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2023, London Review of Books
3 pages
1 file
The discussion examines two contrasting narratives regarding genocide in the context of Israel and Palestine. It differentiates between legitimate legal-political discourse concerning violence in Gaza and misconstrued claims of genocidal intent related to protests on U.S. campuses. The paper argues for a clearer understanding of terminologies such as 'intifada' and emphasizes that false accusations of genocide undermine genuine dialogue, detract from real issues, and fail to address the growing antisemitism and, importantly, the anti-Arab sentiment prevalent in discourse surrounding Palestinian rights.
Genocide is the correct word to describe what is happening to Palestinians currently, but the word needs to be treated carefully and used wisely. Note: This is not an academic paper but Academia.Edu removed the distinction between papers and posts some years ago. Since then I have not uploaded blog posts, however I feel that the contents here are of interest to academics.
Words matter. No more so than in legal settings. Genocide is the word most associated with Israel's more than one-month-long assault on Gaza. In response to the October 7 Hamas attack against Israel, in which at least 1,200, mostly civilian, Israelis were killed. Genocide and Holocaust scholars, including those who believe that Israel has and is committing war crimes in its assault are divided about whether Israeli actions amount to genocide. Even so, they warn that Israeli actions could lead to genocide, if it not already has. What is certain is that optics streaming out of Gaza of the destruction and the plight of innocent Palestinian civilians, including large numbers of children and babies, explain the popular use of the term genocide when discussing the Israeli assault. To get some proper definitions and put things in perspective. I am joined today by Professor Omar Bartov, a world-renowned genocide and Holocaust scholar at Brown University in Rhode Island.
Not published, 2024
Understanding Genocide: Definitions and Criteria Genocide is defined by the United Nations Genocide Convention as "acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group." The International Criminal Court further defines genocide as the commission of specific acts with the intent to destroy a protected group, including killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of the group, imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group, and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. ## United Nations Reports and rulings from international courts provide compelling evidence to prove the occurrence of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza by Israel. 1. In a report by the United Nations, it is stated that Israel's acts and omissions towards the Palestinian people in Gaza are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial, and ethnic group. These acts include the killing of Palestinians in Gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental harm, and inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction (source 1).
The Systematic Destruction of Palestinian Memory, 2024
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XII - في يوم الأرض: وداعا سلمان ناطور الروائي المعجون بتربة الأرض XIII - DOCUMENTAIRES DE STÉPHANE VALENTIN Chapitre XIV- New ROAD MAP FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION The Palestinian issue to where?, 2020 XV-a استراتيجية لتصفية المشروع الصهيوني XV- b - A Strategy to end the Zionist Project in Palestine XV-c- Palestine Peace Movement (PPM) - Creating One State for Palestinians and Jews in Palestine XVI - Where to on Palestine? ...... Chapitre XX Mahmoud Darwichطباق عن إدوارد سعيد Chapitre XXI Volunteered at a Natural History Museum in Palestine [World Environment Day] Chapitre XXII COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Palestine Chapitre XXIII Chapitre XXIV : Le monde doit lutter contre l’annexion israélienne – qu’elle soit formelle ou non Chapitre XXV: HISTORIQUE DE L'APRÈS AL-NAKBA Chapitre XXVI : Hommage à l’écrivain Palestinien Salmane Natour Chapitre XXVII : L'Union européenne ne peut pas et ne doit pas inviter des Israéliens en Tunisie Chapitre XXVIII : LE MYTHE CHIRAC ET LA PALESTINE Chapitre XXIX: À Gaza, un peuple en cage Chapitre XXX APOCALYPSE GAZA (NOV.2012 DOCUMENTARY) Excerpt from PPM: The following points define the most important principles on which the movement is based, and the goals it seeks: 1. Establishing a single dual-identity state on all of Palestinian soil in which all Palestinian Jews and Arabs have the right to live in it as citizens with equal rights and duties. 2. The proposed state name is The Holy Land State of Palestine. 3. Writing a constitution for the state that guarantees the participation of the two peoples in power, and the sharing of executive power between the head of state and the prime minister. L’Université Brown inaugure « La Chaire Mahmoud Darwich EXCERPT from "L'énigmatique Ahmad Hilmi Pacha": "Le monde doit lutter contre l’annexion israélienne – qu’elle soit formelle ou non Par Ben White, le 20 mai 2020" Les graves violations du droit international et les politiques d’apartheid d’Israël ont persisté en grande partie parce qu’il n’en est pas tenu responsable internationalement. "À Gaza, un peuple en cage" À Gaza, un peuple en cage/In Gaza, a people in a cage Olivier Pironet Alors que les Israéliens sont appelés à élire un nouveau Parlement le 17 septembre, la bande de Gaza n'en finit pas de sombrer. Depuis treize ans, Tel-Aviv soumet le territoire palestinien dirigé par le Hamas à un blocus militaire dévastateur. Combien de temps la population pourra-t-elle tenir ?
On 15 October 2023, over 800 scholars and practitioners of international law, conflict studies and genocide studies signed a public statement warning of the possibility of genocide being perpetrated by Israeli forces against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Signatories include prominent Holocaust and genocide studies scholars, as well as many international law and TWAIL scholars.
This essay furthers the debate on the Palestinian case as it relates to Genocide Studies, questioning the lack of substantive discussion of this case to date in traditional Genocide Studies fora. It reemphasises the importance of the settler-colonial dimension to Zionist settlement in Palestine, which, it argues, has so far not been explored sufficiently. The paper suggests that the ‘Nakba’ of 1948, which was based on appropriation of the land of Palestine without its people, comprising massacres, physical destruction of villages, appropriation of land, property and culture, can be seen as an ongoing process and not merely a historical event.
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Journal of Genocide Research, 2024
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Genocide Studies and Prevention, 2012
Oxford University Press, 2017
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