstances in life from generation to generation with new life. It has been engraved on seals for teaching and demonstration on seals.
Indus Valley Vedic Civilization Endangered Historic Glory of India Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi Indus Valley Vedic Zero to Infinity Introduction Indus Valley is the symbol of glory of India. Today it may look like a myth of India’s glorious past as we have forgotten our past in the wave of long slavery. The British with deep inquiry into the Vedic culture were surprised to see the slavery of such a great culture. They have introduced Europe with India’s Vedic heritage and Archaeology of ancient India. With their education policy and industrialization, they have awakened the dormant Indians and burn the flame of freedom in the Indian mind in the light of democracy. The Max Muller declared that India was the country of most richly endowed with all the wealth, power and beauty that nature can bestow, indeed a very paradise on earth, a place where the human mind has most fully developed. The India has solved the problem of life long back. India is the cradle of civilization, and the man has arisen in India, the birth place of races, Philosophy and of religions. The most important was the discovery scientifically developed Indus Valley Civilization by Sir John Marshal, they recognized that Indus Valley is glory of India’s glorious past, but struggling for survival with inherent deep rooted faith in Vedas and age old traditions only. Because scholars are unable to trace the height of scientifically developed civilization at its peak and contemporary scientific development is still far away. It is the reason behind it. Otherwise each seal is complete in itself with its text in Vedas and modern Science. The decipherment of Indus Valley can restore India’s glorious past. Endangered Historic Glory of India Indus Valley Vedic Zero to Infinity Vedic Zero Indus Valley explores the height of scientific development. The Vedic metaphors on the seals reveal that it was the Vedic culture. The pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching; they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination. 1. The synthesis of chromosome 2. DNA replication and Protein translation 3. Nucleotide pairs 4 Nuclear reaction – the ribosome translates the DNA code into life. The Light of Life – DNA DNA replication The figure expresses the DNA replication, Protein translation, and triplet Code Flying with falcons, may your chariot, Aśvins, most gracious, bringing friendly help, come hither,- Your chariot, swifter than the mind of mortal, fleet as the wind, three seated, O ye mighty Rig-Veda 1-CXVIII-1 It has been expressed that the DNA has spread in all the direction with falcon’s speed. The Aśvins, the nucleotide pairs of the DNA are most gracious, their speed of replication with the triplet code is just like the speed of human mind. The De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid DNA is light of life. It carries the information from generation to generation with hereditary characters. The DNA is universally present in the living-beings, and It regulate the life of an individual with its coded information. Hence he is the watchman of life, which store the thoughts of an individual in its coded language and decode the same with time. Indus Valley Seals; Vedic Zero to Infinity 5000 year old seal from Moenjodaro The Creator Dualistic Force of the Creator The creator has manifested with its dualistic force the dark force was concealed in the darkness prior to cosmic dawn with equal and opposite character, just like two river Vipasha and Shutudri Opposing struggling The dark matter was activated by shock waves in pre-cosmic condition. The annihilation of shock waves and dark matter resulted in to photon imbued energy with light and sound. XX & XY chromosome - the human figures expresses the evolution of male and female from the XX and XY chromosomes from single DNA The force prior to big bang Vχa resonant vibrations; shock waves draws up his wave from out the ocean; mist-born the fair one’s back made apparent (ÿg. 10-123-2) The resonant shock waves with concentration and compression of dark matter prepared the condition for big bang, and explosion with blast is its first manifestation of sound and light with activation of dark energy. The sound and resound echo is collision of mysterious dark matter and antimatter shock waves with annihilation, and produced mass less photon imbued with energy in fraction of a second with primary hydrogen and helium, were created in the big bang. Pre-cosmic condition Then was not non--existent nor existent: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond. What covered in and where? And what gave shelter? Was water there, unfathomed depth of water? ÿg. 10-129-1 Death was not then, nor was there aught immortal: no sign was there, the day’s and night’s divider. That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature: a part from it was nothing what so ever ÿg. 10-129-2 Prior to the origin of cosmos, when neither time nor space was created, it has been expressed then was not non--existent nor existent: in this pre cosmic condition, there was only one force, which began to disintegrate from infinite to finite with its back ground in the infinite cosmos. It has been expressed symbolically through breathless, breathed by its own nature. Accordingly, the creative force manifested with its dualistic force and the forces of nature came in to function with generation of heat energy. The heat energy is the pioneer energy, which has generated the fundamental particles of the nature. It has been expressed through the words ‘great power of warmth’ in the pre-cosmic condition, where neither time nor space was born, at that time only deep darkness was there ÿg.10-129-3 Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness this all was in discriminated chaos. All that existed then was void and form- less: by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit ÿg.10-129-3 How the cosmos came in to function? It has been expressed symbolically by darkness concealed in darkness with its dualistic force. Its dualistic force manifested with generation of heat energy as primeval seed of the creation with energy transformation. Dualistic Force of the Creator XX & XY chromosome - the human figures expresses the evolution of male and female from the XX and XY chromosomes from single DNA A body formed for flight hast thou, O charger; swift as the wind in motion is thy spirit. Thy horns are spread abroad in all directions: they move with restless beat in wildernesses ÿg. 1-163-11 The Charger The DNA has a body for flight in nature. The immortal thought words charged the DNA with the language code of past birth with hereditary characters. Its speed is swift as wind. Figure 3 The DNA and Life The bull, the youngling with the hump, hath frolicked, the strong and never-ceasing Calf hath bellowed. Bringing our offerings to the God’s assembly, he moves as Chief in his own dwelling-places ÿg-Veda 10-8-2 The universal nature of the DNA has been expressed. L 7 1 7.1 The horn - the DNA and the life The Horn is symbolic term for DNA, it has been expressed by four horned buffalo emitted Let us declare aloud the name of Gh‚ta, and at this sacrifice hold it up with homage. So let the Brahman hear the praise we utter. This hath the four-horned Buffalo emitted (ÿg. 4-58-2) Tva–—È the lord hath made all forms and all the cattle of the field: Cause them to multiply for us ÿg. 1-188-9 The structure of DNA Four are his horns, three are the feet that bear him; his heads are two, his hands are seven in number. Bound with a triple bond the Steer roars loudly: the mighty God hath entered in to mortals Rig.4-58-3 The four horns - The four horns is a symbolic expression for four bases of DNA, they are universally present in the living-beings, Three legs - the DNA execute its function with triplet genetic code, the triplet genetic code is just like his three legs for its function. Two head- The two helix of DNA are just like his two head. Seven hands- The triplet nucleotide pairs have two hydrogen double bond and a hydrogen triple bond. = it is just like the seven hands for actions. Triple bond - The DNA replication and synthesis depends on the hydrogen triple bond, it has been explained by saying that ‘bounds with the triple bond the DNA roars loudly just like a steer. The DNA is universally present in the living-beings, they are subject to birth and death, hence it has been expressed that the mighty God-DNA has entered into mortals. Unicorn How it all began! The creation has evolved from single ancestor and single cell with genetic recombination, crossing over and cell division from genomic chromosome A 5000 year old Seal on Granite stone at Moenjodaro Single ancestor The life has evolved from single DNA, the cell division leads to evolution with genetic recombination and crossing over of genomic chromosome with DNA replication in fourfold manner. DNA replication and pair of chromosome - Saranyu deserted twins Atharvaveda 18-2- 33 Genomic chromosome Crossing over Cell body cell division leads to evolution Unicorn How it all began! The creation has evolved from single ancestor and single cell with genetic recombination, crossing over and cell division from genomic chromosome Result The result shows that the creation came into the existence from a fundamental energy with energy transformation under the laws of the thermodynamics, the Scientists call it as zero – Gravitational force. The life has originated from the single cell with cell division and genetic recombination with photosynthesis.. The life on the earth is protected by ozone layer in the atmosphere and magnetosphere of the earth.
