The Role of the Foundation Axiom in the Kunen Inconsistency

We consider the role of the foundation axiom and various anti-foundation axioms in connection with the nature and existence of elementary self-embeddings of the set-theoretic universe. We shall investigate the role of the foundation axiom and the various anti-foundation axioms in connection with the nature and existence of elementary self-embeddings of the set-theoretic universe. All the standard proofs of the well-known Kunen inconsistency [Kun78], for example, the theorem asserting that there is no nontrivial elementary embedding of the set-theoretic universe to itself, make use of the axiom of foundation (see [Kan04, HKP12]), and this use is essential, assuming that ZFC is consistent, because there are models of ZFC -f that admit nontrivial elementary self-embeddings and even nontrivial definable automorphisms. Meanwhile, a fragment of the Kunen inconsistency survives without foundation as the claim in ZFC -f that there is no nontrivial elementary self-embedding of the class of well-founded sets. Nevertheless, some of the commonly considered anti-foundational theories, such as the Boffa theory BAFA, prove outright the existence of nontrivial automorphisms of the set-theoretic universe, thereby refuting the Kunen assertion in these theories. On the other hand, several other common anti-foundational theories, such as Aczel's anti-foundational theory ZFC -f + AFA and Scott's theory ZFC -f + SAFA, reach the opposite conclusion by proving that there are no nontrivial elementary