Sao Paulo a City of Water

2023, São Paulo, a city of water


Part of preface here presented. Wrote by Professor Murillo Marx in September 2004, for the first edition, in Portuguese, based on Doctoral thesis FAUUSP, 2003. .." Saide Kahtouni chose the theme, developed it as her doctorate’s thesis and now offers it to the broader range of stakeholders, supported by her professional experience pursued in facing this environment. This study is a solidly technical and critical project, that developed the idea originally exhibited in her 1990s master’s dissertation, making a trip São Paulo, a City of Water on the course of the media course of Tietê river, affected in its turn by the discretion of man all the way to the river mouth on the Paraná river. On a par with criteria in selecting what to assess as a problem, with rigour in collecting data, in analysing and arguing as a scholarly professor, there is always sensitivity. In her perception of, and taste for, the literary and a landscapist form, in her poetry and profession, there is an architect’s eye. .."