The Inscribed Copper Plates from Indus Valley (Harappan) Lexicography of Indus Valley Vedic Copper tablets The Vedas are oldest literary documents on the earth. It belongs to the history of the world and India. It was a most advanced civilization of the world with its text in Rig-Veda to express the origin and evolution of the creation from fundamental energy as single ancestor with its dualistic force phonon and photon under the laws of thermodynamics Einstein’s equation E=Mc² The Sanskrit literature as a whole represents an independent civilization, entirely different from the West. The Sanskrit is phonetic language with phonetic combination between the finals and initials of words in the Sanskrit sentence. The Vedic hymns contain some words of phonetic types, which can only be explained by borrowing on the part of their composers from popular speech. We find similes or metaphors and riddles with symbolism, where words have vast ocean of knowledge in the background with lexicography and phonetics. The thoughts have woven with praise prayers, to express the importance of the deity of the hymn to express phenomena at molecular level with symbolism. We have to follow the path described by philology, to derive from the texts themselves the sense which they contain, it require the usage of the classical speech, and the grammatical and etymological-lexicographical investigation of words. XXXX Synthesis of first Amino acid in slime soup from DNA 4,6 Billions years ago Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi Abstract The Origin of Life and Consciousness is a great puzzle for the Scientist. Its seeds are in pre-cosmic dawn phonon. The Scientists have used sound to 'talk' to an artificial atom 2015, the recent discovery of Gravitational waves akin to sound waves and photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal. Nat. Commun Lie et al 2014 The NASA researchers noticed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meteorites. With extra hydrogen or oxygen called quinones have the potentiality for origin of life. The Phonon is earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as dualistic complimentary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and photon under go synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc² It has been observed that the DNA has purine and pyrimidine complimentary base differing only in Nitrogen base. It has pulled out like a zipper along with incandescent gaseous clouds and gigantic radiations, prior to the formation of solar system. With time the earth cooled down with floods of water and movement of molten mass generated the magnetosphere around the earth with ozone layer in the atmosphere. It has given the way for synthesis of first amino acid in the slime soup from DNA base pair as precursor molecule and phonon stimulated the event. They follow each other in chain with synthesis of chromosome pairs in prokaryotic cell and autotrophic eukaryotic cell in series with cell division and evolution. The Life has evolved from single DNA and cell with genetic recombination and cell division. The first amino acid is synthesized in slime soup from purine and pyrimidine base pair with resonant vibrations of charged ions in the colloidal solution. It has evolved in to a prokaryotic cell and autotrophic eukaryotic cell with protoplasmic vibrations and cell division. The protoplasmic vibrations connect the life with DNA as two pillars on the path of evolution. The Higgs field imparted mass to proteins and food metabolism is the source of life. The phonon has evolved into thought and words with consciousness. The DNA is instrument of life and phonon beholds the life consciousness with its dualistic complimentary spectrum to execute function of life. The plasma membrane acts as transition zone with electron configuration, just like two faces of the same coin. Key words - Life Science; DNA instrument; Phonon; Purine; pyrimidine Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi 09425456518
Veda Vigyan Kendra BHU, 2021
Deciphering the Indus Valley Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography on seals Prof. Chandra Prakash Trivedi Former Principal, MJS College, Bhind, MP & Vedic Research Institute, Ratlam, Indore Introduction A new Book on study into IVC has revealed its scientific achievements. Vedic Culture and the Indus Valley was the most advanced civilization. With the discovery of Higgs field 2012, DNA Watson and Crick 1953, Darwin Origin of Species 1859, Phonon can disintegrate Photon in a crystal Lie et al 2014, and a recent discovery of Gravitational waves 1919, we have touched their height up to this and can grasp further. Though the IVC was the most expansive civilization of its time – spanning parts of present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northwest India – and its archaeological sites are of great scholarly interest, we don’t yet know which language(s) its people spoke. Their script is also yet to be deciphered. Deciphering the Indus Vedic Language code Language and script changes with time, they have used Lexicography, where each word, hymn or sentence has a symbol. The symbols have a vast ocean of knowledge in the background. Its answer is in complementary symbols in concern Vedic hymn. It means Sanskrit and Veda were in practice in IVC. Sanskrit is oldest and mother of all languages it was having its existence in IVC along with other languages. Symbols of Vedic hymns have been engraved on the seals to explore origin and evolution of creation and life on the earth. Lexigraphy; where each word or sentence signifies a symbol. In this sense the symbols on the seals are complementary with Vedic symbolism for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedic hymn. To interpret the Vedic hymns has been a great puzzle for scholars. It is because the scholars were not acquainted with the Vedic scientific terminology and height of the Vedic science. UNESCO has included the ÿgveda in the list of world heritage. It is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of human civilization on the earth. Einstein’s Unification Theory Einstein was motivated “The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature,” Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923. The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father and their son metaphorically. Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28. The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre-cosmic condition. Vedic Science is in the metaphors and riddles with symbolism. The Vedic hymns have their beginning, with the discovery of a single unified force and dualistic force of fundamental energy Photon and Phonon.
