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2007, PhDT
We elucidate and somewhat extend Bardeen's gauge-invariant formalism for calculating the growth of linear gravitational perturbations in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological background. We show that the formalism can be derived from the usual gravitational Lagrangian, by variation with respect to a restricted set of metric perturbation functions. This approach produces a natural decomposition of an arbitrary matter field (whose constitutive equations need not resemble the usual cosmological perfect fluid) into a spatially homogeneous piece, which couples to the background metric, plus a spatially inhomogeneous piece, which is not necessarily small and which is the source term in a second-order differential equation which evolves the gauge-invariant metric perturbation potential. We show how the complete perturbed metric can be reconstructed in arbitrary gauge from the single gauge-independent metric potential, so that the evolution of the matter fields can be concurrently calculated in the usual manner (i.e., in a perturbed coordinate frame). The approach of this paper is designed to be particularly suited to the study of fluctuations generated by classical scalar or gauge fields in "inflationary" cosmological models.
A new gauge-invariant approach for describing cosmological perturbations is developed. It is based on a physically motivated splitting of the stress-energy tensor of the perturbation into two parts -the bare perturbation and the complementary perturbation associated with stresses in the background gravitational field induced by the introduction of the bare perturbation. The complementary perturbation of the stress-energy tensor is explicitly singled out and taken to the left side of the perturbed Einstein equations so that the bare stress-energy tensor is the sole source for the perturbation of the metric tensor and both sides of these equations are gauge invariant with respect to infinitesimal coordinate transformations. For simplicity we analyze the perturbations of the spatially-flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) dust model. A cosmological gauge can be chosen such that the equations for the perturbations of the metric tensor are completely decoupled for the h 00 , h 0i , and h ij metric components and explicitly solvable in terms of retarded integrals.
It is shown that a first-order cosmological perturbation theory for the open, flat and closed Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker universes admits one, and only one, gauge-invariant variable which describes the perturbation to the energy density and which becomes equal to the usual Newtonian energy density in the non-relativistic limit. The same holds true for the perturbation to the particle number density. Using these two new variables, a new manifestly gauge-invariant cosmological perturbation theory has been developed. Density perturbations evolve diabatically. Perturbations in the total energy density are gravitationally coupled to perturbations in the particle number density, irrespective of the nature of the particles. There is, in first-order, no back-reaction of perturbations to the global expansion of the universe. Small-scale perturbations in the radiation-dominated era oscillate with an increasing amplitude, whereas in older, less precise treatments, oscillating pertur...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2008
We propose an extension of the well-known formalism for gauge-invariant scalar metric fluctuations, to study the spectrums for both, the inflaton and gauge invariant (scalar) metric fluctuations in the framework of a single field inflationary model where the quasi-exponential expansion is driven by an inflation which is minimally coupled to gravity. The proposal is valid also for fluctuations with large amplitude, but for cosmological scales, where vector and tensor perturbations can be neglected and the fluid is irrotacional.
We revisit an extension of the well-known formalism for gauge-invariant scalar metric fluctuations, to study the spectrums for both, the inflaton and gauge invariant (scalar) metric fluctuations in the framework of a single field inflationary model where the quasi-exponential expansion is driven by an inflation which is minimally coupled to gravity. The proposal here examined is valid also for fluctuations with large amplitude, but for cosmological scales, where vector and tensor perturbations can be neglected and the fluid is irrotacional. *
Physical Review D, 1989
Physical Review D, 2000
We discuss the evolution of linear perturbations about a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker background metric, using only the local conservation of energy-momentum. We show that on sufficiently large scales the curvature perturbation on spatial hypersurfaces of uniform-density is conserved when the non-adiabatic pressure perturbation is negligible. This is the first time that this result has been demonstrated independently of the gravitational field equations. A physical picture of longwavelength perturbations as being composed of separate Robertson-Walker universes gives a simple understanding of the possible evolution of the curvature perturbation, in particular clarifying the conditions under which super-horizon curvature perturbations may vary.
Physical Review D, 2008
In inflationary cosmological models driven by an inflaton field the origin of the primordial inhomogeneities which are responsible for large scale structure formation are the quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field. These are usually computed using the standard theory of cosmological perturbations, where both the gravitational and the inflaton fields are linearly perturbed and quantized. The correlation functions for the primordial metric fluctuations and their power spectrum are then computed. Here we introduce an alternative procedure for computing the metric correlations based on the Einstein-Langevin equation which emerges in the framework of stochastic semiclassical gravity. We show that the correlation functions for the metric perturbations that follow from the Einstein-Langevin formalism coincide with those obtained with the usual quantization procedures when the scalar field perturbations are linearized. This method is explicitly applied to a simple model of chaotic inflation consisting of a Robertson-Walker background, which undergoes a quasi-de-Sitter expansion, minimally coupled to a free massive quantum scalar field. The technique based on the Einstein-Langevin equation can, however, deal naturally with the perturbations of the scalar field even beyond the linear approximation, as is actually required in inflationary models which are not driven by an inflaton field such as Starobinsky's trace-anomaly driven inflation or when calculating corrections due to non-linear quantum effects in the usual inflaton driven models.
