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Dalam penelitian ini dipelajari asilasi fenol dengan asam asetat menggunakan katalis FeCl3, Al2O3, dan FeCl3/Al2O3. Masing-masing katalis dikarakterisasi dengan difraktometer sinar-X, FT-IR dan luas permukaan spesifik katalis ditentukan dengan metode metilen biru. Reaksi asilasi dilakukan pada temperatur 70 °C selama 120 menit dengan perbandingan fenol : asam asetat = 1 : 10. Berdasarkan analisis HPLC diperoleh konversi fenol paling banyak menggunakan katalis FeCl3 disusul Al2O3 dan FeCl3/Al2O3. Asilasi fenol dengan asam asetat menghasilkan asetofenon, fenil asetat dan produk lain.
ABSTRAK Penilaian kinerja keuangan didasarkan pada peningkatan penjualan. Hal tersebut dapat direfleksikan dalam suatu laporan, laporan yang menggambarkan perkembangan kinerja keuangan perusahaan pada periode tertentu. Laporan tersebut biasa disebut laporan keuangan. Agar laporan keuangan dapat berarti bagi pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan maka perlu mengadakan analisa hubungan dari pos-pos dalam laporan keuangan yang sering disebut analisis laporan keuangan. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui bagaimana kinerja keuangan PT. Bumi Resources Tbk berdasarkan analisis rasio rentabilitas,likuiditas dan solvabilitas. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan pengukuran rasio rentabilitas, likuiditas dan solvabilitas. Berdasarkan rasio likuiditas secara keseluruhan keadaan perusahaan berada dalam keadaan baik, meski selama kurun waktu dari tahun 2009-2011 berfluktuasi. Berdasarkan rasio sovabilitas keadaan perusahaan pada posisi solvable, karena modal perusahaan dalam keadaan cukup untuk menjamin hutang yang diberikan oleh kreditor. Berdasarkan rasio profitabilitas secara keseluruhan perusahaan berada dalam posisi yang baik. Kata kunci: laporan keuangan, rasio keuangan, kinerja keuangan ABSTRACT Performance appraisal is to increase sales. And all this can be reflected in a report. Report describes the development of a company's financial period. The report called the financial statements. So that financial statements can mean for the parties concerned it is necessary to conduct analysis of the relationship of the various items in a financial statement is often referred to financial statement analysis. The purpose of this study was to determine how the financial performance. Bumi Resources Tbk is based on analysis of profitability ratios, liquidity and solvency. Data analysis methods used in this research is descriptive quantitative analysis method using measurement profitability ratios, liquidity and solvency. Based on the ratio of the overall liquidity situation the company is in a good condition, although during the period from year 2009-2011 have increased and decreased. Based on the company's ratio of state sovabilitas solvable position, because the company's capital in circumstances sufficient to secure the loan given by the lender. While the overall profitability ratios based company is in a state of good position.
Typhoid fever is one of the endemic diseases that commonly occur in rural and urban communities. It spreads through food and drink contaminated by Salmonella typhi bacteria. In 2008, detection of typhoid fever was carried out using the tubex test in which it principally detects the IgM antibody that specific for Salmonella typhi O9 present in serum by employing the method of Inhibition Magnetic Binding Immunoassay (IMBI). The present study was aimed to evaluate results of blood sample examination of suspected typhoid fever patient using the tubex test, in order to confirm the typhoid fever diagnose. This research was retrospective study by analyzing 1.266 data of suspected patients obtained from Nikki Medika Clinic Laboratory. The samples were delivered to the Clinic Laboratory for laboratory examination since 2008 till October 2012. Each sample was examined using the tubex test. The results showed that 11.6 -27.8% of the blood samples were positive for typhoid fever while 70 -88.7% was negative.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan dan kepuasan kerja karyawan yang bekerja di bidang jasa kesehatan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai persepsi karyawan mengenai kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja dan kinerja karyawan di Klinik Husada Mulia. Penelitian ini memprioritaskan pada variable kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja dan kinerja karyawan di Klinik Husada Mulia.
This research was aimed to study the made of chitosan membrane. The chitosan membrane was made from industrial waste of prawn packing factory. The prawn husk was extracted to become chitin before it was then transformed to chitosan. In order to make a membrane, the chitosan was mixed with an acetic acid solution using magnetic stirrer. The mixed of chitosan and an acetic acid solution was doing for 24 hour to make sure the solution are homogenic. After that, chitosan solution was stored to glass plate 10x10 cm. The glass plate that have been with chitosan solution then dried for 48 hours. A Chitosan Membrane that have made was keeped with the plate until it used.
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