Flow Transition in Finned Tubes

1976, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals

A2, 9 (1971)l. IV. If it is not possible to draw the (T / G) power-law line, giving C and Q~J , then a more laborious (yet conceptually simple) method becomes necessary. (1) Guess value of a, giving b. (2) Correct all data using eq 4A. (4) Repeat steps (1) and (21, adjusting @ until the corrected data have minimum deviation from a best fit power law line. ~~ COMMUNICATIONS This procedure lends itself to computer solution, as fol-(1) Input data, W) , convergence criterion; n = 0. (2) Reduce all data to (7 1 / G) using eq 4A; n = n + 1. (3) Perform straight-line least-squares fit of reduced stress as a function of shear rate; obtain C, QI,~, and the standard deviation, A%. A%(N). If A%(N) lowest so far; store C, 171,l. lows. (4) Store (5) If n > 2 go to (7). (6) Change a, @(N+l) = (7) If convergence has been achieved, go to (9). (8) Fit a quadratic (A% = a0 + a l a + + t. Go to (2). to lowest and two nearest neighbors. Solve for best A%(i). Use a m i n = ~1 / (2~2) .