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2024, Sri Cahaya Sihombing
17 pages
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This article discusses the importance of children's growth and development at an early age, which is a crucial period in life. This period, often known as the golden age, provides an opportunity for parents to provide appropriate stimulation to meet children's physical and psychological needs. With billions of brain cells ready to develop, young children need proper nutritional intake and stimulation to ensure optimal growth and development. Research shows that appropriate intervention at this phase can have a long-term positive impact on a child's development. This article aims to educate parents about the importance of attention and support in the early days of a child's life.
Nutritional Anthropology, 1999
Psychology and …, 1999
Chapter 1. Introduction 4 Benefits of investing in early childhood care and development programmes 4 Benefits of investing in programmes to improve child physical growth 5 Benefits of investing in programmes that combine ECCD and nutrition interventions 5 Interaction at three critical points 5 The child 6 The child and family 6 Design and delivery of programmes 6 Questions to be addressed by the review 6 Chapter 2. Background and methodology for the review 8 Measuring impact: the selection of outcomes measures 8 Outcomes related to child development 8 Long-term measures of individual outcomes 9 Outcomes related to child growth 9 Theoretical background for the review 10 Steps or process by which interventions are developed 11 Dimensions of research rigor to consider in evaluating interventions 11 Degree of control: adequacy of delivery and evaluation design 12 Context and conditions of the intervention 13 Level of intervention: where in the causal pathway does the intervention occur? 13 Chapter 3. Interventions to support psychological development 15 Child-focused interventions that provide psychosocial stimulation Parent-focused interventions to improve parenting skills and psychosocial Joint-focused interventions to improve parenting skills, and to provide Impact of ECCD interventions on psychological development 15 directly to the child 16 stimulation in the home environment 17 psychosocial stimulation to children and supportive services to parents 18 Effectiveness of ECCD programmes 19 Impact of nutrition interventions on psychological development 20 Improving nutrition through supplementary feeding 20 Mechanisms for effects of malnutrition on development 20 iii CONTENTS Bogota, Colombia 40 A combined intervention for children with non-organic failure-to-thrive Effectiveness evaluations of combined physical growth and psychological Programmes that provide food and stimulation to children, and education ECCD as an entry point and/or motivating factor for programme The Jamaica Study 41 A combined intervention for severely malnourished children 43 (NOFTT) 43 Summary of evidence for combined effects from efficacy trials 44 development programmes 44 Summary of additive effects from effectiveness and efficacy trials 45 Levels where interventions have an additive effect 45 The child 45 The child and family 46 Design and delivery of programmes 46 Implications for models of combined programmes 46 Programmes that provide centre-based preschool education plus feeding 48 on nutrition and responsive parenting for parents 49 Programmes that combine nutrition and education on responsive parenting 49 Other approaches 50 Programmatic issues 52 Potential programmatic advantages 52 Delivering interventions to those who are most likely to benefit 52 participation 53 Coordination of messages, materials and approaches 53 Potential operational constraints to combined programmes 54 Chapter 6. Summary, conclusions and recommendations 56 To what extent and through what means can psychological functioning To what extent and through what means can child physical growth be To what extent and through what means can nutrition and psychological development be improved simultaneously through combined health, Are there effective models for combined interventions, and are these Examples of programme models that can incorporate nutrition, health and Purpose of the review 56 Key questions addressed by the review 56 be improved for children living in disadvantaged environments? 56 improved in settings where chronic undernutrition is prevalent? 57 nutrition, and psychosocial interventions? 58 models feasible for implementation on a public health scale? 58 psychosocial components 59 Conclusions 59 Recommendations 60 Annex. Seven Programme Models 62 1. Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), India 62 2. Head Start, U.S.A 63 v A CRITICAL LINK: INTERVENTIONS FOR PHYSICAL GROWTH AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT 3. PANDAI (Child Development & Mother' s Care) Project, Indonesia 64 4. PRONOEI, Peru 65 5. Programa de Alimentacao de Pre-escolar (PROAPE), Brazil 66 6. Hogares Comunitarios de Bienestar (Homes of Well-Being), Columbia 67 7. Integrated Programme for Child and Family Development (IFBECD), and Family Development Programme (FCP), Thailand 68 References 70 Valuable assistance in reviewing the paper was provided by Dr Jane Lucas and Dr José Martines in the working group on Family and Community Practices in the WHO Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development. The special contributions of Mandy Mikulencak' s editing and Sue Hobbs' design are evident in the final document.
