[Shaken baby syndrome. Report of a case]

1995, PubMed


The authors report the case of a 50-day-old baby who was brought to the Pediatric Emergency Room of the "Hospital de Clinicas da UNICAMP" with seizures. At the examination she presented without external signs of trauma, hypoactive and with generalized seizures. Numerous hemorrhages were found in the ocular fundi. CT scan showed interhemisferic hemorrhage and brain swelling. The child was admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, kept under controlled ventilation and hydantal. Although these measures, she died three days later. Since the beginning there was suspicion of child abuse. One day after the admission the father told that he had shaken the baby because she was crying too much. The present paper discuss social and epidemiological aspects, and about the difficulties in the diagnosis of this syndrome that sometimes may be fatal, as in this case.