Composting: Advantages and Disadvantages


Abstract. Nowadays mankind is facing acute environmental problems. Hundreds of tons of biodegradable organic waste are being generated in cities and towns creating disposal problems. This waste can be converted into valuable compost by applying vermicomposting technology. The vermitechnology has been revived worldwide with diverse ecological objectives such as waste management, soil detoxification and regeneration and sustainable agriculture. A great attention should be paid to the production of ecologically pure food and increase of agricultural crop productivity using organic fertilizers to protect soil and crops from contamination with nitrates, phosphates and other mineral fertilizers. Promotion of vermitechnology in Georgia is essential in order to improve agricultural production quality and increase yield. Vermicomposting is widely practiced in various countries. The vermicompost may be used for farming, landscaping, for making compost tea or for selling. Some of these operations produce worms for fishing and home vermicomposting. However above listed advantages of vermicomposting does not mean to trust blindly bioproduct producers and not to listen to the opposite opinion of other professionals. Thus, what are the disadvantages of vermicomposting? Risk assessment is a new relatively young, yet rapidly developing interdisciplinary scientific trend worldwide. Today we can say with confidence that application of any technique of waste management involves many risks. The risks associated with waste management are described quite well in scientific literature. To identify the risks associated with composting of various organic wastes, the dynamics of the process itself should be clearly understood. The paper discusses advantages and disadvantages of this complex process and provides the recommendations for those who are willing to be engaged in vermicomposting. Key words: Vermitechnology, earthworms, microorganisms, fertilizers, microscopic fungi, bioproducts.