Sekvenční struktury v mediálních dialogických sítích

2002, Czech Sociological Review

'Dialogical networks' are communications which occur in mass media. One of their characteristics is that contributions of individual actors-politicians, journalists, representatives of pressure groups, etc.-are distributed in time and space. (A politician can, for instance, react in the media to what another politician expressed publically elsewhere). Another central property of dialogical networks is that an individual's contribution to a network can be duplicated, or even multiplicated (e.g. what is said in a TV studio may be reproduced in several newspapers). Dialogical networks are in certain respects like everyday conversations, but they also have unique characteristics. Working in a broadly ethnomethodological and conversation analytical framework, we focus on two aspects of sequential organisation-adjacency pair structures and repair structures, with the aim to clarify the respects in which they differ in dialogical networks and in everyday conversations.