Preview What came to be called Hinduism was an amalgamation of beliefs and practices from several sources. This chapter focuses on the first of the two major contributors: the indus Valley Civilization. in subsequent chapters we will focus on the second: the indo-aryans. The discovery of the indus Valley Civilization in the nineteenth century revealed a sophisticated and long-forgotten ancient culture that appears to have contributed to the development of the hindu traditions. in this chapter, we examine the architectural ruins and artifacts left by this civilization and contemplate their import for its inhabitants and for subsequent hindu history. This examination reveals that indus Valley religion focused on maintaining ritual purity and appropriating divine powers to assist in reproduction and the maintenance of life. Finally, we introduce the indo-aryans with a brief discussion of their relationship to the dwellers of the indus Valley. 15
What came to be called Hinduism was an amalgamation of beliefs and practices from several sources. This chapter focuses on the first of the two major contributors: the indus Valley Civilization. in subsequent chapters we will focus on the second: the indo-aryans. The discovery of the indus Valley Civilization in the nineteenth century revealed a sophisticated and long-forgotten ancient culture that appears to have contributed to the development of the hindu traditions. in this chapter, we examine the architectural ruins and artifacts left by this civilization and contemplate their import for its inhabitants and for subsequent hindu history. This examination reveals that indus Valley religion focused on maintaining ritual purity and appropriating divine powers to assist in reproduction and the maintenance of life. Finally, we introduce the indo-aryans with a brief discussion of their relationship to the dwellers of the indus Valley.
The Harappan seals contain several linguistic symbols which have not been properly understood so far.Through my works especially- Indus script decipherment breakthrough, PaNameTa-the troy tower weight and measure system of Harappa, The Harappan Symbol Of Man+ Trident And Its Relation To Kausika Visvamitra And The Kalinga Malla MeTas( Tower Weights), The Harappan Unicorn And The Kalinga Malla MeTas(Tower Weights) , The Harappan Symbol Of Intersecting Circles And Its Relation To Kausika Visvamitra And The Kalinga Malla MeTas( Tower weights), The Harappan Contest Motif Of Nude Man With Six Locks Of Hair Fighting Two Tigers And Its Relation To The Kalinga Malla MeTas( Tower Weights), The Harappan symbols of Roots, Nuts And Cocks And Their Relation To Kausika Visvamitra And The Kalinga Malla MeTas( Tower weights), Identification Of KaNva In The Indus Script, Identification Of Troy In The Indus script,Identification Of Barley And Mustard In The Indus Script, Krishna’s Mathura And Dvaraka In The Indus Script, The Pinna In The Indus Script, The Identity Of Vedic Sarasvati And The Location Of Krishna’s Dvaraka, Identification Of Vedic Bharadvaja In The Indus Script, Krishna’s Dvaraka In The Indus Script, One Symbol Of Indus Script Can Tell A Lot About The Indus Valley Civilisation, The Identity Of Kasyapa In The Indus Valley And Sumeria, Kusa -The Son Of Rama-In Mesopotamia(Sumer),Indus -Sumer Trade, A Few “Copper” Names In The Indus Script, Janaka-King Of Mithila-In The Indus Script,The Vedic Asvins, Yama And Kartikeya In The Indus Script, The Goddess Sarasvati And The Origin Of Brahmi And Kharoshthi, The Origin Of The Roman Aes Grave From The Indus Valley Money, A Solution To The Mystery Of The Gundestrup Cauldron, The Eternal Soma Of The Vedas, Vedic Roots Of Ancient Egyptian Religion, A Veiled Visvamitra Soma Sacrifice In The New Testament , The Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation-1:The Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation-2, The Punny Plough,The Bearded Kings Of The Ancient, Bharata -The Language Of The Indus Valley Civilisation, The Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation -3,The Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation-4,Harappan Vedic Sacrificial Feasts In Mesopotamian Art And In The Bible,The Script of Indus valley Civilisation-6 :A Vrishni Silver Coin And Its Harappan Source,The Script of Indus valley Civilisation-7: The Conversion Of Makha(Sacrifice) To Tanka(Mint) In The Indus Script,Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation-8:Vedic Root Of Gudea’s Akshayapatra,Three Men In A Boat Seal Evidence Of Indus –Dilmun Trade,The Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation-9: The Goodluck Symbols Of The Indus Script, The script of Indus valley civilisation-10:Identification Of The True Vedic Soma From Harappan Seals Confirms The Indus Valley Civilisation As Vedic, The Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation-11: Daksha (Soma) Yaaga-The Vedic Eucharist -In The Indus Script , The Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation-12: Dāśarājñá And Dasaratha In The Indus Script, The Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation-13:The Silver Palm Seals Are Rosetta Stones Of The Indus Script , Vedic And Sumerian Linguistic Evidences For The Language Of Harappa, The Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation-14:The Difference Of Meluhha And Mlecca, The Script Of Indus Valley Civilisation-15:The Shift Of The Capital Of The Vrishnis From Mathura( Kalibangan) To Dvaraka( Mohenjodaro) - I have shown that several seals contain vedic metrological terms,names of vedic ornaments,names of people, places and gods etc. My perception is that only a comprehensive study of ancient vedic metrology can decipher the script symbols satisfactorily. A significant find herein is the existence of the Kalinga malla mana system during Harappan times challenging the common perception of its origin from the later Kalinga kingdom(Orissa).The unicorn is identified as the pala/nishka/soma/agni.Signs of intersecting circles, fish , crab,bud,tower etc. also indicate pala.The six locks of hair indicate the paNameTa weight of six barley grains.Roots and nuts indicate viira bhadra/ Drupada/ varaha/pala.We have located Lord Krishna’s Mathura and Dvaraka in the Indus valley scripts. We have confirmed Mohenjodaro as the first Dvaraka on the