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1995, World development
44 pages
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Cross-country studies reveal a strong correlation between financial development and economic growth, indicating that finance may drive growth rather than merely accompany it. The research constructs a dynamic general equilibrium model to analyze the impact of financial intermediaries and external finance on production and investment decisions, particularly under conditions of risk and borrowing costs. Findings suggest that improvements in financial development enhance growth by facilitating access to external finance, particularly in industries reliant on such resources.
Why do some countries have growth-enhancing financial systems, while others do not? Why have some countries developed the necessary investor protection laws and contract-enforcement mechanisms to support financial institutions and markets, while others have not? This paper reviews existing research on the role of legal institutions in shaping financial development.
This research paper investigates the determinants of financial development. Credit to private sector is used as proxy of financial development in this study. Panel data from 1990 to 2012 on 27 developed and 30 developing countries has been used. The main interest of the research paper is to explore how different variables or indicators affect the credit to private sector as percentage of GDP (CPS) 1. The Hausman test is used to check weather fixed effect model is more appropriate or random effect model. Hausman test is in favor of Fixed Effect Model. The role of different important variables which effect the financial development have been found by using fixed effect model. It is concluded from empirical results that all exogenous variables except NFDI and RL have significant effect on financial development. Section I: Introduction The importance of financial development and economic growth have become more pronounced in recent years; in addition to other vital factors, the long term economic growth and welfare are correlated with the degree of financial development. There are different indicators to measure financial development such as size, depth, access, efficiency and stability of a financial system. The financial systems include markets, intermediaries, range of assets, institutions and regulations. A strong financial system guarantees the high capital accumulation (the rate of investment), trading, hedging, insurance services, diversified saving and portfolio choices etc. which facilitate and encourage the inflow of foreign capital and technological innovation. The greater financial development leads to poverty reduction, income inequality, mobilization of savings, better access of the poor to finance, high return investment, promotion of sound cooperate governance and enhancement of economic growth as well as welfare. The key importance of financial development and economic growth is generally acknowledged in the literature. However, the area of public sector borrowing from domestic banks and its impact on financial development and credit to private sector is still under-research. The public debt is often seen as a burden for both developing and developed countries. Since the early 1990s, there has been a fiscal improvement in both developing and developed countries due to restricted public debt; however, the fiscal adjustment in developed countries has been more noticeable than developing countries (World Economic Outlook, 2001). In recent years, the public debt in advanced countries has been falling while the emerging market countries do not follow the same trend. It is because advanced countries preferred to give credit to private sector than the public sector to avoid the crowding out situation. The crowding out situation limited the excess of private sector on credit from domestic banks both in developed and developing countries. The supply and demand of credit to the public and private sectors depends upon the macroeconomic conditions. If the level of public debt is high in the economy and macroeconomic variables indicate that the country's economic situation is vulnerable, domestic banks may be expected to prefer to finance public sector instead of private sector, which is more risky borrower. Thus, the private sector credit by the domestic banks may decline in such economies (IMF, Research Department, 2004), The credit to private sector is essential for the private investment and development in an economy. The domestic banks play a pivotal role in increasing employment, efficiency, productivity and inducing growth in an economy. However, in large emerging countries than advanced ones, the domestic banks mostly prefer to finance public sector to private sector. Thus, the private sector faces problems in finding credit for investment in form of crowding out systematically (Caballero and Krishnamurthy, 2004). The importance of financial sector cannot be denied as efficient financial system is a perquisite condition for 1 We use credit to private sector as percent of GDP (CPS) as proxy of financial development.
The positive effects of financial development on economic growth have encouraged researchers to study the determinants of financial development. Based on the theoretical and empirical studies undertaken, institutions, openness of trade and financial markets, legal tradition, and political economy are identified as factors promoting the financial system. Of these, political economy factors, which can have both direct and indirect effects through other determinants, could be considered the most influential factors in financial development. Variations in the political economy of countries could well explain variations in their financial development. Although all studies show the significant effects of these determinants on financial development, further research is needed to assess the impact of each determinant and the policies that could best promote financial development.
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2016
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The Journal of Finance, 2003
Journal of International Money and Finance, 2005
Does it matter for domestic investment whether a country's financial system is bank based or stock-market based? This paper posits that financial intermediation affects domestic investment notably by alleviating financing constraints, allowing firms to increase investment in response to increased demand for output. The key result is that the structure of the financial system has no independent effect on investment, in the sense that it does not enhance the response of investment to changes in output, while financial development makes investment more responsive to output growth. Consequently, rather than promoting a particular type of financial structure, countries should implement policies that reduce transactions costs in financial intermediation and enforce creditor and investor rights. This will facilitate the development of banks and stock markets, which will stimulate domestic investment.
This paper reviews, appraises, and critiques theoretical and empirical research on the connections between the operation of the financial system and economic growth. It describes the role of financial system development in economic growth at the macro level, both theoretically and empirically. It also describes briefly the relationship of corporate finance and firm performance. It finally concludes the review and presents some policy implications in view of the reviewed literature. Furthermore, theory and evidence imply that better developed financial systems ease external financing constraints facing firms, which illuminates one mechanism through which financial development influences economic growth. The paper highlights many areas needing additional research.
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