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2024, Ebony
10 pages
1 file
The implementation of the Merdeka curriculum in language teaching requires a specific method that accommodates the curriculum goal. This writing tries to describe the implementation of some language teaching methods used in the Merdeka Curriculum at a higher level of education in English for specific purposes (ESP) context. This article also recommends that lecturers engage Case Based Learning (CBL), Project Based Learning (PBL), and Technology-Based Learning (TBL) as language teaching methods in ESP instruction considering their advantages to attain Merdeka curriculum goals.
This study attempts to perform how Project Based Learning Method is conducted in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) program. It was implemented in ESP program for 8th semester pre-service teachers in English Language Education Department in Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Teaching ESP should be given both theoretically and practically and Project Based Learning method can be applied as effective way for teaching and learning process in ESP program that besides students study all the theories, they also design the task of project to apply those theories of ESP theyn already studied. In ESP program, the students are assigned to make course books design for several fields of study and practice one of unit materials in front of the class. The books are designed based on the needs of target language which are gained by having interview and observing the target situation. Giving students the book project enables them to boost and stimulate their sense of creativity in creating an ES...
Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nasional (JIPNAS)
This article discusses the analysis of the format and presentation of the English course in the Merdeka Curriculum. The Merdeka Curriculum is a curriculum with an intracurricular learning system that provides teachers with the freedom to choose teaching materials according to the needs and interests of the students. English is one of the subjects programmed in the Merdeka Curriculum. The English language learning in the Merdeka Curriculum is designed to help individuals improve their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in English. This research adopts a library research method by collecting data and information from relevant literature sources. The collected data is analyzed through a review and understanding of existing literature. The research findings indicate that the Merdeka Curriculum provides comprehensive guidelines regarding identity, structure, teaching methods, and assessment, with a focus on flexibility in subject selection and the development of individual ...
VELES (Voices of English Language Education Society), 2023
The Merdeka curriculum, a pivotal element in contemporary Indonesian education, encapsulates three key learning components: objectives, steps, and assessment. This study investigates into one of these components namely the learning steps in the context of English language instruction. Adopting a phenomenological approach, the research focuses on two English teachers at a junior high school in Central Java, aiming to illuminate the practical implementation of the learning steps. Data collection encompassed classroom observations, in-depth interviews with the teachers, and comprehensive documentation, including visual records from the classes. This multifaceted approach yielded rich qualitative insights into the pedagogical practices and experiences of these educators. The findings reveal a tripartite structure of the learning steps: the 'Opening' phase, where teachers connect new content with students' prior knowledge and motivate them towards the lesson; the 'Core Activities' phase, involving exploration, elaboration, and confirmation of the subject matter; and the 'Closing' phase, which includes summarizing key points, reflective activities, and preparing students for future lessons. Significantly, these structured phases highlight the holistic and effective methodology of the Merdeka curriculum in teaching English, offering valuable insights into its practical implementation and impact on educational outcomes.
The article discusses how PBL can be the means to develop study skills of the ESP students of the higher education. Moreover, it is being talked about the ways how project works can help to develop study skills.
The concept of Merdeka Belajar and Kampus Merdeka has been attracting much attention of language lecturers and researchers in higher education institution. The program of Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia contributes to some questions on how the English learning should be designed and undertaken. This article would like to address how the teaching of English for vocational purposes (EVP) in polytechnic vocational institution. Specifically, it was in an attempt to develop of EVP teaching model. In this study the focus was given to the development of model, including developing material, leaning syntax and assessment tool. Material development included that of module used to facilitate the learning of EVP at vocational university. The result of the development pursuant to in the-class short experiment involving students successfully contributed that the development of visible, compatible and applicable vocational education materials consists of Snapshot, Project ...