basis of the inscription on the copperplate B7C2 from there and textual evidences from the Rgveda, Mahabharata etc.We have located PadmakuuTa,one of the palaces of Krishna there.Also we have identified the Sindhu(Indus) as the Vedic Sarasvati river.We have gone through the symbols identifying the Bharadvajas,the clan of composers of the earliest vedic texts.In Krishna’s Dvaraka we gathered more details from the script on Lord Krishna’s Dvaraka and Sindhu/Sarasvati. We have looked into the indications of the Harappan jar symbol with three forks on each edge.We have located the Kasyapas in Hastinapura trading with Sumeria.We have decoded the Mari Standard,went deeper into the meanings of several Sumerian images and confirmed Meluhha as Vedic Harappa/Indus valley. We have located Janaka,the king of Mithila,father-in-law of Rama, in the Indus script.We have identified the names of copper in the Indus script and located the Asvins,Yama and Skanda in the Indus script.In A Model For Indus Script Decipherment we have identified the deity in the seal M-1181 and built a model for complete decipherment of the Indus script. We have seen how Brahmi and Kharoshthi evolved from the Indus Script and how the Indus script was in use along with Brahmi/Kharoshthi even into the first centuries CE.We have seen how the coins of the ancient world,including the Roman coins evolved from the Indus valley money. We have looked for and located a Rosetta Stone for the Indus script, in the varaha/gadyanaka coin form. We have gone into the relation of the Druids to the Indus valley civilisation and the role of their Gundestrup cauldron in the evolution of Christianity. We have explored the relation of the Anau seal to the Indus Valley Civilisation. We have gone into the relationship of the Egyptian and Harappan deities. We have looked into a beautiful story from the New Testament invoving the vedic soma sacrifice in A Veiled Visvamitra Soma Sacrifice In The New Testament. We have studied the indications of some of the Indus script symbols with particular reference to their use on ancient coins of India . We have looked into symbolism of the overflowing vase on the Sumerian statue of Gudea and through it we identified the indications of several Indus symbols including the Harischandra vaajapeya sacrifice. We have seen how the Harappan glyphs served as goodluck symbols . The identification of the right vedic soma has two important aspects:First, it ends the long quest for the mysterious soma. Second,it confirms the Indus valley civilisation as vedic ,beyond any doubt. We have studied the vedic Daksha Yaaga and its relation to the soma yaaga.Also we have located Dāśarājñá and Dasaratha in the Indus seals. We have explored the application of the palm seals as further rosetta stones of the Indus script . We have looked into the claim of mlecca as the language of the Indus valley civilation and concluded that Bharata,not mlecca, was the language of the Indus valley civilisation. We have gone into the shift of the vedic Yadava clans from the Ghaggar-Hakra to the Sarasvati(Sindhu) basin. In this article we are confirming the river Sindhu as the vedic river Sarasvati.
parimal Delhi
I invoke the Agni-the single unified force, he is the Priest, Deva, Sacrificer, and Reciter of the S‚-i, Yaj¤a, He is the treasure of jewels. The modern civilization on the earth is very much influenced by the achievements of the modern science in the different fields. It is a common faith that such a development of the science on the earth has enlightened the people on the earth first time. Accordingly the common people are dwelling in between the Modern Science and Spiritualism and the Religion. They are unaware about the Aim of life on the earth. It is the main cause of the unrest and violence on the earth. The earth has faced the similar situation earlier too, it has been reflected in the hymn of 4th book a speech of a seer in the council of world scholars has been given, where, to safeguard the earth from probable nuclear threat has been indicated, the meeting was ended without conclusion, accordingly the seer has expressed these words. Un satisfied, with speech devoid of vigour, scanty and frivolous and inconclusive, Where-fore do they address thee here, O Agni? Let these who have no weapons suffer sarrow.14 The speaker was unsatisfied with the attitude of the councillors, they could not draw any conclusion, and all were divided on the issue of peace on the earth. The threat of nuclear war has been reflected in his speech. Accordingly, he has addressed Agni? Let these who have no weapons suffer sorrow. It indicates that some countries may have developed safety device from nuclear threat, those who have no weapons of safety, they are likely to suffer. In this reference, we may search for the protective nuclear device, to safeguard our-selves from nuclear threat, as indicated in the speech. The contemporary Vedic civilization with their achievements has enlightened the common people so as to guide them in the day to day life. The Vedic seers with their skill and labour have preserved their knowledge of the creation in the Vedic hymns, so as to transfer it for the succeeding generations for the welfare of the society, with their great skill it has reached to us without break. It is our humble duty to interpret them in their proper way for the welfare of the society. To interpret the Vedic hymns has been a great puzzle for the scholars. It is due the fact that the scholars were not acquainted with the Vedic scientific terminology and height of the Vedic science. The Vedic science in the Vedic hymns has its beginning, with discovery of single unified force of the creation. The same has been recognised in the modern science. . The insight in to these scriptures was to trace the mystery of origin of life on the earth. I have got the success in the scientific interpretation of Vedic language and I was very much surprise to trace all the modern principles and theories of creation in the Vedic texts. The Vedic hymns have been compiled by different ÿ–is. The Vedic books are supposed to be the family books of the ÿ–is. Looking to the depth of knowledge in the Vedic hymns it seems that the ÿ–is of the hymns are the subject expert and head of the contemporary institutes of knowledge.