Background Undernutrition contributes to at least half the estimated six million annual childhood deaths worldwide. Furthermore, one in three children fails to meet their developmental potential because of risks including stunting, illness, under-stimulation, poor responsive interactions and maternal depressive symptoms. Our study investigates the role of caregiving processes on children's height-forage at 2 and 4 years. Methods The Pakistan Early Child Development Scale-up study assessed the longitudinal effectiveness of early nutrition and responsive stimulation interventions on growth and development at 4 years of age. In total, 1302 children were followed up from birth to 4 years. We leveraged path analyses to explore potential mediators of early intervention effects on children's height-forage at 4 years, including maternal depressive symptoms, mother–child interaction quality, diarrhoeal illness and height-forage at 2 years. Results Our final model had excellent model fit (comparative fix index = 0.999, Tucker–Lewis index = 0.998, root mean square error of approximation = 0.008) and showed that mother–child interaction quality mediated the effects of both enhanced nutrition and responsive stimulation interventions on height-forage at 4 years via its longitudinal stability from 2 years of age (β = 0.016, p = 0.005; β = 0.048, p < 0.001, respectively). Further, diarrhoeal illness mediated the effects of maternal depressive symptoms at 1 year post partum on children's height-forage at 4 years via the longitudinal stability of height-forage z-score from 2 years of age onwards (β = À0.007, p = 0.019). Conclusions The quality of early caregiving experience mediated the association between both interventions and height-forage. The effect of maternal depressive symptoms on growth was mediated by diarrhoeal illness. Programmatic approaches to child nutrition and growth must address all these potentially modifiable factors.
Background: Nutrition is an important part of health and development. Better nutrition is linked to improving the health of babies, children and mothers as well as improving the immune system during safer pregnancy and childbirth, without reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases. The results of the Timor Leste Demographic Health Survey show the infant mortality rate decreased by 1.2 per 1,000 live births (-2.71%) from the previous year. As a result, the infant mortality rate in Timor-Leste reached its lowest figure in 2021 with 43.1 deaths per 1,000 live births. Providing adequate nutrition food for child, they will grow up to be a strong, healthy child who will have perfect brain development so that the child will become intelligent. The function of nutrition for babies and toddlers is so important, so it is necessary to fulfill the nutritional needs of babies and toddlers according to their age Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand the role of nutrition for the growth and development of children at an early age. Methods: The method used is reading various articles that are related to the title and carrying out an in-depth synthesis according to reality. Result: Nutrition plays an important role in the growth and development of children because nutrition has important components needed by the body in the process of physical growth and development, systems nerves, the brain as well as the refinement of the intellectual level and intelligence. Fulfilling nutritional needs is the main factor in achieving growth and development results in accordance with genetic potential. Growth is any change in the body that is associated with increasing physical and structural body sizes. Meanwhile, development is increasing ability in the structure and function of the child's body which is more complex. Growth and development is influenced by environmental, family nutritional factors, hereditary factors, and hormonal factors. Conclusion: Nutrition plays an important factor in the growth and development of children which is influenced by factors family nutrition, environment, hereditary factors, and hormonal factors.
