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The biggest challenge in resolving any social problem is the non-compliance of rules & regulations in the society. A lot of scientific legislation has come up in India as well in recent times. With effect from May, 2012 E-Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011 came into effect and these rules entail environmentally sound management of e-Waste. E-waste management implies that all the required steps have been taken to ensure the management and disposal in such a manner that it does not affect the health of human beings and the environment adversely due to undesirable effects of hazardous substance contained in such e-wastes. These rules also necessitate the manner of collection, transportation, storage, dismantling and recycling of such e-waste. But all good said and done on paper still requires to be put into practice. Being the fastest growing refuse problem in the world, the e-waste junk stream is growing at a rate of 20% per year. By 2010 India had about 75 million computers an...
The biggest challenge in resolving any social problem is the non-compliance of rules & regulations in the society. A lot of scientific legislation has come up in India as well in recent times. With effect from May, 2012 E-Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011 came into effect and these rules entail environmentally sound management of e-Waste. E-waste management implies that all the required steps have been taken to ensure the management and disposal in such a manner that it does not affect the health of human beings and the environment adversely due to undesirable effects of hazardous substance contained in such e-wastes. These rules also necessitate the manner of collection, transportation, storage, dismantling and recycling of such e-waste. But all good said and done on paper still requires to be put into practice. Being the fastest growing refuse problem in the world, the e-waste junk stream is growing at a rate of 20% per year. By 2010 India had about 75 million computers and the base is expected to grow to 140 million computers by 2013 end. Computer equipment accounts for almost 68% of e-waste material, followed by telecommunication (12%), electrical (8%) and medical equipment (7%) and household e-crap (5%). All these are no more accessories of the society but necessity. It is a gigantic task to convince the society to follow strict rules in usage, management & disposal of e-products. An e-Waste Inventory Management system needs to be put into place. The process should be a combination of manual and mechanical dismantling, size reduction, segregation, dust collection as well as sending hazardous waste for final disposal and precious metal bearing components for refining or recycling. Entire system should be based on the principles of clean environment and zero landfill. Hazardous substances recovered during the process of recycling of e-waste should be disposed off through the CHWTSDF, authorized by the Pollution Control Board in the prescribed manner. This paper is intended to offer a practical, scientific, safe and environmentally apt model system for implementation of E-waste Regulations in India. Common but differential roles have been proposed at all levels of e-waste management. Keywords--legislation, recycling, CHWTSDF, e-inventory, Human health.
Journal of Applied and Natural Science
E-waste coming out from the electronic sector of the entire world is harming the world's environment. There has been a pattern of a substantial increase in the production of E-waste worldwide. This is as a consequence of population increase, industrialization, urbanization and economic activity. Since the last decade, the rate of consumerism has been found to be very high due to higher economic growth, which has resulted in increased E-waste production. Almost all countries are recycling more and more E-waste, but a million tonnes of E-waste still coming out. Experts believe that the rise of E-waste is due to our rapidly changing lifestyles. We have started adopting new electronic devices coming into the market, trying to make life more convenient. In India, electronic waste is growing at 10% per annum. The trend of urbanization has played a significant role in the enhancement of E-waste generation. The population living in urban areas was 27.67% in 2000, 38.03% in 2018, and i...
