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2024, Godisnjak
346 pages
1 file
The ritual and lyrical folk songs represented in Vuk's Dictionary are diverse and represent a valuable document of the patriarchal life of the time in which they originated and lasted. Although they are incomparably more subjective in comparison with a great number of forms of folk creation, lyrical folk songs, especially the ritual and common types of work involved, accompany a multitude of forms of social and family existence of the Serbian people: customs and rituals in the patriarchal community, the place of an individual in the family, superstitious prejudices, but also many manifestations of public life. Vuk's classification of lyric poems, two centuries old, in addition to examples of the contents of individual species, is accompanied by his personal observations and descriptions, which explain the quoted verses of folk lyrics. It is precisely these observations that are valuable to the testimonies of the folklore of the Serbian people and the explanation of the current understanding of reality, valuable for all subsequent interpretations of folk lyrical poems. It goes without saying that what each nation calls folk literature, in its most diverse forms and forms, represents acceptable literary works applicable in the process of learning and raising children.
Godisnjak , 2024
The ritual and lyrical folk songs represented in Vuk's Dictionary are diverse and represent a valuable document of the patriarchal life of the time in which they originated and lasted. Although they are incomparably more subjective in comparison with a great number of forms of folk creation, lyrical folk songs, especially the ritual and common types of work involved, accompany a multitude of forms of social and family existence of the Serbian people: customs and rituals in the patriarchal community, the place of an individual in the family, superstitious prejudices, but also many manifestations of public life. Vuk's classification of lyric poems, two centuries old, in addition to examples of the contents of individual species, is accompanied by his personal observations and descriptions, which explain the quoted verses of folk lyrics. It is precisely these observations that are valuable to the testimonies of the folklore of the Serbian people and the explanation of the current understanding of reality, valuable for all subsequent interpretations of folk lyrical poems. It goes without saying that what each nation calls folk literature, in its most diverse forms and forms, represents acceptable literary works applicable in the process of learning and raising children.
Поезија, проза, сатира, критика, сликарство.
Žarko B. Veljković, Života Milanović (Jaiva-dharma-dās), GREEK VOTIVE INSCRIPTION TO ‘DOLICHÆOS’ (JUPITER DOLICHENUS) FROM TRGOVIŠTE Abstract: The paper provides a reading and translation of the Greek inscription on a marble votive plate that was found in 2016, maybe 2017, in the rural area of The Trgovište municipality in south-central Serbia. According to its content the inscription is votive one and it’s dedicated to the Middle Eastern, ancient North Syria originated deity of ‘Dolichæos’ (Jupiter Dolichenus). It is written in the Older Greek Uncial script, and according to the shape of the letters, it could be most probably (we underline: most probably) dated to the second half of the 4th century AD. The inscription reads: “Θέων ‹!› ὐώφελπως, ‹!› κώμις ‹!› Καπερχῶνν, ‹!› δῶρων ‹!› Δωλιχέω, translated as: “Theon ‹the priest› in purple robes, born in the village of (?) Caprocherceon ‹in Syria›, ‹erected ₍this inscription₎› as a gift to ‘Dolichæos’ (Jupiter Dolichenus).” In it, the influence of Thracian phonetics on the (local) Greek language of the inscription is phonetically visible in the word ‹!› ὐώΦεΛΠως = loc. Greek ἰόΦεΛΠος, lit. Greek ἰόΠεΠΛος. This adjective in the inscription means “in purple robes” and refers to the priest of the mysteries of Jupiter Dolichenus. He bears the Greek name Theon (Θέων) and is a Greek speaker. If we read and ubicate correctly ‹!› κώμις ‹!› Καπερχῶνν = κώμης Καπερχῶν as κώμης Καπροχερκεῶν in ancient Syria, it would probably be the present-day village of Burj Qa’i in west-northwest Syria. The existence of the mysteries of Jupiter Dolichenus in the Roman province of Upper Moesia was documented in the period from the end of the 2nd to the second half of the 3rd century AD, whereby its continued existence is allowed as a possibility, and the inscription in front of us would be most probably (we underline: most probably) extended its basic range to the second half of the 4th century AD.
Богословсько-історичний науковий журнал Волинської Православної Богословської Академії Української Православної Церкви Київського Патріархату. 2016. ВПБА.
У раду је дата историја манастира Дивостин код Крагујевца.