The Preface and Table of Contents of the book are appended to provide background information about the book. A companion book is titled Indus Script Primer (2020) with sub-titles: -- karṇika 'scribes' convey wealth account ledgers -- Meluhha words & meanings, use hieroglyphs. Thus, the books are about 8000+ Indus Script inscriptions which are simply wealth-accounting ledgers and daybooks maintained by guilds of artisans and Meluhha seafaring merchants from 4th millennium BCE. The contents of these 'national accounts' records provide glimpses of what made Ancient India a Super Economic Power of the times, a stunning fact recorded by the Cambridge Economic Historian, Angus Maddison who produced the bar-chart to trigger the formation of European Union. While this chart takes us back in time to 1CE, it does not track down the story of a civilization fully, way before 1CE, say from 4000 BCE. We have found a potsherd from Harappa dated stratigraphically by the HARP archaeology team to ca. 3300 BCE. This potsherd shows three Indus Script hieroglyphs which read: tagara kolimi 'tin smithy'. There is hope that the 8000+ deciphered Indus Script inscriptions will provide details to write an outline Civilization story, Cultural and Economic History of India from 4th millennium BCE. S.Kalyanaraman Sarasvati Research Centre Preface The excavations at Mohenjodaro and Harappa by a British-led team in the 1920s started the revelations about the Indus Valley Civilization. British-led historians and archaeologists theorized how such an advanced civilization flourished apparently 5000 years ago (between 3000 and 4000 years Before the Common Era), and what ended it. Those familiar with the scriptures of ancient India saw evidence of the Sarasvati civilization, discussed starting with the Rg Veda. A Euro-centric theory of civilization, however, insisted that the Indus Valley civilization had nothing to do with the Vedas: instead the Vedas had to be composed by the Tall, Fair and Martial Europeans (Aryans) who rode horses down the Khyber Pass, drove away the short, dark and meek cattle-herding Dravidians, and then, amazingly, decided to settle down and write the Vedas there. Much of the Indus Valley including Mohenjodaro and Harappa is in Pakistani Punjab. The author of this monograph was proudly informed by a PIA flight attendant, that the drink coasters in Business Class were replicas of seals from the Ancient Pakistani Civilization at Mohenjodaro and Harappa. Following the 1974 atomic explosions at Pokhran in the Rajasthan desert, US remote sensing assets such as the LandSat satellite, focused on the Rajasthan desert, looking for effects of the explosion. Other ground agents obtained samples of ground water to seek radioactive seepage. These provided irrefutable visual proof of three facts: 1. A large, dried riverbed ran from the Himalayas to the sea in Gujarat in northwest India, well east of the Indus. 2. The groundwater below this riverbed was from isolated pools, thousands of years old, not annual flows. 3. The large, shallow river would have joined the sea near Dholavira, in India’s Gujarat, close to the legendary location of the submerged port city of Dvaraka. The frequent occurrence of intense earthquakes and landlsides in the region all show why a large, snow-fed river from the Himalayas could get redirected, leaving its previous bed dry – and displacing the settlements that depended on the navigable fresh-water river. Indian archaeologists supplemented their ancient Scriptures with modern diagnostic techniques such as ground-penetrating radar in exploration. Over 2600 sites have been excavated along the Sarasvati valley, and the larger “SaptaSindhu” region, the 7th being the long-lost Sarasvati. The submerged city of Dvaraka has been rediscovered. The above developments have some undeniable effects: 1. The “center” of the so-called Indus Valley civilization has certainly shifted east of the Sapta Sindhu region. 2. This places much of the civilization east of several waterways, further debunking the invasion theories. 3. Maritime trade has been established as a feature of this region, explaining connections to a far larger region. 4. These developments have precisely followed, and now explained, the descriptions in the ancient Scriptures, starting with the earliest identified to-date: the Rg Veda. We now shift attention to other debates. Many artifacts found in these river valley sites have been described as “seals”. But what purpose did they serve? Why did the residents make so many of these? If they were precious, as the expertise and intricate detail suggest, why were they left lying around, absent any catastrophe befalling the residents? Naturally, the academic focus of most archaeologists and historians, has been on ‘decoding the Indus Script’, seeking the equivalent of the Rosetta Stone that gave the same law decree in 3 languages. Nothing of the sort has been found: the residents, and their leaders, appear to have been people of few words, but much effort to communicate those words. Without understanding the context, efforts to decode the ‘script’ have floundered. One solution (none else have come this far!) is a radically different way of looking at these seals. The evidence is in this book. Unsurprisingly, it took the mind of a retired officer of the Asian Development Bank credentialled in public administration as well as economics, and used to seeing accounting every day, to recognize the purpose of the seals. The seals are now seen as marks used in trade and wealth accounting. No wonder that, shorn of the consignments that they guaranteed, they have little value. The intricate seals signify a superlative level of skill in working metal and stone – for metal products were the main trade that they appear to signify. In other words, the translations do not yield Royal Edicts or historical descriptions: they were prosaic statements of the provenance of goods sold, and wealth accumulated from trade. The term “Dravidians” has long been used to signify the “short dark and meek” Indus Valley inhabitants who were supposedly driven away by the Tall, Fair and Martial, but Veda-authoring scholarly Aryans from Europe. It is now seen to denote: “those who lived near/on the water” (Dravya means water). Maritime traders and river-bank dwellers. No wonder some were dark-skinned and focused on their civilizational skills and trade, rather than on predatory and insular instincts: some came from the equatorial sunshine of south India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. They were used to dealing with diverse peoples, at least from modern-day Vietnam, if not Japan, all the way to Israel if not Scandinavia, and from Indonesia to Central Asia. In short, they had better worries than that of killing the next person they saw to steal food and wealth. They were Civilized. Surely such a civilization did not survive on metals alone. But the signs of their diverse products must be gleaned from elsewhere: most of those articles would not have survived exposure or burial for 5000 years; those that survived would have been taken away and used by those who came later. The implications are stunning. The “Indus Valley” and larger Sapta Sindu region, were not a unique fount of civilization, but the trading edge, and junctions, of a massive hinterland that manufactured (and consumed) the goods traded. This extended at least through the rest of the Indian peninsula and the larger subcontinent, as well as most of South East Asia. How long had this civilization evolved, before it got to the advanced trading stage seen in the Sapta Sindhu? The extremely succinct (though massive!) distillation of knowledge in the Vedas begins to make sense, as the distillation of untold aeons of experience! To speculate on what this does to the Eurocentric narratives of the origins of civilization, is beyond the scope of this book. This two-volume set is written in a very succinct monograph style, originally intended for audiences from the community of present-day historians and archaeologists. It extensively refers to, and cites, the archaeology literature across continents Given the rigid 19th century/ 1920s textbook beliefs that appear to control “Indology” and “South Asian History”, however, many readers may be from outside these communities. Therefore, before one dives into the first chapter, a brief analogy may be useful. The key to the “code” such as it, is the term “Rebus”. An everyday example is the “Arm & Hammer” logo seen on packets of Baking Soda. These are from a corporation started by Mr. Armand Hammer. The words denoting an Arm and Hammer sound like ‘Armand Hammer’ only in English. But people who buy the products need not speak English: they just need to recognize the logo. Thus a common dialect spanning the trading region is not a pre-requisite; though evidence exists that “Meluhha” denotes such a spoken form that formed a “Sprachbund”: a union of speech, across the entire region. The elaborate and intricate seals would have been an extremely laborious and impractical system if used in everyday written communications. However, if they served as stamps to communicate a standard set of messages, they would have been convenient, secure and very efficient. The words sound familiar and intuitively evident, to native speakers of Indian languages. It takes someone steeped in native lore and scripture to make the connections, as done in this monograph. Of course any rebus could have multiple meanings, as laboriously documented in the monograph. There is much to be discovered, but a start has been made, to understand a civilization that spanned a period of at least a few thousand years, ending over 5000 years ago.