People of this 21st century always tempt to change their electronic goods with their newer model within less than 6 months span and this is all thanks to new trendy gadgets coming into the market every month. Its okay, you are purchasing a new one but what about the old ones. Throwing them into the dustbin is not the proper idea of disposing them. It is leading to the growing piles of e-waste which creates problems mainly for the ecology and directly or indirectly for the living beings around there through air, water and soil pollution. Thus it becomes mandatory to control this hazardous situation so that it will not convert into uncontrollable. Thus, for avoiding this kind of scenario, Government of India has laid down various rules, regulations and policies. Through this paper, we will throw light on them and include some amendments for more effectiveness of them.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2020
Electronic waste (E-waste) is the most rising production industry in Bharat and worldwide as well. The Ewaste i.e. to lead, mercury, cadmium, metal and range of other substance are the dangerous for the health of human beings and environment. In this era of the technology advancement, we cannot imagine our life without the mobile phones, refrigerator, computers, laptops, mixer, washing machine, oven etc. without analyzing the ill effects of all these products on the human life. Problem of E-waste management is facing by the developing nations continuously, it's a self created problem and some time imported from the developed nations. Lack of awareness among the Indian public about the ill effects of e-waste on environment and human health is also a reason of e-waste problem in India. Maximum e-waste handling is done by the informal sector. Moreover, other reason for this problem is that improper implementation of the e-waste management rules in India. Therefore, this is the high alarming time that Government has taken some stringent steps for the proper management of the e-waste. This is also the responsibility of the society to stop the India to becoming a dustbin for E-waste, which disturb the human life of the individuals. Through our collective efforts we have to sustain the environment for our upcoming generations.
India is a developing country and is having world's second largest population after china. The present growth rate of 4.7 percent of GDP and achieved growth of 8 percent during eleventh five year plan from 2007 to 2012. As per this growth rate needs and lifestyle of Indian people changes continuously. Due to a huge revolution in technology there is advancement in every sector. The electronic and communication market is also booming in India. Electronic waste or E-waste is relatively a novel addition to the ever-growing hazardous waste stream. The manufacturing of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) is one of the emerging global activities. The main factors identified to be responsible for the increased consumption and productions of electrical and electronic equipment are rapid economic growth, coupled with urbanization and industrialization. Developing countries are facing enormous challenges related to the generation and management of E-waste which are either internally generated or imported illegally; The Indian Information Technology (IT) sector is one of the major contributors to the global economy. At the same time, it is responsible for the generation of the bulk of E-waste or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in India. Although the global E-waste problem has been able to attract attention across the world, not much emphasis has been given to the E-waste engendered in developing countries. Developing countries like India, today, is burdened with the colossal problem of E-waste which is either locally generated or internationally imported, causing serious menace to human health and environment. The hazardous components in electrical and electronic equipment are a major concern during the waste management phase. In the context of India, recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment is not undertaken to an adequate degree. However, the existing management practices related to E-waste in India are reasonably poor and have the potential to risk both human health and the environment. Moreover, the policy level initiatives are not being implemented in an appropriate way. The austere problem of E-waste along with its policy level implications is looked upon in the paper. During the course of the study it has been found that there is an urgent need to address the issues related to E-waste in India in order to avoid its detrimental future consequences on environment as well as health of human population. The purpose of the review was to improve understanding of electronic waste (e-waste) and the effect on health and the environment on a global scale. The review involved examining data and policies of governmental,
Electronic waste or E-waste comprises of old, end-of-life electronic appliances such as computers, laptops, TVs, DVD players, refrigerators, freezers, mobile phones, MP3 players etc. which have been disposed of by their original users. E-waste contains many hazardous constituents that may negatively impact the environment and affect human health if not properly managed. Various organizations, bodies and governments of many countries have adopted and/or developed the environmentally sound options and strategies for E-waste management to tackle the ever growing threat of E-waste to the environment and human health. This paper presents E-waste composition, categorization, Global and Indian E-waste scenarios, prospects of recoverable, recyclable and hazardous materials found in the E-waste, Best Available Practices (BAP), recycling and recovery processes followed and their environmental and occupational hazards. Based on the discussion various challenges for E-waste management particularly in India are delineated, and needed policy interventions were discussed. Key Words: E-waste management, best available practices, environmental and health impact, developing countries
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2014
The mammoth generation of e-waste has created a new e-waste stream in the country containing obsolete, End of life Electrical and Electronics Equipments discarded after their intended use. The innovation, dynamism in product design and globalization replacing these equipments in very duration and made it fast growing waste in the world. E-waste is being generated by both indigenous and outsourced electrical and electronics equipments besides Basel Convention. The knowhow and compatible infrastructure for e-waste treatment is limited in India and informal recycling survived under the ambit of flexible legislative framework. The presence of toxic and hazardous substances in e-wasted equipments attracted the attention of the waste managing agencies in the country because these substances endanger the human health, environment, wherever present in uncontrolled conditions. The existence and implementation of Environmentally Sound Management is partial and progressing very slowly due to obvious reasons. The formal recyclers have commissioned comprehensive e-waste treatment facilities; but inadequate in proportion to the e-waste generation in the country since the informal recyclers are treating 95% of the e-waste generated with hazardous practices. The formal e-waste collection from all sources is ambiguous. E-waste contains a good amount of valuable recyclable materials also and has potential to become lucrative business in the country.