Балкански књижевни гласник, 2020
Александър Шурбанов ВСИЧКОТО БЕЗСМЪРТИЕ, КОЕТО ИМАМЕ 9 Борис Дренча ДВЕ ПЕСМЕ 17 Emanuella Zubović POEZIJA 20 Enes Halilović MANIFEST KVANTUMIZMA 29 Јована Маројевић МАТЕРИЦЕ 39 Катарина Сарић ПОЕЗИЈА ИЗ КАРАНТИНА 99 Melita Makovec TO NISAM JA 111 Момчило Радић ВРЕМЕ 117 Sanja Domenuš STAROST I DRUGE PJESME 127 Snježana Vračar Mihelač TRI PJESME 134 Tihana Gambiraža (Sonja Adamov) SEDAM PJESAMA 147 Tin Lemac PJESME 155 Tom Veber PREHAJANJE 165 Vanda Petanjek EUTANAZIJA 179 Valerio Orlić IZABRANE PJESME 189 Ana Zlatkov SUSRET 296 Ангел Игов „ФИНИ ПРАХОВИ ЧАСТИЦИ“ ИК ЖАНЕТ-45, 2017 302 Čedomir Janičić PLAGIJATOR 309 Eduard Pranger PERINA KOŠULJA 316 Емануил А. Видински ДВА РАЗКАЗА 320 Калин Терзийски ДОМ 326 Magdalena Blažević NAR 340 Marko Tomaš VJEŽBANJE ŠKOLJKE 344 Petra Đorđević DVIJE PRIČE 356 Владимир Зарев ПЪРВОТО И НАЙ-ВАЖНО НЕЩО, КОЕТО ТРЯБВА ДА ПРАВИ ЧОВЕК, КОГАТО СЕ ДАВИ, ТОВА Е ДА ДЪРЖИ ГЛАВАТА СИ НАД ВОДАТА 360 Zlatko Erjavec DVIJE PRIČE 372 Зоран Ж. Пауновић ЦРВЕНИ ШАЛ 377 Žarko Jovanovski POVIJEST DISANJA 393 Tina Bilban O POLKRITIKIH I POLAVTORJIH 398 Vladislava Vojnović JEDNOROGO VREME 405
В работата се разглеждат измененията на основните демографски показатели на българската нация при прехода й към пазарна икономика и интегрирането й към икономически развитите страни на Европа. Присъединяването й се очаква да бъде процес на повишаване икономическото равнище и възприемане на нов модел за развитие на икономиката на страната, което ще доведе до подобряване на демографските й показатели и ще спомогне за запазването и оцеляването й през XXI век, въпреки изпитваните трудности понастоящем. Прилага се регресионния статистически анализ за изглаждане по права линия (линейна функция) и по парабола (квадратна функция) на броя на населението, на коефициентите на раждаемост, смъртност и естествен прираст на населението на страната за периода 1992-1999 г. и отделно за периода 1992-2000 г. и използване при прогнозирането на тези показатели на онази от тях, която дава по-малка средна квадратична (стандартна) грешка. Направени са конкретни изводи на основата на ползваните реални данни...
В современных performance studies обычно сочетаются частное и точное введенное Остиным определение перформативности как слова, совершающего действие, и распространенное марксистское представление о критическом, изменяющем мир потенциале теории. В этой статье ставка делается на неортодоксальное прочтение перформативности, вытекающее из левинасовской критики насилия метафизики. Если этика имплицирует теорию, тогда перформативность мыслится как радикальная пассивность теории. В таком случае решающее значение для концептуальной модели субъекта приобретает не эпистемологическое, а этическое измерение, а именно этика категорического императива. Категорический императив устроен как перформативное противоречие между желанием и волением, он фиксирует ситуацию разрыва, акразии, иными словами, решения. В статье приводятся две современные трактовки значения понятия субъекта решения. Одна из них — позитивная, принадлежит Бадью, это субъект верности событию. Она согласуется с субъектом практического разума Канта, поскольку поддерживается чистым и формальным движением воли. Однако эта модель, по мнению Мейясу, может считаться переходной, поскольку эксклюзивность решения подрывает круг корреляции. По-настоящему свежим ходом оказывается критика Философского Решения как распределения трансцендентальных и эмпирических функций, предложенная Ларюэлем. Не-философия мыслит себя как единственная перформативная теория, потому что регистрирует это изначальное решение и отказывается идти по секулятивному круговому пути философствования. Основная проблема, связанная с не-философией, состоит в том, что ее перформативность остается скорее декларативной, неясны условия решения проблемы акразии, разрыва между желаемым и возможным. Ключевые слова: перформативность, этика, субъект, акразия, решение Intention of non-action: on performative structure of subjectivity Article is devoted to ethical aspect of a performativity which usually remains beyond the scope of esthetic, political, linguistic aspects. In modern performance studies are usually combined the private and exact entered by Ostin definition of a performativity as the word making action, and widespread Marxist idea of the critical, changing the world theory potential. In article the main rate becomes on the heterodox reading of a performativity following criticism of violence of metaphysics of Levinas. If the theory is output from ethics, then the performativityt is thought as radical passivity of the theory. In that case, crucial importance for conceptual model of the subject is gained by not epistemological, but ethical measurement, namely ethics of a categorical imperative. The categorical imperative is arranged as a performatory contradiction between desire and a will, it fixes a situation of a gap, an akrasia, otherwise, of the decision. Two modern interpretations of value of a concept of the subject of the decision are given in article. One of them — positive, belongs Badiou, it is the subject of fidelity to an event. It will be coordinated with the subject of practical mind of Kant as it is supported by the pure and formal movement of will. However this model, according to Meillassoux, can be considered transitional as the exclusivity of the decision undermines a correlation circle. The criticism of the Philosophical Decision as distributions of transcendental and empirical functions, offered by Laruelle appears really fresh course. Non- philosophy thinks of itself as the only performatory theory because it registers this initial decision and refuses to go on a speculative circular way of philosophizing. The main problem connected with non - philosophy, consists that its performativity remains rather declarative, conditions of a solution of the problem of an akrasia, a gap between desirable and possible are not clear. Keywords: performativity, ethics, subject, akrasia, decision
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Балкански књижевни гласник - БКГ
Баштиник 8, Неготин 2005, стр. 44-53.
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Балкански књижевни гласник - БКГ
Балкански књижевни гласник № 9 Друга свеска, 2007
Srpska bastina, 2023