Synthesis and Study of PVA Based Gel Electrolyte

2012, Chemical science transactions


An attempt has been made to prepare polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) based proton conducting gel electrolytes in ammonium thiocyanate (NH 4 SCN) solution and to characterize them. XRD studies revealed that the entire gel sample are amorphous in nature with a broad peak at nearly 2θ=22 0 . Variation of conductivity of gel electrolyte with loading concentration of PVA has also been studied. It has been observed, as loading of PVA in 0.2 M electrolyte of NH 4 SCN+DMSO increases conductivity decreases. The conductivity of gel electrolytes exhibits liquid like nature at low polymer concentration while the behaviour is seen to be affected by the formation of PVA-NH 4 SCN complexes upon increase in polymer content beyond 2 g. Temperature dependence of ionic conductivity exhibits VTF and Arrhenius behaviour.