Interest in the integration of language learning with knowledge/content construction is growing around the world. In this line, an instructional innovation to be applied in language for specific purposes (LSP) undergraduate courses is introduced. Project-based learning has been enhanced by an electronic platform; namely, e-Class, a learning management system, to amplify its impact. A threefold research into current theories on (a) key issues in LSP framework, (b) adult education, and (c) foreign language learning and pedagogical orientations leads us to this model. The result is an e-methodology, pedagogically rather than technology driven, for teaching/learning LSP in the framework of discipline-related, content-based instruction (CBI) and project work that will eventually enhance and modernize teaching and learning LSP and develop new study habits for learners by promoting self-directed, autonomous, active, and out-of-classroom learning, and by encouraging student engagement and academic socialization in the higher educational institution (HEI) to which they belong.
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)
The objective of this article is to explore the effectiveness of a method of teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesian higher institutions called project based Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) higher education institutions. The design proposed was based on the principle of language integrated learning (CLIL). Quantitative data were obtained from the scores of students' English proficiency before and after CLIL model application. While the qualitative data were obtained from the output of language produced by students during the learning process took place The results showed that CLIL English language course at higher education institutions in Lampung could work effectively. This is evident from the implementation of the whole program activities, from the implementation of the formation of groups, students work in groups to finish the project, group presentation activities, personal presentations and students’ responses to all activities.
A Comprehensive Method for Teaching English for Specific Purpose Muhammed Ali Chalikandy Department of English Al Buraimi University College Buraimi, Sultanate of Oman Abstract English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is a market driven, need oriented and purpose driven course but a snap shot of an ESP classroom in gulf countries will reveal that it is often taught on the line of teaching General English focusing on language teaching methods. ESP teachers often forget that ESP has some distinguishing features unlike General English. ESP is a separate activity within English Language Teaching (ELT) with its own approach, material and methodology by adapting and integrating with other disciplines and it encourages learner investment and participation. Since ESP uses distinctive approaches, materials and methods based on learners’ specific needs, ESP practitioners must assess learners’ needs, design course, develop materials, choose appropriate instruction and implement it to satisfy the identified needs of the learners. Therefore, just knowledge of language system and ability to deliver this is not enough for an ESP teacher. This article is going to delineate how to teach an ESP course successfully. Keywords: ESP, need, design course, develop materials, evaluation
English Language Teaching, 2015
The aim of this paper is to study the impact of introducing an integrative pedagogical approach in the ESP classes on developing the English language vocabulary of Computer Science and Information Technology students in the College of Science, Qassim University. The study suggests a framework for an ESP course-design employing students' project work based on the analysis of learners' needs. The researchers made use of the experimental pre-test post-test control group design where the English vocabulary test was used as a pre and post test. The results reported from this study revealed the effectiveness of the suggested project-based ESP course on developing the English vocabulary for the target subjects. Also, the results show that project based instruction enhanced the teaching and learning of ESP and developed new study habits for learners by promoting self-directed, independent, cooperative learning as well as out-of-classroom learning. The study concluded with recommendations related to how projects can be incorporated into ESP classrooms to develop different language skills i.e. speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Al-Azkiyaa - Jurnal Antarabangsa Bahasa dan Pendidikan
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) has gained more prominence in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) since its initiation in the 1980s. In Malaysia, a country where English is its second language, EAP is widely taught in many tertiary institutions. This is due to its main aim which is to focus on the communicative skills needed for academic purposes in formal educational settings to accomplish academic tasks such as delivering presentations, participating in academic discussions as well as writing academic and research essays. At USIM, EAP BIA3012 is a compulsory course introduced with the aim to develop students’ English proficiency and provide students with appropriate skills demanded in completing academic tasks at the tertiary level. The EAP course conducted at USIM employs the project-based learning (PBL) method, coupled with the process writing approach. This paper describes the application of both approaches in the implementation of EAP. The research project assigne...
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Handbook of Research on E-Learning …, 2008
International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, 2015
Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal
Vol. 29 (2022): Miasto Przyszłości, 2022
Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology, 2018
วารสาร ธรรมศาสตร์, 2013
Culturalistics: Journal of Cultural, Literary, and Linguistic Studies
International Journal of Information and Education Technology
Global Expert: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2021