Contemporary Pediatrics, 2012
Child-our assurance for the future… A healthy society consists of healthy families and healthy children. Therefore, healthy growth of children is important for society and for families. A healthy child is defined as the one who does not show any illness syndromes, but a steady body growth, physiological maturity and cognitive development (Çetinkaya & Conk, 2009; Kavaklı, 1992; Neyzi & Koc, 1983). The term "growth" is used for defining a quantitative increase in the body or in some of its parts, whereas the "development" is used for functional changes including those which arouse from emotional and social interactions (Behrman & Kliegman, 1996; Beyazova, 1996). Growth is product of various factors, thus, a complex situation. In this complex, the answers to genetic factors, nutrition, metabolism, endocrine system, and peripheral tissue are of great significance, and required for such a sensitive coordination (Arcasoy et al, 1994; Kandemir & Yordam, 1995). Starvation and inadequate nutrition cause resistance against the growth hormone (Kandemir & Yordam, 1995). In small children, malnutrition has a dampening effect for motivation and curiosity, limiting their desire to play games and make observations. Due to the decreased level of interactions with surroundings, mental and cognitive development of children are adversely affected (Bellamy, 1998). The growth of head and brain tissues is closely associated with nutrition. This growth is accelerated particularly at the intrauterine period and within the 4-5 years after delivery. At the age of 5, the brain tissiues are grown up to the 90-95% of an adult person's brain tissue. This period is important for the development of brain, intelligence, and mental state. The remaining 5-10% of development is achieved by the ages of 18-20 (Bertan & Guler, 1995). For healthy and desired growth energy is required (Kandemir & Yordam, 1995). Hypothyroidism and hypopituitarism are of the most notable examples. Monitoring child's growth is essential for bringing up healthy generations. To this end, regular checkups of infants and their measure analysis should be made carefully, while problematic situations that might arise from environmental factors should be resolved (Arcasoy et al, 1994).
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2022
Food!! The word food itself holds a very important role in everyones lives. The food we eat gives us the needed energy to pursue our daily activities and gives us the necessary strength to help boost our immunity. The importance of an adequate nutrition for children below three years cannot be ignored or cut short. The early nutrition practices in a childs life decides, the how the latter years of life turn out. Therefore, it should be a fundamental right of a child to have good nutritional practices from day one. Exclusive breast feeding since very long has been emphasized upon by Governments of various countries, medical practitioners and other involved in maternal and child health sector. If a child gets exclusive breast feed for six months, experts believe that it helps a child to grow healthy and also contributes to overall development of the child. Healthy Nutritional practices play a vital role in health of children especially in children below three years. Healthy nutritiona...
According to the World Health Organization, nutrition plays a fundamental role from the earliest stages of fetal development across the human lifespan. Nutritious food is essential not only for survival but contributes to the person’s physical and mental well-being. In children, nutrition is pivotal. If a child is not given nutritious food from an early age it can have severe impact on its physical growth, cognitive ability and performance of the brain (Figure 1). A malnourished child is at a high risk for a wide range of health problems such as metabolic impairment, compromised immunity and developmental disorders, including attentiondeficit- hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, dyspraxia and autistic spectrum disorders. Right nutrition can have a profound impact on a child’s ability to grow, learn and rise out of poverty. It also benefits society, by boosting productivity and improving economic prospects for families and communities
This paper presents a broad discussion of the importance of a child's attachment .to his mother abd the relationship of such attachment to the child's optimal psychic development.
Thescientificworldjournal, 2003
The period of life called childhood is of worldwide interest, and is nicely illustrated by numerous stories about children's life around the globe in a recent series of books published by John Wiley & Sons as part of the Open University course on "Childhood"[1,2]. Adolescence and later adulthood are also important parts of the human development that shape us and our future generations. In addition to genetics, the conditions and environment during our first few years of life will have a binding impact on the development taking place years ahead concerning our achievements in life, our accomplishments, and our health.
We studied the influence of parenting on growth and development in toddlers. We used a cross sectional design and the subjects were randomly selected from those hospitalized in Health Department of Dr. Soetomo hospital Surabaya from November 1st 2006 to December 31st 2006 using questionnaires and direct observation during the interview. A significant result association between toddler growth (nutritional status) with caregiver and Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS) was found. There was no significant relationship between toddler growth (nutritional status) with breastfeeding and pos pelayanan terpadu (POSYANDU).Toddler development using Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST II) was significantly associated with breastfeeding and not significantly related to KMS, caregiver and POSYANDU. This study shows that toddlers growth was influenced by caregiver and KMS, while the toddler development was influenced by breastfeeding.
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