Cracking the DNA code of Indus Valley Genetics & Cytology Abstract Introduction The quest of creation is quest of human mind from dawn of the Civilization on the earth. The discovery of the double helical structure of the DNA by the Watson and crick 1953 has brought the revolution in the field of Biotechnology. The same echo is coming from the well developed Indus Valley Civilization. The pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching; they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination. Its literary text is in the Vedic hymns. The Vedic metaphoric symbols for DNA have been engraved on the seals. Accordingly the seals and cytological symbolic pictographs deciphered in chronological order. It is not a script of known language but microscopic cytological models. The electron microscopic structure of DNA engraved on the seals confirm their advance technology, it explore evolution of human species in chronological order. 1. The synthesis of chromosome 2. DNA replication and Protein translation 3. Nucleotide pairs 4 Nuclear reaction – the Ribosome translate the DNA code into life. The group of tiny seals expresses the evolution of the creation from the pre-cosmic condition up to the evolution of man symbolically in chronological order. Indus Valley Vedic Zero to Infinity Vedic Zero Indus Valley explores the height of scientific development. The Vedic metaphors on the seals reveal that it was the Vedic culture. The pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching; they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination The decipherment of Indus Valley seals explore that the pictographic inscription on the seals are cytological pictographs at microscopic level. It reveals development of the cellular body in the womb of mother. It is not the script of a language. The life consciousness evolved from pre-existing cells with cell division and genetic recombination from single DNA and cell body. The human body is a microcosm in side a macrocosm. The human species is highly evolved, which is under the process of mental evolution. To evolve one’s own self from animal instincts to human and God like nature, with sacrifice of desire is the aim of life. Decipherment of Indus Valley seals is most exciting with discovery of DNA 1953 and higgs field 2013. The Indus Valley civilization was scientifically developed and reached at its peak we have received its hoofs of traces as seals and potteries. The symbols on the seals are microscopic cytological pictograms to explain origin of life from single ancestor and genetic recombination with cell division with its text in Vedic hymns. The decipherment of the seals explore that the seals were prepared for the students for demonstration and teaching and belongs to contemporary Institutes of higher education. With this all seals have been deciphered in chronological order. Each seal is complete in itself with even one or more inscription and may be used for examination for comment, with its text in Vedas.
The highly debated issue of the Aryan or proto-Indo-European language speaker’s homeland is still nowhere near to any resolve. The European and Indian scholars have been proposing drastically opposite theories to prove either Eurasia or India as the homeland. Sometimes they dramatically stretch the timelines leaving one wondering as to how the scholars can play around with the archaeological proofs and indications provided by ancient scriptures just to derive suitable meanings to meet their needs. In his book, Mr. Sonawani attempts to have a look at the ‘homeland’ scenario. While doing so, he takes cognizance of all the theories forwarded by the scholars so far from fresh angle and postulates that; 1. The Indo-European language group theory is based upon migrations of the proto Indo-European language speakers from some homeland. The author challenges the hypotheses’ of such migration and using the available archaeological, anthropological and scriptural evidences goes on to prove that there were no massive migrations from any place since 10,000 BC which may have caused substantial impact on other cultures. Using the archaeological evidences, he proves that the people all over the globe started settling down by 15,000 BC with the invention of early agriculture. The process was gradually completed by before 10,000 BC. Therefore, it is out of the question that the so-called PIE speakers started migrating from the hypothetical homelands at about 2000 BC or 5000 BC and impacted the linguistic and cultural features of other civilisations, as postulated by the scholars. 2. The author further proves that the early humans were foragers during the period ranging from 60,000 BC till 15,000 BC when they already had learnt to move around in the known territories and developed geographical consciousness. By then they had already shared, developed rudimentary languages having common features. These rudimentary languages took separate paths after he settled down in the respective regions. However, the early vocabulary and grammatical traits survived, which is why there are some similarities even today in the territories in question. These similarities are owed to the early human life and not to the movement of so-called Proto-Indo-European people. 3. Author proves that from all the results pouring in from the geological explorations at Ghaggar basin, and from the careful analysis of Rig Vedic/mythological descriptions of the Saraswati River, the Ghaggar river cannot be at all equated with the Rig Vedic Saraswati. 4. Mr. Sonawani, in this book, proves that many personalities, including Zarathustra and his patrons, were contemporary to the early phase of Rig Vedic compositions and have been mentioned in both the Rig Veda and the Avesta. This sheds light on the possible date of the Rig Veda and Gathas of the Avesta. Further, the author proves, with in depth analysis of numerous scriptural and archaeological evidences, that the Rig Vedic geography is that of nowhere else but Helmand valley, Southern Afghanistan. Using references from the Rig Veda and the Avesta, he has proved that most of the identifiable tribes mentioned were and still are located in Iran, Afghanistan and north-east India( now Pakistan), and are speaking the descendent languages even today. 5. The author also proves that the indigenous Vedic Aryan theory is unfounded since there is no slightest affinity between the Vedic and Indus culture. He explains diligently that, how, even if Rig Vedic period is stretched back substantially, i.e. from presently accepted period of about 1500 BC, to as back as 3000 BC or even far before, any association of the Vedic people with Indus-Ghaggar Civilisation is improbable. 6. Since Indus-Ghaggar Valley have not experienced any intruding immigrants from minimum of 7000+ BC, there is no any genetic or archeological proof to prove any foreign influx since then. Therefore, there is total absence of any proofs to prove the migration of so-called Vedic Aryans from India to West. The vital questions raised by Mr. Sonawani are: How the Vedic religion was introduced to India? How it found space here to become a major sect in the later course of time? The revelations, supported by substantial proofs may help us change the traditional perspective of our ancient socio-cultural and religious history. 7. Importantly, the author points out at the sever social harm caused by the supremacist views taken by the European and Vedicist scholars over the last two hundred years to solve non-existent mystery of origin, either of the Aryan race or of the PIE language. 8. This book explains the roots of the original Rig Vedic language and how it was gradually modified in ancient times to suite the changed linguistic environments, while providing the internal proofs from the Rig Veda and from the observations of Indian as well as European Sanskrit scholars. As a result, the myth of the Vedic dialect being mother of Sanskrit and other Prakrit languages crumbles. Rather the author of this book has referred to almost all the living and dead renowned scholars whose works have been related with a wide range of topics such as the myth of the Aryans or the PIE speakers hypotheses, archaeology, geology, linguistics, anthropology to religion. Mr. Sonawani stresses through this book that distorting the human history to prove that some humans are superior over others, racially or linguistically, is not the way to solve the puzzles of our ancient past. “Origin of the Vedic Religion and Indus-Ghaggar Civilization” is an attempt to help us look back at our past with clean and unprejudiced vision.
