Solving All-k-Nearest Neighbor Problem without an Index



Among the similarity queries in metric spaces, there are one that obtains the k-nearest neighbors of all the elements in the database (All-k-NN). One way to solve it is the naı̈ve one: comparing each object in the database with all the other ones and returning the k elements nearest to it (k-NN). Another way to do this is by preprocessing the database to build an index, and then searching on this index for the k-NN of each element of the dataset. Answering to the All-k-NN problem allows to build the k-Nearest Neighbor graph (kNNG). Given an object collection of a metric space, the Nearest Neighbor Graph (NNG) associates each node with its closest neighbor under the given metric. If we link each object to their k nearest neighbors, we obtain the k Nearest Neighbor Graph (kNNG).The kNNG can be considered an index for a database, which is quite efficient and can allow improvements. In this work, we propose a new technique to solve the All-k-NN problem which do not use any index to obta...