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2024, Slavianovedenie S0869544X24050098…
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The paper is timed to coincide with the jubilee of the famous Russian etymologist, Professor Zhanna Zhanovna Varbot, and analyses the scientist's fourth book «Memory Storage of the Slavs in Words. Etymological Essays». Numerous merits of the work, which includes articles united in thematic sections, such as «Semantics in Etymology», «Reconstruction and Etymologisation of Proto-Slavic Lexicon», «Etymologisation of Slavic Lexicon», «Etymologisation of Russian Lexicon», are noted. Among the articles there are those published earlier in different editions. The idea of the special importance of dialectal lexicon for the elucidation of the origin of words runs through the book. In particular, the author pays much attention to Russian dialectisms, which often play a key role in the etymologisation of Slavic words and demonstrate their pan-Slavic character. In some cases, the etymology put forward by the author seems to be debatable, so an alternative opinion has been proposed, for example, for the words: bolg. смùне са or slavon. šetrica.
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 2022
В статье рассматриваются планы Лжедмитрия 1 в отношении Крыма и Турции, а также организации общеевропейской "Атитурецкой лиги"
В статье рассмотрен ранее не публиковавшийся фельетон А. Т. Аверченко о Болгарии, реконструирована ситуация в стране в момент приезда писателя, восстановлены детали пребывания сатирика в болгарской столице, что позволяет воссоздать недружелюбную по отношению к русским беженцам атмосферу. Изображенная в фельетоне картина сопоставлена с реалиями Болгарии, и это позволило сделать вывод, что Аверченко следовал стереотипам, хотя и имеющими под собой почву, но вполне известным и по газетам. В то же время в более ранней работе Аверченко они присутствовали, а русские путешественники и эмигранты, посетившие Болгарию до и после него, при описании страны пользовались определенным набором символов. Страна таким образом предстала в негативном свете, враждебной для русских эмигрантов в силу избранных сатириком устоявшихся символов Болгарии. В конце статьи на основании сохранившейся рукописи впервые на русском языке публикуется текст фельетона.
Велика частина минулого вже втрачена і хіба винайдення наразі лиш омріяної машини часу дозволить дізнатися, як все було насправді. Та, цілком можливо, що не варто винаходити такий пристрій -«білі плями» в історії розвивають уяву, провокують пізнавальний інтерес, надають науці руху та життя, але іноді в специфічних формах.
Статията е за един исторически наратив, който разказва за историята на евреите през управлението на Навуходоносор II или за т. нар. Вавилонски плен (598-539 пр. Хр.). Текстът е част от състава на Сборник със смесено съдържание от сбирката на Народната библиотека в Белград (Плевля 46, XV в.). Вероятно, подобно на останалите текстове в сборника, той е бил преведен в средата на XIV в. на Атон от южнославянски монаси. Подобен тип текстове обикновено се поместват в исторически хроники, палейни текстове или хронографски изводи. При справката с тези книжовни източници негов точен аналог не беше намерен. Сюжетът на творбата е изграден въз основа на Книгата на пророк Даниил, Втора Книга Макавей, Книгата на пророк Йеремия и е базиран на историческите факти, описани в Книгите на царете и Паралипоменон. Изследването включва публикация на текста, речник-индекс към него и превод на новобългарски език.
Славянский альманах, 2020
«Славянская гексаглотта» как социокультурный и языковой эксперимент русских славянофилов конца XIX в. В статье рассматриваются социолингвистические причины воз-никновения принадлежавшего П. А. Гильтебрандту проекта из-дания Нового Завета на шести славянских языках и его неудачи; определяется роль этого проекта в славянофильской общественно-политической и филологической программе; идентифицируются издания новозаветных переводов на разные славянские языки, ис-пользованные в напечатанном фрагменте гексаглотты; характери-зуются языковые особенности этих переводов. Представленные па-раллельно с церковнославянским и русским, болгарский, сербский, чешский и польский евангельские переводы были призваны актуа-лизовать «общеславянскую» кирилло-мефодиевскую традицию и реализовать славянофильскую идею объединения славян на осно-ве единства церковного языка. Из всех запланированных изданий состоялась лишь церковнославянско-чешская диглотта, языковые особенности которой дают основания оценивать филологический статус проекта как претензию на альтернативные «конвергентные» кодификации литературных славянских языков. Сходство с язы-ковой программой проекта обнаруживает также русский перевод Нового Завета К. П. Победоносцева. The article discusses the sociolinguistic reasons for the appearance of P. A. Hiltebrandt’s draft publication of the New Testament in the six Slavic languages and its failure. The role of this project in the Slavophile socio-political and philological program is determined; the editions of New Testament translations into various Slavic languages used in the printed fragment of hexaglot are identifi ed; the linguistic features of these translations are characterized. Presented in parallel with Church Slavonic and Russian, gospel translations in Bulgarian, Serbian, Czech and Polish were intended to actualize the “common Slavic” Cyril and Methodius tradition and realize the Slavophile idea of uniting the Slavs based on the common church language. Of all the planned publications, only the Church Slavonic-Czech diglot took place. Its linguistic features give reason to evaluate the philological status of the project as a claim to alternative “convergent” codifi cations of literary Slavic languages. A similarity with the language program of the project is also found in the K. P. Pobedonostsev’s Russian translation of the New Testament.