According to the prevalent history of Bharata varsha as told by western scholars the Indus valley civilisation belonged to the Dravida/Munda people and the vedic people(Aryans) reached India around 1900 BCE only . But in reality the Indus civilisation is vedic and the vedic people were in the Indus Valley at least from 6000BCE as seen from the excavations. If an unknown script can explain the known myth and known history of a nation,what more proof is required to show that the script belongs to the same people.The script of Egypt explains their myth and history.The script of Sumer,Akkad or Elam does the same.So it is natural for the Indus script to denote the myth and history of the Hindu/Sindhu / Sarasvati/ vindu/vipra/sura/ bhuusura/bhudeva/bharata/kuru/pancala/Somaka people.Hence in this article we shall try to understand a bit of Indian history through the Indus script.We shall presently see a few evidences pointing to the existence of the Aryans in the Indus Valley several millennia prior to the so called Aryan arrival in the Indus valley. In the last article we have looked into the writing of the Harappans in the early Ravi/Kot Diji phases and concluded that they are the same vedic people of the mature Harappan phase. We have also compared an inscribed Ravi sherd showing presence of the Pancalas/ Bharatas in the Indus valley before 3300BCE and a Taxila coin showing their presence in Taxila around 200 BCE confirming the continuity of the vedic civilisation in the Indus Valley from the early Harappan days.We have also seen how an indus seal portray the story of Ahalya described in later literature. In this article we are exploring the universal idea of the mount of the dead Concept In The Worship Of The Sun God -Pancala-Bharata-Somaka-Moksha-Kosala-Kurukshetra-Dharmakshetra concept-in the solar worship as was practised in the IVC and elsewhere. What are the linquistic and ritual logics employed in the practice? Religions are dependent on rituals and rituals are dependent on languages.Hinduism depends on Bharata/pitR/ deva/rava/veda/Sanskrit/Jina-kshetra/pan-caala language.Budhism depends on the Paali/vaaNi /heli language.Judaism depends on Hebrew/bruuhi language.Christianity depends on Greek/Latin Lnaguage.Islam depends on Arabic languge.All the religions of the world were dependent on words formulated by the priests of those religions as linquistics played a key role in formulating the belief and ritual tenets of their followers.All these religions and the languages owe a great deal to one religion and langage which was the religion of Gobekli Tepe and its language which is the pitR/Bharata /deva/veda language.The Bharatas of Pancala Ruled The known Ancient World By Using The Mound Of The Dead Concept In The Worship Of The Sun God.
Decipherment of Indus Valley seals Vedic Human Genetics & Cytology Introduction The quest of creation is quest of human mind from dawn of the Civilization on the earth. The discovery of the double helical structure of the DNA by the Watson and crick 1953 has brought the revolution in the field of Biotechnology. The same echo is coming from the well developed Indus Valley Civilization. The pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching; they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination. Its literary evidences are in the Vedic hymns. Accordingly the seals and cytological symbolic pictographs deciphered in chronological order. It is not the script but microscopic cytological models. The group of tiny seals expresses the evolution of the creation from the pre-cosmic condition up to the evolution of man symbolically in chronological order. Indus Valley The Indu is Vedic term for oxygen associated with life resource Sindhu, just like a stream of river in the ocean of life. The oxygen is life resource with water and Vivasvan DNA spread in all direction with water in the cell body. The Indo, Indus and India derived from Indu and the invaders called Sindhu as Hindu and Hindukush mountain Sindhu and Sapt Sindhu The singer, O ye Waters in Vivasvan’s place, shall tell your grandeur forth that is beyond compare. The Rivers have come forward triply seven and seven Sindhu in might surpasses all the streams that flow Rig. 10-75-1 The voice is the first to appear with life consciousness and whatever the object has its existence is due to voice sound waves, which is complimentary with light spectrum, and cause of existence of every thing. It has evolved into thought and words with evolution of life from DNA. The germ of the world of the world ensign of all creation, be sprang to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over, when the five tribes brought sacrifice to Agni (ÿg. 10-45-6) The five tribes; five gross elements Pa¤ca MahÈbhÊta, Air water, sky, energy and matter; the assembly of these five with energy transformation is sign of life with voice. III. The flow of life channels Seven sisters sprung from threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that is, heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (ÿg-Veda 6-61-12) The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in three fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky and earth; matter with life in countless channels. The cosmos is vast ocean of unknown dark matter with calm and quiet deep darkness every where. We can see roughly 0.01 M with telescopes. NASA and Fermi team working day and night looking for mysterious dark matter and its anti matter with gamma rays. It has been studied at Grand Canyon, North America. The Petro glyphs and Hieroglyphic symbols is art of picture writing system with symbolism for demonstration and teaching. Its text and explanation is in the Vedas. It is for the seeker of knowledge to grasp the truth for his guidance to solve the unsolved problems of the creation. It may not be utilized for glorification in any way. Hence only universal symbols have been used for the pious, as common heritage of mankind. The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life. The mighty cell body magically hold the life consciousness with cell metabolism as its spirit to execute functions of the cell body, and mind stimulate it with thoughts. The scientists have observed it in the ocean’s inmost depth as its source. The wise men search his station of rays to travel beyond space and time in the deep ocean of earth’s geomagnetic belt. The vibrations of spiraling waves have evolved into thought and words with evolution of life from DNA. The voice retains the blessed sign imprinted on the DNA to follow the mankind from generation to generation. The seat of the vital energy in the human body is lip like cavity at the base of seating between the pelvic girdle, where air is halted. It can be stimulated to connect with higher consciousness and shine like glowing lustre in the mid brain with stimulation of pineal gland. Hear all the Gods my words, SarasvatÏ give ear together with Pura£dhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14) The SarasvatÏ thought words ensign of existence with chemical energy of photosynthesis, which generates thoughts in mind for action. The brain waves are working with its dualistic force adverse and obverse, just like two faces of the same coin. It is the all knowing soul of an individual working with its dualistic force to stimulate thoughts in the brain. The resonant vibration waves constitute the individual mental identity with complimentary identity in synonym mental code on immortal DNA. The DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid is universal instrument of life with complimentary electromagnetic spectrum of visible light and audible seven syllables of voice. The Vivasvan is term for DNA and the water (language of mental code) in it is the source of life, its vastness is beyond compare. The Sindhu signify the individual life stream flowing with DNA replication during the journey of life, it surpasses all other rivers in the ocean of life. With origin of life from DNA, the consciousness appears at its own with cell metabolism as its source and disappears with death. The life energy appears at its own with the movement of the sap with metabolism in the cell body in the first cell with birth. It maintains its continuity with cell division. With ageing and death of the physical cell body, it disappears at its own. In this way the consciousness is trinity of three. 