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2002, Czech Sociological Review
18 pages
1 file
'Dialogical networks' are communications which occur in mass media. One of their characteristics is that contributions of individual actors-politicians, journalists, representatives of pressure groups, etc.-are distributed in time and space. (A politician can, for instance, react in the media to what another politician expressed publically elsewhere). Another central property of dialogical networks is that an individual's contribution to a network can be duplicated, or even multiplicated (e.g. what is said in a TV studio may be reproduced in several newspapers). Dialogical networks are in certain respects like everyday conversations, but they also have unique characteristics. Working in a broadly ethnomethodological and conversation analytical framework, we focus on two aspects of sequential organisation-adjacency pair structures and repair structures, with the aim to clarify the respects in which they differ in dialogical networks and in everyday conversations.
ProInflow, 2012
Článek je zaměřen na trh tištěných médií, online zpravodajství a sociální média. V úvodu nastiňuje stav v českém mediálním prostředí, kde každým rokem sílí vliv online zpravodajství na úkor tradičních médií, obzvláště novin. V původním průzkumu představuje chování a zvyky uživatelů sociálních sítí. Výzkum pak analyzuje, jak české noviny a magazíny využívají sociální sítě. Na příkladech zahraničních médií jsou ukázány nové přístupy k žurnalistice v sociálních a crowdfundingových sítích. V závěru přináší best practices a doporučení pro komunikací a monitoring v sociálních médiích.
Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto bakalářskou diplomovou práci vypracoval samostatně a uvedl v ní veškerou použitou literaturu i ostatní zdroje a prameny.
Studia Territorialia, 2014
In this introductory contribution, the authors explain the central questions and themes which are raised in the papers contained in this special issue. The papers were presented at a conference of the German-Czech and German-Slovak Commission of Historians. Their starting point is the observation that modern mass media, while trans-national in effect, always remain linked to a national context due to language and traditions. With this as a backdrop, individual case histories exemplify the development of the mass media since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The focus is on the political potential of the media on one hand, with their importance for the fundamental politicization of European societies during the nineteenth century being assessed as well as their being exploited by the dictatorships of the twentieth century. On the other hand, aspects characterizing the development of intersocietal relations are examined, such as how the media shaped perceptions which Czechs, Germans, and Slovaks harbored of each other. Finally, the authors highlight the deficit of the research situation with a special view to the particularities applying to East Central Europe where, during the last two decades, not only a rapid development of the mass media themselves has taken place, but media sciences have been recreated to a considerable degree.
The public media are in principle supporting pillar in the dissemination of information. The place where information should flow, whose objectivity and relevance to the ongoing processes should be absolute. In the context of rapidly changing media market, unprecedented dynamics of social change and especially the fierce competition are the public media exposed to demands that examine the role primarily in terms of ethical approaches. The work includes the following topics: ethics and ethical systems, history, ethics, media, and media markets, media convergence and the applied ethics of the media.
Theatre Based Method Requiring a Qualitative Approach for Measuring the Progress of Learners. In this article we introduce a teaching methodology "theatre pedagogy" ("MJT"), which is used in teaching Czech for foreigners. The primary goal of MJT is not only to positively influence the acquisition of language, but also to focus on sociolinguistic, discourse, sociocultural and social and strategic competences. Theatre practices also help students overcome their fear of talking (i.e. reduce the fear of making a mistake while speaking), it also strengthens communication, interaction and social skills of students. The second part of this text presents our empirical research used to validate MJT. The foundations of this analysis are video recording of role plays which students prepare throughout the classwork. The evaluation of particular role plays is more qualitative than quantitative: it is based on assessment criteria and assessment grids, the main keys for evaluation are fulfillment of role play instructions, success rate of information transfer with a partner, meeting of various communication competences. Each criterion is commented in a table and then scored.
The author of this article analyses local referendums in the Czech Republic from the perspective of Jeffrey C. Alexander’s cultural sociology. Local referendums are usually seen as part of decision-making processes within the political sphere and investigated using the tools of political sociology. The concept of Alexander’s relatively autonomous civil sphere and his theoretical project of cultural sociology offer an explanatory framework relating this type of decision-making practice with the symbolic code of civil society. The cultural structure of civil society is manifested in two levels of discourse – in negotiations on specific issues within local referendum campaigns and in public debate about the legitimacy of referendums as instruments of direct democracy. The author briefly summarizes key findings on past local referendums and shows the relevance of cultural sociology at both of levels of discourse. The author uses Alexander’s original codes based on his analysis of discou...
Implementation of Selected Communication Functions in Comparison of Non-Native and Native Speakers of Czech. The goal of the paper is to present analysis of a personal apology letter with formal features written by Ukrainian examinees during the Examination of the Czech Language for Permanent Residence in the Czech Republic. The study does not present a complex analysis of the letters, but it concentrates on selected linguistic phenomena tied up to the functions of an introductory greeting, apology from a meeting and proposal of a new meeting, expression of farewell. The investigation presented in the paper aims to (1) make an inventory of linguistic means used by non-native speakers to achieve the task given, (2) analyse their use and to (3) compare the results with those reported on the basis of a similar analysis conducted on a native speakers' corpus. It seeks to answer the following questions: (1) What type of means do non-native speakers use to express the communicative functions under the interest? (2) What is the frequency of the means? Does it create any pattern of the interlanguage? (3) How do the non-native speakers express the function in comparison to the native speaker use? The corpus built for the analysis consists of letters selected during the Examination of the Czech Language for Permanent Residence in the CR in years 2013-2014. The participants selected were the Ukrainian native speakers, all living and working in the Czech Republic for 5 years at least. There are 141 letters finally included into the corpus. The letters were written on the basis of a short printed verbal and visual prompt in an essay examination. The same task was given to a group of native speakers. This group included 23 Czech native speakers of various age, level of education and occupation. We analysed the letters of this group at the same way as the letters of the examinees, the result served as the prototype of the Czech native speakers and allowed the comparison and the frame for description of variants in the learners' language.
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Historia Slavorum Occidentis, 2011
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2016
Bohemica litteraria, 2017
Journal for the theory of language and language cultivation, 2014
Sociologicky Casopis-czech Sociological Review, 2006
Studia paedagogica, 2011
Sociální studia / Social Studies, 2013
Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2004
ProInflow, 2013
Soudobé dějiny (Contemporary History), 2008
Pedagogická Orientace, 2018
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2017
Pedagogická Orientace, 2018