Успехи математических наук, 2007
The study is dedicated to a historical narrative, unknown until now and that was carried into the composition of the Miscellany of the XV century. This narrative tells briefly about the events related to the history of the Jews during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II, or the so-called Babylonian captivity (598-539 BC). It is probably a translation, like the other texts, published in this Miscellany, and probably in a version known from the middle of the XIV C., but for the time being it is not known whether or how it was borrowed in this composition. The plot of the story is established on the biblical texts - Book of Daniel, 2 Maccabees, the Book of Jeremiah, and also it is based on the historical facts recorded in the books of Kings and Chronicles - a peculiar chronicle of biblical history (cf. 4 Kings 24 25: 1-22; 1 Chronicles 3: 15-16; 2 Chronicles 36: 4-21). The article includes a translation of the text in Modern Bulgarian, an adapted version and a glossary. Keywords: historical narrative, the history of Jewish Babylonian captivity, biblical books, prophet Daniel, Jeremiah.
This article is focused on the literary representation of the historical memory about totalitarian past of Ukraine in dystopias by Olexandr Irvanets. The aim of the research is to analyze how phenomenon of necropolitics, substantiatiated in theory by Cameroonian scholar Achille Mbembe as a sovereignty’s right to decide who can live and who must die, is artistically reflected in Irvanets’s works “Rivne / Rovno (The Wall)”, “Ochamymria”, “Libenkraft’s Disease”, and “Kharkiv 1938”. Achievement of this aim presupposes completion of such tasks: to specify content of the phenomenon of necropolitics in Achille Mbembe’s theory, make clear genre of the above-mentioned works by Olexandr Irvanets, outline nuances of interpretation of Ukraine’s colonial past in the above works, and analyze in which way representation of nectopolitics in these texts is overlapped with the material of Ukrainians’ historical memory. The offered article is particularly relevant, since its key concept, necropolitics, despite its prevalence in social sciences, was utilized in the literary criticism very rarely, and was never used by the moment in the Ukrainian literary studies. Therefore, the analysis of the contemporary Ukrainian writer’s works from the position of the considered theory broadens a range of multidisciplinary approaches to the literary work. Division of the fictional space into open and closed zones, alienation of the shown states from other countries, unlimited power of the state over citizens’ lives and deaths, and display of characters’ corporeality as permanently threatened are the main ways of necropolitics realization in the dystopian worlds of Irvanets’s prose. Social unification, stigmatization of the characters, different from others, their deprivation of unique individuality are considered a symbolical equivalent of physical extermination. In all analyzed works, symbolical, moral destruction is shown as deindividualization of unique personalities, transformation them into obedient faceless mass. Means of this transformation include technological inventions (“thoughts unifying radial aggregate” in the novel “Rivne / Rovno (The Wall)”), common exhausting senseless labor (in the tale “Ochamymria”), political repressions against dissidents (in the novel “Kharkiv 1938”), mysterious and very dangerous disease (in the novel “Libenkraft’s Disease”). The most complete and detailed picture of necropolitical society is artistically represented in the novel “Libenkraft’s Disease” that contains a very high number of scenes of violence. Characteristically, the author puts regulation of the question “who can live and who must die” within human population in one row with the regulation of population size of animals – the impressive scene of dog’s extermination on pages of the work proves it. Like many classical dystopias, the novel has no happy end, moreover, the protagonist who, due to infecting by the Libenkraft’s disease, gains shrewd all-seeing eyes, sees that necropower complete and final victory over individuality. Key words: contemporary Ukrainian fiction, Oleksandr Irvanets, dystopia, anti-utopia, necropolitics, decolonization of historical memory.
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Язык как творчество : Сборник статей к 70-летию В.П. Григорьева / РАН, Институт русского языка им. В. В. Виноградова ; [Редкол.: З. Ю. Петрова, Н. А. Фатеева]. – М. : ИРЯ, 1996. - 365 с. : ил.
The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin / Нижневолжский археологический вестник , 2022
Магія повсякдення давніх слов’ян. Нариси (Everyday magic of the ancient Slavs. Essays), 2022
Vilnius, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, 2023
Studia Historica Europae Orientalis = Исследования по истории Восточной Европы: науч. сб. Вып. 15. – Минск: РИВШ, 2022