Physical Review D, 2006
We study the properties of cosmological density perturbations in a multi-component system consisting of a scalar field and a perfect fluid. We discuss the number of degrees of freedom completely describing the system, introduce a full set of dynamical gauge-invariant equations in terms of the curvature and entropy perturbations, and display an efficient formulation of these equations as a first-order system linked by a fairly sparse matrix. Our formalism includes spatial gradients, extending previous formulations restricted to the large-scale limit, and fully accounts for the evolution of an isocurvature mode intrinsic to the scalar field. We then address the issue of the adiabatic condition, in particular demonstrating its preservation on large scales. Finally, we apply our formalism to the quintessence scenario and clearly underline the importance of initial conditions when considering late-time perturbations. In particular, we show that entropy perturbations can still be present ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2011
Increasingly accurate observations are driving theoretical cosmology toward the use of more sophisticated descriptions of matter and the study of nonlinear perturbations of FL cosmologies, whose governing equations are notoriously complicated. Our goal in this paper is to formulate the governing equations for linear perturbation theory in a particularly simple and concise form in order to facilitate the extension to nonlinear perturbations. Our approach has several novel features. We show that the use of so-called intrinsic gauge invariants has two advantages. It naturally leads to: (i) a physically motivated choice of a gauge invariant associated with the matter density, and (ii) two distinct and complementary ways of formulating the evolution equations for scalar perturbations, associated with the work of Bardeen and of Kodama and Sasaki. In the first case the perturbed Einstein tensor gives rise to a second order (in time) linear differential operator, and in the second case to a pair of coupled first order (in time) linear differential operators. These operators are of fundamental importance in cosmological perturbation theory, since they provide the leading order terms in the governing equations for nonlinear perturbations.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2012
Scalar perturbations of Friedmann-Lemaitre cosmologies can be analyzed in a variety of ways using Einstein's field equations, the Ricci and Bianchi identities, or the conservation equations for the stress-energy tensor, and possibly introducing a timelike reference congruence. The common ground is the use of gauge invariants derived from the metric tensor, the stress-energy tensor, or from vectors associated with a reference congruence, as basic variables. Although there is a complication in that there is no unique choice of gauge invariants, we will show that this can be used to advantage.
Physical Review D, 2009
Some formulae for the perturbations of the matter fields are summarized within the framework of the second-order gauge-invariant cosmological perturbation theory in a four dimensional homogeneous isotropic universe, which is developed in the papers [K. Nakamura, Prog. Theor. Phys. 117 (2007), 17.]. We derive the formulae for the perturbations of the energy momentum tensors and equations of motion for a perfect fluid, an imperfect fluid, and a signle scalar field, and show that all equations are derived in terms of gauge-invariant variables without any gauge fixing.
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 1984
The linear perturbation theory of spatially homogeneous and isotropic universes is reviewed and reformulated extensively. In the first half of the article, a gauge-invariant formulation of the theory is carried out with special attention paid to the geometrical meaning of the perturbation. In the second half of the article, the application of the theory to some important cosmological models is
Physical Review D, 2000
Physical Review D, 1997
Previously defined covariant and gauge-invariant perturbation variables, representing, e.g., the fractional spatial energy density gradient on hypersurfaces of constant expansion, are used to simplify the linear perturbation analysis of a classical scalar field. With the help of conserved quantities on large scales we establish an exact first-order relation between comoving fluid energy density perturbations at 'reentry' into the horizon and corresponding scalar field energy density perturbations at the first Hubble scale crossing during an early de Sitter phase of a standard inflationary scenario.
Physical Review D, 2012
We study perturbations around some cosmological backgrounds in the dRGT theory of massive gravity. We develop a general formalism to calculate the perturbations around any background. We derive the Lagrangian for fluctuations in the small scale limit, and for the open FRW solution we repeat the analysis around the full background. We find that the perturbations display similar properties: the longitudinal modes of the massive graviton are instantaneous at quadratic level, but they acquire a kinetic term at cubic order.
Physical Review D, 2006
Gauge invariant treatments of the second order cosmological perturbation in a four dimensional homogeneous isotropic universe filled with the perfect fluid are completely formulated without any gauge fixing. We derive all components of the Einstein equations in the case where the first order vector and tensor modes are negligible. These equations imply that the tensor and the vector mode of the second order metric perturbations may be generated by the scalar-scalar mode coupling of the linear order perturbations as the result of the non-linear effects of the Einstein equations.
Physics Letters B, 2006
Using the Ponce de Leon background metric, which describes a 5D universe in an apparent vacuum:Ḡ AB = 0, we study the effective 4D evolution of both, the inflaton and gauge-invariant scalar metric fluctuations, in the recently introduced model of space time matter inflation.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 1996
We further clarify how scalar metric perturbations are ampli ed in an in ationary cosmology. We rst construct a simple, analytic model of an inationary cosmology in which the expansion scale factor evolves continuously from an in ationary era to a radiation-dominated era. From this model, it is clear to see how scalar perturbations are ampli ed. Second, we examine the recent claims of Grishchuk, and the reply by Deruelle and Mukhanov, regarding the evolution of scalar perturbations through an abrupt transition in the equation of state of the cosmological uid. We demonstrate that the \standard results" regarding the ampli cation of scalar, density perturbations from in ation are valid.
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