1. The immortal Higgs field, which impart mass to subatomic particles from underlying space. 2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis with metabolism in the cell body is the immortal source of life energy with cell division. 3. The DNA with four bases is immortal instrument of life; it is activated by immortal thought words from generation to generation with new life. The genetic recombination is the cause of biodiversity. The life on the earth has evolved from the single cell. The biodiversity in the nature is due to the DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid recombination. We have evolved from the single ancestor of DNA. Hence, we are all connected at cellular level, exhibiting the same functions at cellular level. During the development in the womb, an individual borrow the hereditary characters from his parents for the physical development of the body. In the same fashion, the individual borrow his language code of his previous birth from his parent with DNA as ancestor. The code open the language of his previous birth on DNA, accordingly the individual faces the consequences of his deeds with new life. Vedic Biology Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann have proved first time that animals and plants are made up of cells. All the living organisms are made up of cells, at cellular level, they exhibit the same functions. The cell has been termed as Ribhu and the different stages of the cell have been termed as Ribhu, Ribhukshan, Vibhvan and Vaja. The Nucleus as Brihaspati, the DNA has been termed as Tvashta and Vivasvat, the cell division has been expressed as renewal of parents. With evolution a prokaryotic cell came in to the existence with inherent quality of energy transformation, growth and multiplication with evolution. The development of the autotrophic cell with photosynthesis and genetic material has given the ways for the organic evolution on the earth in different directions. Single unified force .The Vedic science in the Vedic hymns has its beginning, with discovery of single unified force of the creation. Bell’s theorem in 1972 by Clauser, Freedman, David Böehm, and Alain Aspect in 1985, science discovered a synchronistic non- locality, where at the base of matter “non – local” causes operate and similar particles at a space like distance or some how “instantaneously interconnected” without the connection of any signal like light or electromagnetic waves.
The earliest known phase of the building art in India, recently excavated, discloses a style of structure which has been described as aesthetically barren. This development in the dawn age of the country has been designated as the 'Indus valley civilization' as the records of its culture has been found buried in the soil of regions bordering on the river Indus.
The quest of creation is quest of human mind from dawn of the Civilization on the earth. The discovery of the double helical structure of the DNA by the Watson and crick 1953 has brought the revolution in the field of Biotechnology. The same echo is coming from the scientifically developed Indus Valley Civilization. The pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching; they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination. Its literary evidences are in the Vedic hymns.
South Asia's first civilization known as the Harappan or Indus Civilization was already flourishing by the middle of third millennium B.C. within the vast area of the Greater Indus Valley drained by the Ghaggar-Hakra and Indus river systems of Pakistan. Best known from its extensively excavated two principal urban centres at Harappa on the Ravi River where it was first discovered and recognized, and at Mohenjodaro on the bank of the Indus,' it is marked by many a unique and distinct feature among its contemporaneous civilizations of the Nile and Tigris-Euphrates Valleys. An astonishing aspect of the Indus Civilization is its geographical extent much beyond the core re~ion in the central Indus Valley where Mohenjodaro, Harappa and the third unexcavated urban centre of Ganweriwala are located. It reached as far north as Badakhshan in northern ,Afghanistan and southwards along the Arabian Sea coast of Pakistan and Western India. Such a political domination or cultural expansion over a large territory had not been ever achieved by any other oriental civilization of the ancient world. Equally outstanding feature is the town planning as at Mohenjo-daro which is divided by streets and lanes and lined with public and private buildings with an elaborate drainage system. The long life span of the Harappan cities and towns, their growth and prolification mostly in the flood plain, clearly demonstrate availability of sufficient economic resources and surplus which were mobilized to construct huge fortifications and public buildings on artificially raised platforms of earth, and technology for effective utilization of the riparian environment to support growing numbers of permanently settled human population and inducing the rise and development of interrelated socioeconomic , political and religious institutions. A network of inter-settlement trade of exchange existed within the Greater Indus Valley and with neighbouring regions for the procurement and supply of raw materials and distributions of finished articles. Possessing the essential elements of full urbanization, the Harappan society was sharply stratified as would be evident from the varying size of private houses and differences in their grave furniture and modes of burials. Specialised crafts activities involved manufacturing of shell, faience and terracotta bangles, flint knapping, beads, pottery, seal cuttings and gravings, melting of copper and manufacture of metal utensils. The glyptic and representational arts were well developed and 'numerous cultic objects are indicative of formal role of religion. The mass production of different kinds and their occurrence throughout tire Greater Indus Valley requires a high technological level, an elaborate means of communication and an effective political or administrative system controlling a vast territory which induced a sort of Pan-Indus cultural integration not achieved elsewhere in the ancient world.
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