Transstellar journal, 2018
E-waste is the term considered for electronics waste. Another term WEEE is also used which means a waste of electrical and electronics equipment. E-waste is a new field of research as per Indian concept. The world generated approx. 45 million tonnes of e-waste in 2016 as per the United Nations report. This amount of e-waste is equal to the weight of 4500 Eiffel towers. India’s contribution to this e-waste is more than 4 %. Variety of products are available in the electronics market due to availability of lots of electronics companies. As per the government. The initiative “Made in India” foreign companies are coming to set up their organization in India. They are setting up their manufacturing units in India. Today, Latest technology is available at a comparatively cheaper rate. Due to this reason, today Indians are changing their e-gadgets like their clothes. This ultimately leads to increase in generation of e-waste. Second main reason for huge e-waste generation of e-waste in India is the population of our country. Most of the population is in their young age in our country. They use the latest electronics gadgets for their daily needs. Every mobile manufacturer companies launching new mobile phones with in one or two months. The new product is coming with the latest features and software version. Due to the change in technology, youngsters of India are changing their electronics products very frequently. This also leads to the increase in e-waste generation. As in India, awareness of hazardous effects of e-waste is very low. This is a very alarming stage for Indian as e-waste causes so many serious diseases. Electronic industry is not a neat and clean industry as considered earlier. It causes kidney failure, serious lung infection and adverse effect on nervous system, etc. The study was conducted to compare the Indian e-waste management policies with other countries to find out the limitations in Indian policies.
Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST), 2017
E-waste or Electronic wastes are referred to the electronic goods that are dumped out or unwanted. Each year, around 50 million ton of e-wastes are produced. Depending upon their nature of reaction, there are possibilities for dangers depending upon the situation. Discarded computers, batteries and other electro chemical wastes may results in unwanted results. So it‟s important to be awake of e wastes in addition to the other physical wastes. The situation is alarming as India generates about 1.5 lakh tones of e-waste annually and almost all of it finds its way into the informal sector as there is no organized alternative available at present. This paper discusses the present scenario of e-waste management and possible e-waste handling strategies in India.
International Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 2020
E-waste or Electronic wastes are referred to the electronic goods that are discarded or unwanted. Each year, around more than 50 million ton of e-wastes are created Depending upon their nature of response, there are possibilities for dangers depending upon the condition. Discarded computers, batteries and other electro chemical wastes may outcome in unwanted results. So it is essential to be awake of e wastes in addition to the other physical wastes. The condition is alarming as India creates about 1.5 lakh tones of e-waste annually and almost all of it finds its way into the informal sector as there is no organized alternative accessible at present. This paper discusses the present scenario of e-waste management, sources of e-waste management, future e-waste estimates and possible e-waste handling strategies in India.
In developing country like India E-waste management is being reckoned as a challenging task due to unplanned discarding of E-waste along with municipal solid waste. A “systematic & scientific” trade chain of E-waste is essential to manage the present scenario both in terms of environmental protection and health perspective. The prevalence of informal E-waste handling in India has put forward several issues of concern (metals, plastic, informal recycling) that need to be addressed to protect environment and human health. One of the important aspects of current informal handling of E-waste is its recycling to minimize exposure level. However, it needs skillful protocol (formal handling) to ensure the implementation of policy. Legal frame work is another essential part that will also help in E-waste management even in grass root level. A comprehensive E-waste management plan is also needed to improve disposal practice (recycling, landfill, and reuse) to reduce the magnitude of exposure...
