Contemporary US Catholic Collaborative Mission


One hundred years after the founding of the International Missionary Council, Pope Francis is making missionary renewal the top priority of the Catholic Church. Since his election in 2013, he has continually urged Catholics to be more active in mission, more engaged with the brokenness of the world, and more committed to building structures of dialogue, fraternity, and cooperation across the divisions that separate people. As part of his call to action, he has also encouraged Catholics to act ecumenically whenever possible and to join with other Christians in common prayer, evangelization, and service to the poor. Speaking at the World Council of Churches in 2018, he proclaimed: "Walking, praying and working together: this is the great path that we are called to follow today." 1 Collaborative action, driven by "an increased missionary impulse," "will lead [Christians] to greater unity." We think of what happened in Edinburgh at the outset of the ecumenical movement. It was truly the fire of mission that made it possible to surmount barriers and tear down walls which kept us apart and made a common path unthinkable. Together let us pray for this intention. May the Lord grant […] a renewed impetus towards communion and mission. 3