Non-orientable Lagrangian surfaces in rational 4-manifolds

2019, arXiv (Cornell University)


We show that for any nonzero class A in H2(X; Z2) in a rational 4-manifold X, A is represented by a non-orientable embedded Lagrangian surface L (for some symplectic structure) if and only if P(A) ≡ χ(L) (mod 4), where P(A) denotes the mod 4 valued Pontrjagin square of A. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Constructing non-orientable Lagrangian surfaces 3 2.1. Existence of immersed Lagrangian surfaces 3 2.2. Existence of embedded non-orientable Lagrangian surfaces 4 2.3. Lagrangian blow-up 11 3. Minimal genus Lagrangian surfaces in rational 4-manifolds 12 References 15