This paper aims at subjective and comparative study and analysis of the existing laws and rules that govern management and handling of electronic waste in India. The assessment and scrutiny of the shortcomings of the existing policie s governing electronic waste management in India are done and feedbacks and suggestions have been presented by doing a gap analysis with respect to European practices of electronic waste management so that the contemporary laws can be bolstered and augmented. In this study, the regulatory framework for hazardous waste management with a focus on electronic waste management in the country is elaborately and comprehensively understood and reviewed in proper perspectives to help policy makers, scholars and final authorities develop an environmentally sound management system by identifying the limitations of the existing rules and laws. The required cover ups and measures are also suggested based on the gap analysis between the policies in India and Europe.
During the last few decades, scientist and diplomats were concerned about the pollution caused from municipal solid waste but from the last few years there has been resurgence concern on the electronic waste (E-waste). E-waste is one of the fastest-growing pollution and it is becoming more and more complicated day by day globally. A limited attempt has been made to handle the E-waste. The whole world including developed and developing country like India and China face the E-waste management problem. According to international and national agencies of India like IAER, UNO and CAG,CPCB and ELCINA mentioned in their report that 400 million e-waste generated all over the world till 2010 and 20-50 MT are disposed off every year. According to ELCINA; 4.34 lakh tones e-waste generated till 2012; and 0.800 MT/day generated in India. Only 10 states and just 65 cities of India produced 70% of total e-waste of India. The developing countries are facing huge challenges in the management of e-waste which are either internally generated or imported illegally. E-waste from the American continent, European Union and Australia import to China, India and other Asian country illegally. Indian is one of the largest waste importing countries in the world in the form of cheap raw material. According to Indian customs department, every year 50,000 tons of e-waste imported from European Union (Germany, Netherlands, and Denmark) illegally. So the country like India is needed to change in attitude of
international journal of engineering trends and technology, 2014
From last two-three decades, the global market of industrial and electronic equipment is changed and continues to grow exponentially all over the world. With these grows, electrical and electronic waste management is growing in same manner. Developing countries face tremendous problem which are related to the generation and management of E-Waste which are either from import or export illegally. There are a large number of harmful materials which containing toxic substances that can have an adverse impact on health and the environment. It is the global problem; if it is not handled decently within time; then the global world is affected. In India, E-Waste management presumes the major problem. This problem is not only generated from its own E-Waste but also the import dumping materials from other developed countries. The purpose of this article is to focus the issues and impact of this emerging problem. It is also required to sharpen on private and government agencies to do needful s...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2021
In India, the quantity of "E-Waste" or Electronic Waste has now become a major problem. Disposal of E-Waste is an emerging global environmental and public health issue, as this waste, has become the most rapidly growing segment of the formal municipal waste stream in the world (Dahl, 2002). Electronic Waste (E-Waste) typically includes discarded computer monitors, motherboards, mobile phones and chargers, compact discs, headphones, television sets, A.C. and Refrigerators. According to the Global E-Waste Monitor 2017, India generates about 2 Million Tonnes (MT) of E-Waste annually and ranks fifth among E-Waste producing countries after USA,
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Electronics industry is one of fastest growing manufacturing industry in India. But the increase in sales of electronic goods and their rapid obsolescence has resulted in generation of electronic waste, which is popularly known as e-waste. The e-waste has become a matter of concern because of the presence of toxic and hazardous substances present in electronic goods and if not properly managed, it can have adverse affects on environment and human health. In India, the e-waste market is mostly unorganized and companies are neither registered nor authorized and operate informally. At most of the places e-waste is treated as municipal waste because India does not have any dedicated legislation for management of e-waste. Currently, ewaste handling is regulated under "The Hazardous Materials (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movements) Rules, 2008". However, there are some companies which are authorized by government for the scientific and environmental friendly management and treatment of e-waste. But due to the involvement of unorganized sector in management of e-waste, there is improper handling of e-waste due to involvement of unskilled workers and absence of adequate technologies. Moreover, companies are more focused on financial profits rather than social or environmental concerns. Hence, there is strong need to adopt sustainability practices to tackle the growing threat of ewaste. This paper reviews e-waste generation, e-waste management scenario in India, global sustainability practices and sustainability issues in management of e-waste due to personal computers (PCs) and mobile phones.
In recent decades, the use of electronic and electrical devices has increased significantly, leading to rapidly rising amounts of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).Electronics industry is considered as the world‟s largest and fastest growing manufacturing industry. The electronic devices reach at the end of their useful life: they become a waste (e-waste) of waste Electrical and electronics equipment (WEEE). „e-waste‟ is a term used to describe old, end-of-life electronic appliances such as computers, laptops, TV‟s, radios, refrigerators etc., which have been discarded by users. Increased consumption of electrical and electronic equipment due to its utilization in the day to day life of individuals has indirectly explained the increase in the generation of e waste. The management of e waste has become an environmental concern in many developing countries as urbanization continues to take place. The current practices of e-waste management in India suffer from a number of drawbacks like unhealthy conditions of informal recycling, inadequate legislation, and poor awareness. India is facing the problem of e-waste management due to lack of awareness among people about dangerous effect of e-waste on environment and human being through informal e-waste collection and absence of implementation of rules for the process of ewaste in environment friendly manner. This paper focuses on the current status of e waste in India, problems associated with e waste, e waste handling practices, strategies and rules for handling e waste. The aim of this paper is also to identify the attitude of consumers towards e waste handling practices, e waste disposal and e waste recycling in some areas of Aurangabad City (Maharashtra).
During the last few decades scientist and diplomats were concern about the pollution caused from municipal solid waste but from the last few years there has been resurgence concern on the electronic waste (E-waste). E-waste is one of the fastest-growing pollution and it is becoming more and more complicated day by day globally. A limited attempt has been made to handle the E-waste. The whole world including developed and developing country like India and China face the E-waste management problem. According to international and national agencies of India like IAER, UNO and CAG, CPCB and ELCINA mentioned in their report that 400 million e-waste generated all over the world till 2010 and 20-50 MT are disposed off every year. According to ELCINA 4.34 lakh tonnes e-waste generated till 2012 and 0.800 MT/day generated in India. Only 10 states and just 65 cities of India produced 70% of total e-waste of India. The developing countries are facing huge challenges in the management of e-waste which are either internally generated or imported illegally. E waste from the American continent, European Union and Australia import to China, India and other Asian country illegally. Indian is one of the largest waste importing countries in the world in the form of cheap raw material. According to Indian customs department, every year 50000 tonnes of e-waste imported from European Union (Germany, Netherlands, and Denmark) illegally. So the country like India is needed to change in attitude of governments, appropriate legislation dealing specifically with e-waste, control of electronic waste dumping, implementation of extended producer responsibility (EPR) and transfer of technology on sound recycling of e-waste are the key issues in effective management of e-waste in developing countries
Rapidly changing technology and short product lifecycle make electronic products obsolete in quick time and ending up as e-waste that is either internally generated or is imported from other countries. Worldwide there is a growing debate on electronic waste (e-waste) which is a burgeoning problem in developed and developing countries and it is posing a new challenge to the environment regulators and policy makers to combat. E-waste comprises of a multitude of components with valuable materials, some containing toxic substances that can have adverse impact ecology, directly or indirectly on living beings, and pollute the environment if not handled properly. In India, ewaste management assumes greater significance due to lack of implementation of rules for effective processing of ewaste, inadequate infrastructure and procedures for its disposal and recycling, besides dumping of e-waste from developed countries. Most of the users are unaware of the potential negative impact of e-wastes which is ending up in dumping yards and recycling centers. This study provides a comprehensive overview of India's current e-waste scenario, environmental impact and health hazards, disposal and recycling methods, existing legal framework, and recommendations for immediate action to steer clear of its impact on all concerned.
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